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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. One question I want to know regarding realism is if things from ECP like bullet whiz and such will be added to arma. I am going to be very sad if we don't get at least a bullet whiz or whoosh
  2. ebns72

    The Unsung Mod

    wow, nice jungle pics at ofp.info guys! THAT is what i have always wanted in ofp. that is so amazing you have no idea. It looks from the pictures to only be really tall grass, which is very clever and hopefully shouldn't be too performance-consuming. My only gripe is make the variable on undergrowth height a little bit. Density is fine, but the height of it shouldn't be so unifrom to give it a more natural look.
  3. ebns72

    Turkish Union Addon Pack 2

    All the picture links seem broken
  4. ebns72

    Military Humor

    Sounds like a M*A*S*H* rerun.
  5. ebns72

    The Sniper

    things i think the sniper needs: Realistic bullet physics. This means more trajectory (bullet drop), wind, etc. Better "steadiness" simulation: This game needs deployable bipods, without a bipod it should be almost impossible to hold your gun steady, more weapon shake...with a bipod you can hold it steady.
  6. ebns72

    Guess the name of the game

    since this thread is revived and no one guessed these two correctly, they are two macintosh classics, Bugdom and Boom
  7. ebns72

    Semper Fidelis

    If I recall they are tiny explosive charges designed to destroy the canopy when the pilot ejects so he doesn't smash through the glass. The harrier jet and some other planes use this detonation cord system that explodes the glass whereas most planes just have the canopy pop off.
  8. ebns72

    Project '85

    I think I detect a little sarcasm( ), but I might as well point out something interesting: yes and no. They are real islands, but with different names and they are not in a single chain...they are spread all over the world. Malden. Everon Kolgujev
  9. ebns72


    looks good, I want to see it now
  10. I, too would like to see advanced bullet physics for tanks and soldiers. Would be cool to have to really account for wind and bullet trajectory as a sniper. They probably won't include the soldier movement speed affected by heat, but wind making it more difficult to fly would be extremely cool and do-able. Tanks getting stuck in the mud would be really difficult to implement unless it is a frusterating, random system, however it can be made so weather adjusts vehicle's traction. That would be cool.
  11. ebns72

    Who is playing WWIIOL ?

    I'm not exactly sure when I became inactive, but I hope I qualify
  12. ebns72

    Doom Movie

    Some movies are so bad, they're good. It looks like it is going to turn out that way
  13. ebns72

    Nature Pack - Tropic

    looks amazing berghoff, but it looks kinda sparse for a tropical island? Anyway, I would love to see some really dense tropical jungles. I love BAS tonal for their super-dense jungles in some areas, and it would seem fit to include some dense forests. Also, finally some GREEN in ofp. It gets kinda sad how default ofp stuff is so bland. Keep up the good work
  14. ebns72

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Are bambi's blackops really that realistic? I mean I don't think they would wear all black in mid-1980s era...
  15. ebns72

    Laser designators

    do you have crosshairs disabled
  16. ebns72

    Red Dawn

    I saw the marathon on last night, it kinda reminded me of flashpoint resistance I am sure that it is more than possible in ofp. In fact, I think it would be ideal in ofp...we just need a midwest-style map and it could be made.
  17. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Its possible to create good pics with GIMP. Its just not as fancy and requires a little more patiene and skill. Hell, you don't have any other option so why not just try it?
  18. ebns72

    Laser designators

    If the pilot is in your group, you need to tell him to target "laser" (its an option in the "target" squad command menu) and he should do it. If the pilot is not in your group, I think its all a matter of what AI chooses as their target
  19. ebns72

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

    This game has been delayed sooooooo much that I'm starting to lose interest. It still has a nice concept and could break new ground, but I am getting tired of waiting. But thats just impatient me.
  20. ebns72

    Nogovan Castle

    IIRC, BIS took several locations around the czech republic and europe and pieced them all together to form nogova. If you go to the BIS "fun" website you can also see a picture of a castle that looks EXACTLY like the one on everon. Check also here
  21. ebns72

    A taste of F.E.A.R.

    lol, I didn't even mess with the settings. I just let it autodetect and autoconfigure everything and it looked great and ran fine. Overall: FEAR is essentially the same fps formula and gameplay if you strip it down, but it is unique in its style and presentation that makes it exciting and worthwhile. I liked it I might buy it.
  22. ebns72

    A taste of F.E.A.R.

    As far as I saw in the demo, this cannibal guy leading an army of super soldiers takes over some coporation and all this supernatural stuff starts happening. As part as a super-duper secret government strike team called First Encounter Assault Recon, you have to kill him. The bad guy is creepy. He eats people...and you see it. the plot is a little cheesy if you ask me, but I thought the gameplay was pretty decent.
  23. ebns72

    A taste of F.E.A.R.

    Instead of rewriting all my comments, just pasting what I said on another forum: EDIT: I posted this on the half life forum, thats why I mentioned ravenholm and some physics things. Not done playing yet, but so far it seems pretty cool Here is my review...I got to the part a little after the ladder to share my thoughts. I have different thoughts on the game thus far. My only major gripe right now is the weapons. I don't like the way they "Feel" when you shoot them and generally I think they lack personality. I didn't like the handling..the tracers seemed kinda annoying and fake-looking. There are some cool guns in there (like that gun turns people to smoldering skeletons was cool, and the nailgun-thing inspired by the half life crossbow) but generally at the end of the day it didn't seem like it really mattered which ones you used in combat. They all felt....too balanced....like there was no real super duper advantage or different playstyle required for individual weapons. The only thing that really changed between the weapons is the way your bad guy died. BUT...the game totally makes up for it in its brilliant action sequences. The firefights in the game feel very hollywood (in a good way). Everytime you fight it feels like you are put right in a matrix movie, between the parallax-mapped bulletholes, the special effects, the blood, the physics, the exploding things, etc the combat is truly a rush. Speaking of, the physics are ok but nothing incredibly special. Its cool how you can see your feet move things, and I did like the way ragdolls didn't slow you down but still had physics if you stepped on them. There weren't a ton of interactive objects in game, it seemed like the developers placed the physics-affected objects in or near action sequences for the most part. For the affect the physics in the game are trying to achieve of cool things exploding during a firefight, this is fine. The atmosphere in the game is great. It has a good, dark, a spooky atmosphere. Every time I walk into a supply closet I wonder whats going to be in there. While some things made me jump for a second overall it isn't really anything more than the first time I played ravenholm was. I was expecting it to be a lot more scary to be honest. Most of the "Scariness" is just kinda a creepy atmopshere and thats it. Some parts will make you jump though...the little girl is creepy. The game also had nice contrast...slow, eerie, walks through dark halls turned suddenly into completely-chaotic-fast-awesome firefights. While the atmosphere was great, the levels themselves seemed to lack a sense of location. They seemed very generic and didn't have a lot of personality to them...this could just be a demo thing. If I buy the full game maybe I will get a greater understanding of where I am exactly. Though they were creepy I must say. Now if you will excuse me, I have to play some more FEAR. EDIT again: I had no problems performance wise with the games, but I have a radeon 9800/1 GB RAM and a pentium 4 2.4 ghz.
  24. ebns72

    New Uniform

    Your pics aren't loading harnu
  25. ebns72

    New screens

    Yeah, I noticed that too