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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    New Uniform

    Yeah, personally I think ACU is crap and the army should have gone with multicam. Well anyway, before this turns into an argument about camo, I have seen pictures of currently-used desert and woodland camo in the game so it looks like there will be no ACU. Though it is still early in development, you never know From what I have seen so far, it appears that the game will be USMC-centric so we might not see as much of the army as we did in ofp1. Probably you might be some special forces but I think the grunt part will be focused on the marines. If BIS were to add the ACU, they might as well add an XM8 as well...personally, I hope neither is in the game. You never know though, the new ACU pattern might last until 2010, but this is really for BI to decide.
  2. ebns72

    Buying Flashpoint, places that have stock....

    I got GOTY at a website called chips n bits for 19.99.. I think this was it, not sure though.
  3. errr.....so, its supose that bohemia have one dinamic campaign for original flashpoint? . er, what about to release it as a gift for the community does this mean no more dynamic campaign
  4. ebns72

    US Night camo soldiers

    I have never seen this before, got any real life pics of it in action? Is that also what this is? Would be awesome if you could make a nighttime blackop like the one above.
  5. ebns72

    The Biggest OFP Question Of All

    I would like to see not only cities but general iraq deserts for gulf war 1991 scenarios.
  6. ebns72

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    EDIT #2: lol...found the problem...kinda embarrased to say this.. The problem was my crosshairs were disabled in the difficulty menu (I play ofp without crosshairs, only ironsights) so the lock icon wasn't appearing even though it was in fact a lock. EDIT: just tried plain old ofp without ecp and it wouldn't lock. This seems to be an ofp bug of some sort on my part. You sure about changing the config? I mean I disabled jamming in the ECP settings menu but neither will even lock on and create that little lock symbol. This is for laser designators too. Maybe its just me
  7. ebns72

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Is it just me or something intentional, but are laser designators and AA launchers completely useless now? Neither can lock on to a target...the AA launcher is pretty much just an AT launcher now and the laser designator is a useless waste of inventory space.
  8. ebns72

    Does AA or VBS1 support remaping the mouse|keyboar

    I'm pretty sure you can with the current ofp...I know I have personally modified a few controls... What exactly do you mean?
  9. ebns72

    Military/War Songs

    Heard this song on the radio today and for some reason thought of this thread-this is a good song: Black Sabbath-War Pigs
  10. To get this to true effect, the game would need to support full decals which I don't think it does. However, you can do a kinda cheap version of this as said above if an addonmaker has a script that changes the texture from clean to dirty after some time.
  11. ebns72

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Looking good thunderbird, but remember try not to overdo the effects and amount of scripts and particles cause that seems to be very laggy On the topic of the desert painted m1a1....this is because there was no use to paint it before 1990 Personally I think thunderbird should just go ahead and use the desert painted one.
  12. ebns72

    Mafia esq Mission ( Called The Big Boss )

    "Rival Gang" sounds to GTA IMO....how about assasinate the police chief Looking forward to this mission, seems different I remembered there being a standalone mafia addons somewhere with bodyguards in tuxedos...not sure where though.
  13. ebns72

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    looking great, by why on FDF islands? I am, too am curious if the editor will be clean but I don't think it will. Well anyway, enough negativity Can't wait to play ECP with great looking units. Looking forward to this mod
  14. ebns72

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Its a total replacement mod, like y2k3 or EECP-imo its the best one just because it stick to a "1985" theme whereas the others are all modern. It uses FlashFX as a base (as implied).
  15. ebns72

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Looking good thunderbird, please do tell me you have reduced the lag and fixed the crash bug...something I found about FFUR was that framerates dropped considerably even with the low config.
  16. ebns72

    Addon Requests: G3 and Fnfal

    There was an update to the FN FAL in FlashFXUR. I don't believe I have seen a g3 though.
  17. ebns72

    New VBS1 videos

    For parachutes, I would kinda like to see it the way FDF does it with parachutes being an inventory item. If you have one, you can jump out of the back of a plane and while in midair falling use the "open chute" option. But if you don't have one...well, you're screwed
  18. ebns72

    User Created Dynamic Campaigns?

    I hope dynamic campaigns will be able to be made with fair ease, otherwise its going to end up like the current flashpoint- a crapload of addons but nothing to do with em. I am pretty sure there will be lots of scripting and such, but hopefully as you mentioned they will create a wizard/template to use for the scripting-challenged among us...like me
  19. ebns72

    New VBS1 videos

    Something I've wondered: will AI be smart enough to walk freely in planes?
  20. ebns72

    Who is playing WWIIOL ?

    Definately a thing that will help you is get yourself in a squad. Since the game has a whole high-command squad, if you follow them around you are bound to be directed to some action by the higher ups in the chain of command. Along the way you usually learn alot about the rules and which radio channels to go to etc.
  21. ebns72

    Who is playing WWIIOL ?

    OMG! ARE YOU JOKING! I USED TO PLAY WITH 505TH!!!!!! I was a regular there...I love the 505th and all the people I used to play with (not sure if all of em are still there tho...) Actually, I think I still have an account on teamspeak and on the forums lol. However, due to budget constraints (monthly fee) I am not able to play anymore but I loonnng so much to play that game again. If DEW64 is still in the squad, please tell him ebns72 says hi I might see you in the future though if I ever play again. One more thing...some people from the squad, if they are still there, are probably wondering where I vanished to...tell em what I said here about not being able to play because of monthly fee. It is possible to drive and fly with a joystick. On the complexity: the game is notrious for somewhat of a steep learning curve. Keep playing, you will understand the rules and everything soon enough. I remember the first week or so of playing WWIIOL, everything was frusterating and boring. But I kept learning, and suddenly after about a week everything clicked, and I started having a blast in the game. It truly is an excellent game once you learn it. As said above, the game needs tweaks and such but at the core it is very fun IMO. It has a much better flight model, vehicle/tank model, and damage model than ofp as well.
  22. ebns72

    Interface discussion

    I played the brothers in arms demo, and I think a squad system like this definately needs to be in ofp. It is simple (only consists of 4 commands I think, and only 1 button on the keyboard is used.) It is quick, simple, and fairly flexible. There is no doubt squad command needs and overhall in ofp2, both AI wise and interface wise. Currently, scrambling through numbers with a bunch of commands is too complex, especially in the heat of combat and where commands need to be quick. Some commands could get automated or simplified, for example if the AI is idle I would expect them to automatically "scan horizon" while they are waiting.
  23. I don't think it will draw too much cpu power...if they will be able to have a fully dynamic campaign going on, CPU power shouldn't be a problem I think this might be being worked on for ArA actually. But I would be pretty certain something similar to this will be in ofp2 at least.
  24. ebns72

    Next Generation PC Game

    Yeah, I loved the original "operation flashpoint" because it sounded cool I thought, made me think of a high-tension flashpoint between soviet soldiers and the US during the cold war. "frontline soldier" seems kinda generic and cheesy IMO. BIS could always take a cheap way out and go with "Armed assault 2" but lets hope not... Personally, something tom-clancyish above would be cool.
  25. ebns72

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I haven't played ecp that much, but in the future...maybe way after the new ecp comes out, etc...is there a possibility you could do a 1985 conversion? Even though it is very nice, the old campaigns just don't feel right in 2005 era.