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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ofp 2 campaign is going to be amazing beyond belief if they can pull this off....now losing and winning actually mean something. Imagine your squad getting cut to pieces and having to extract back to base via helicopter...except the mission doesn't end. You lost, they won, and the lines fall back a little. With a dynamic campaign, there will now also be a difference between a stunning victory killing 30 of the enemy's men without taking a casualty or having a tough, pitched town capture where casualities were about even. Currently in ofp it doesn't really matter which one you did, because the enemy and your squad will just be replenished next mission. But retreats and advances will have a whole new dynamic element in ofp2...IMO, this is the biggest thing the game has going for it. If they can pull this off, it will be the one factor in ofp that will revolutionize "military sim."
  2. ebns72

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Just played and downloaded CSLA for the first time, it is absolutely amazing The units are absolutely unbelievable and the whole mod plays very nicely At first I downloaded flashfxUR effects, and though I well surpass the requirements (P4 2.4, 1gb ram, radeon 9800) the thing lagged like hell...so I switched to CSLA and IMO they are just as good and lag a whole lot less OT: Thunderbird, I would post this in the FFUR thread but I can't find it...but something really needs to be done about the lagginess of FFUR effects. Now for the bugs: I am having some trouble on the single-player mission "trooper." No one in my squad (including myself) has weapons At first i thought, thats weird but maybe you get them from the resistance leaders...but then I was told to fend off a soviet counterattack of 2 tanks with bare fists :P. I haven't read this whole thread so this may have already been mentioned, but can anyone else confirm this? I am pretty sure this has been mentioned too, but helicopters emit overly-ugly black smoke.
  3. ebns72

    New screens

    Look at the water in the background
  4. ebns72

    New screens

    WOW! To me they all look amazing, I don't know what you're talking about To me, the terrain textures look pretty good. I do like the dynamic lights, and that rolling terrain...but best of all I like how they made the world "greener" because it looks so much prettier and realistic that way. PS where did you get these screens?
  5. ebns72

    LSR Addons

    Finally some pilots to replace the BAS ones...I always thought the BAS pilots were to spec-op-ish (after all I think they are modeled after SOAR) but it is good to see just some standard, normal chopper pilots complete with an IHADSS.
  6. ebns72

    New Iraqi Forces

    Well, though I voted for very good, IMO its between "OK" and "Excellent" as on the polls. Overall they look very good, clean textures, neat, and good looking...that being said they aren't anything super-spectacular, and there could be a bit more complexity with the vest and gear...even though it is a bitch working with 02, i know Yep so I put em between excellent and OK...I think that would be "good." They are definately releaseable and I am sure looking forward to these dudes in insurgent missions But as said above, we need a good iraq island..
  7. ebns72

    Damage models

    Tanks has this but not cars. Tanks loses it's ability to move, stear and/or fire but cars can only lose it's wheels and stearing. This system just have to be improved a bit. Yeah, but I think he means more than that...in wwiionline, if you hit a tank in a heavily armored section it will have no effect on it whatsoever. However, if you hit it in a weak spot, it might blow the whole thing up. WWIIonline's damage model is far more complex than flashpoint's...if you hit the tracks, not only will they be disabled but you can visibly see them torn to pieces by an tank round. If you hit the turret in a weakly armored spot then you might trigger an ammo cookoff (where the ammo inside the turret starts to catch fire and explode). Turrets can be popped off, fuel tanks can be leaked, different parts can be damaged, the armor is differently distributed throughout the tank, and there is no health bar. In wwiionline, with an anti-tank rifle some shots might kill it one hit, some you might hit all you want and it will have little or no effect depending on where you round the armor. Currently, ofp-uses a "health-bar" type damage system, where if the turret health reaches 0 it can't move...it is pretty simplistic compared to the simulated armor system of wwiionline. On another note, same exact thing for planes in both games...wwiionline has a nice aircraft damage model, but ofp has a health-bar damage model.
  8. ebns72

    What can we expect from the new engine?

    I think you misunderstood my post I was talking about how ofp runs shoddy even at lowest settings with a fairly high-end system, which hopefully will change with Armed Assault. I can't wait to see ofp in directx9, that would kick ass. However, I am looking more forward to the functional side of graphics-hopefully i will be able to jack up the viewdistance from my usual 500-900m up to something higher. That would make flying missios sweet Speaking of flying, I wonder if some of the vehicle physics coding would be changed? Will chopper and physics objects still act like jumping beans when they are shot down in ArA? Maybe we can finally see some cool crashes
  9. click click (notice the shadows on his helmet and his face) generally improved lighting now the following two are ofp xbox screenshots, but the same can be expected for AA if it is in ofp xbox: click older screenshot, but still look carefully
  10. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    @parvus...though I'm not actionhank, I'm pretty sure thats and older version of anjou with the dirt runway...the grass is either some other addon or photoshop.
  11. ebns72

    New Chinese Release

    these units are very nice But are there any high-quality chinese/asian islands out there? I know there are some from the ROC mod but they feel kinda everon-ish. Or are there any that seem to resemble asia?
  12. ebns72

    What can we expect from the new engine?

    I defintately hope some of the workload is given to my video card as well. When playing a game 4 years old, I am kinda disappointed when my system can run battlefield 2 and half life 2 smoothly with details turned up but struggles ofp at a viewdistance of 500 :P
  13. ebns72

    CQC Techniques ?

    There's no need for it because it's never used due to the fact it sucks horribly. There are a lot of great urban environments (tonal), towns, and buildings in ofp but they can't be used
  14. ebns72

    Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

    http://media.santoalt.com/videos/counter_struck.wmv Found this on the CS forums...though I'm not one of em I know there are a lot of CS haters here who I think would find this funny. the video mocks the overall "realism" of counterstrike (0 of course)...just watch it however, you kinda have to have played counterstrike to get some of it.
  15. ebns72

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    Isn't that cheating?
  16. ^^ this has been an ofp engine bug since day 1 I believe. It happens when the nvgoggles are to the left of the binoculars in the inventory/gear menu.
  17. ebns72

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    I played the demo. I can give you my thoughts. First off, the game is fun in my opinion. I don't give it shit that it is unrealistic, it wasn't designed to be. No one says every game has to be ofp. It can get crazy at times but is generally challenging while maintaining enjoyable combat. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the flight model, the aircraft flight models are fun but have a realistic feel to them. Obviously the fixed-wing aircraft flight models have some major unrealistic parts of them (no stalls as far as I could tell) but generally they felt right and were fun, surprisingly. Choppers were ok, they had too much inertia and felt kinda sluggish but still at least had the basic flight model. As said earlier though, the weapons are annoyingly inaccurate. It is close to impossible to have field warfare due to this problem. The sniper rifles are obviously unrealistically inaccurate, but I am kinda pleased with this decision because in other games I hate the pinpoint sniper campers (joint ops). However, I actually noticed if you go the support gunner role (m249, RPK, PK) and GO PRONE then these are actually surprisingly accurate. I find i kill most of the targets I shoot at with these weapons...the key is to go prone with them. On anther note, in the full game as you get promoted you can upgrade your weapons and unlock new kits which are probably more accurate. I was kinda disappointed technology-wise. Sure, the game looks pretty but there is much to be desired. I thought I heard about deformable terrain and dynamic building destruction awhile back, but I guess I heard wrong. There is none whatsoever . Other than graphics there is no really cool technology that I saw at least. Even the ragdolls seem a little crappy. The physics engine kinda sucks, they could have done a lot more and done some extremely cool aircraft crashes but the physics are extremely limited. All I saw was the occasional helicopter bouncing off the terrain but the disappointing thing is they exploded to smithereens about 5 seconds after they are destroyed. The remains of vehciles and other things as well can't even be pushed aside by a rolling tank...they are just stationary. Yep, so that "physics system brings the modern battlefield to life like never before" consists of the a rolling shell casing and helicopter that bounces off a wall if it is shot down 20 feet off the ground. On a positive note, the car handling "feels" very nice. Just the way it bounces around on the terrain and moves seems very realistic. However, the "destructible environments" they claimed is bullshit; ofp has more than bf2. You bounce off a street sign. It gets really annoying hauling around a badass m1a2 and you can't even go through a fence. Gameplay wise it is very fun as said above. Despite the problems the core is still very enjoyable. There are some enjoyable moments riding in a zodiac to the enemy aircraft carrier to sabotage planes on the flightdeck. Unfortunately, the whole game mode is flawed as far as I saw. You could have control of every single capturable base on the map and still lose. It really sucks and is completely flawed. I am not too sure on this so I am probably wrong but it seems like if you win you get a bonus..I think it would be smarter to handicap the losing team instead of boosting the winning one. It got extremely frusterating to have a complete advantage over the enemy and have the majority of the bases under your control but still lose. I thought as far as rules and game modes go joint ops was better. It seems kinda flawed from my perspective. I am not sure whether to buy the game or not, because while the game is fun I think my money would better be spent elsewhere. It would be cool to play on more environments as well, but from what I see there is nothing really that impressive (no dense jungles or anything just general plains or deserts.) Despite the lack of anything really impressive, doing things like playing as a medic or flying can be pretty fun. Commander mode especially I think is well done; you can call on artillery and a bunch of other cool things. Actually, if there was one thing I thought was cool it was the watching artillery from commander mode obliterate an enemy base Unfortunately, though the dev team obviously attempte to create teams and have people work together, no one does. The only advantages to being on a team as far as I saw were being able to request a supply drop. No one follows orders, and no one works together-they just fight together and happen to be attacking the same objective. Generally no one listened to each other; my pleas for a supply drop were not heard and the orders of the leaders were not followed. Overall this game has some pluses and minuses. I'll post more thoughts as I think of em.
  18. ebns72

    International Special Forces

    imo his legs are way too fat, and his body is a little too fat as well-he looks inda goofy out of proportion. overall though, I kinda bummed at ofp.info because I thought this was just another vbs addon I was really surprised when I learned that this was ofp...it looks amazing just the quality of it. Keep up the good work.
  19. ebns72

    SpeedTree for OFP2?!

    speedtree has gotten a good repuatation as having fkin amazing looking trees but having great performance at the same time. It would be awesome to see it in ofp. Download their "trees of pangea" demo. It has a buncha trees and grass over a huge terrain similar to what ofp can be but at the same time works great performance wise.
  20. ebns72


    I am curious as well about the ctds...this has stopped me from playing ffur because of constant ctds.
  21. ebns72

    The best war movie ever

    yeah, i read some reviews and they gave it crappy reviews, but I loved the movie. I think it is a excellent film personally, and I liked the fact that it showed the whole home front side of the war with the families and everything in addition to the battlefront.
  22. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    after more ctd research, I noticed the problem does not occur in the low-end config. It could be a scripting error of some sort, or it could be just my system gets overloaded but I well surpass the powerful config requirements.
  23. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    I have a clean directory as well, but i am still getting lockups and CTDs. <span style='color:red'>AMOST EVERY TIME CTDS/LOCKUPS ARE RELATED TO DEATH.* THIS COULD BE A PROBLEM WITH THE BLOOD SCRIPT OR SOMETHING SIMILAR.</span> *for example, when I shot someone from 10 feet away, and the second I pulled the trigger the game locked up right as the person I was firing at was hit.
  24. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    EDIT: I think thunderbird was right, i just deleted an effectpack.pbo which I didn't notice in my RES folder. I'll try playing the game now and see if i get any more ctds. i noticed something with the ctd issue...almost every time it happened it is related to death. Like when I kill someone it crashes sometimes, or if someone dies in a crash...it could be related to the blood script.
  25. ebns72

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    also, another note; I don't like the way every single parachute was replaced by a HALO one. It is unrealistic and kinda annoying the way in a paratrooper mission every single paratrooper has a HALO chute.