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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Did BIS sold your free addons?

    guys, its a simulator for training purpose-so soldiers can buy ofp and download this mod from what it seems. IMO I think its fine, as long as they give proper credit...I mean, its not like its being sold on ebay or anything, and its not like they are intentionally stealing others work for profit. If you guys watch the video, they had a very short timeframe to make this and why make everything from scratch. Whoever buys this is mostly buying the engine, not the addons. They simply want to create an iraq environment in a short timeframe. I, actually, would be honored to have one of my addons used in a full-scale military simulator to help give soldiers immersion and the tools they need to survive. Its not like they are selling addons AND ONLY ADDONS on ebay. The addons are there to compliment an iraq feel to a military training simulator which is a modification of the flashpoint engine.
  2. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Every time I fire the m16 in the ffur 1985 pack, there is this sound that occurs after that sounds like a truck starting. I would assume this is supposed to be a bullet whiz, but it sounds terrible! and it gets really annoying as well. Is there any way to modify/remove this?
  3. Wow. Despite the lack of normal maps, that marine looks better imo than the game2/armed assault player models. His proportions and everything are perfect. I am in envy..I wish I had the $$$$ to shell out to buy this
  4. ebns72

    Vote for jumping?

    I have never been in real combat in my life, but based on my paintball experiences the fact is its not that you can't jump, you can (I've tried) but its simply the fact there is no real need for it and you usually don't want to. At most You hop over a log or fence or take a longer strider to get over a stream of water. So jump really isn't needed in a combat situation.
  5. ebns72

    Buying Next Gen? Launch or wait?

    Probably get a ps3. I am not really impressed with the xbox360, the screens from the games just look like an expensive pc. However, the ps3 has taken my breath away and truly looks next-gen imo; like nothing anyone has seen before. It also has some new technology for a super-fast processor. I'll probably be getting a ps3.
  6. ebns72


    I always thought it was "Freedom and Independance Army" Could have sworn I saw it somewhere.
  7. ebns72

    Music Recommendations

    -The faint. I don't expect much people to like it. But I like it. Their music is very energizing.
  8. ebns72


    There's a nice new running animation, I know that...but the rest seems unchanged
  9. ebns72

    VTE open beta 09-13-05

    B52 seems to be the right size. I've stood next to one before and was actually surprised...it was a lot smaller than I thought it was, despite the fact is was still ginormous Anyways, there are some parts of this mod that are ecp-compatible and some parts that aren't. There is bullet whiz and some shouting, but bouncing nades on some units aren't there. I would love to see a config for this mod that is incorporates ecp or just is fully compatible with ecp. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but some vehicles could also be added/replaced. the m113 and m163 could be replaced by the INQ ones, and there were some cool things in an NVA pack released awhile ago (my favorite was a sailboat sampan).
  10. ebns72

    VTE open beta 09-13-05

    This pack is amazing, too many good things about it to go through them all here. Finally we have absolutely perfect jungles (Ashau valley is amazing). I thought you guys should know VTE ia drang valley is entirely devoid of undergrowth in the jungles...it doesn't look or feel like vietnam. I am wondering if this is a bug or not. Also, the pack needs more missions in maps other than SEB ia drang! This map is completely devoid of jungle, at least make some conversions to the VTE version after you fix the jungle undergrowth.
  11. This picture remind me a lot of WWIIOL. The islands look fantastic! How is the lag?
  12. ebns72

    addon idea cave pack

    If you use the cave in the editor menu, you'll notice two problems which are also limits to the ofp engine: 1. horrid collision detection (falling through walls, getting stuck, etc) 2. Unusable by AI. I would love to see caves too, but flashpoint doesn't really seem to support them too well
  13. ebns72


    If it did exist in reality, what would be the point of zooming in an out? There is no need to do so.
  14. ebns72


    EDIT: nm
  15. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    There's no way thats ofp1, unless he spent hours making it look like the game has bumpmaps in photoshop, created some new units, and made new textures for the trees. IMO, I think it may be VBS2...was combat! working on a US army pack for vbs2? This looks to be it.
  16. ebns72

    Brothers in Arms, Earned in Blood demo

    EXACTLY. You guys are way too negative, you need to take a game for what it is and not for what it isn't. I like BIA, i wish opflash had the squad control system it has (very simple yet flexible). You cannot compare to BIA to medal of honor or call of duty, because BIA is miles ahead in realism, cinematics and gameplay IMO. My only major gripe with the game is that there is a little too much weapon sway. Every game cannot be uber flashpoint on a 100km battlefield, but this game at least tries to be better than the rest. The game tries to be realistic, so there are no med packs or medics. Medics didn't push magic button and heal in reality, which is one of my gripes with flashpoint.
  17. ebns72

    Brothers in Arms, Earned in Blood demo

    I liked it, it was enjoyable I thought. I didn't like the new city environment though, i liked the old ones from bia.
  18. I since while were talking about a sound engine, I would love dynamic sounds. Look at day of defeat: source...sounds richochet off the map and become muffled if they are far away. All the background sounds in that game are actual firefights happening in the map, though at first they seem like your typical canned background noise.
  19. ebns72

    dak seang island

    Suprised a thread hasn't been made yet about this island yet, considering it has probably the best jungles seen in-game yet (besides tonal). I have waited for a nam map with halfway decent jungles, and here it is. Check it out over at ofp.info. This island has water-rice patties (yes, wading through waist-deep muck-style rice paddy!) and tons of custom objects. Not only is this an excellent island, but its objects can be quite useful in other islands as well. My only nitpicks are that A) the rice paddies could be more natural (they seem really squarish...err..hard to explain) and the undergrowth of the jungle could be thicker. Note to author-you can keep the polycount but make it appear the undergrowth is thicker by simply scaling a lot of the undergrowth from small "foot-sized" bush to malden "man-sized" tree. Discuss. Dak_Seang_SF_Highlands.rar
  20. ebns72

    Let us make the Game2 commercial!

    I've always thought we should do a game commmerical. I have thought about this before. I think an awesome commercial would be game footage of a totally chaotic-realistic operation flashpoint assault. There would be a mess of radio chatter, people shouting all kinds of things, bullets whizzing by (ok i know this is a lot of ECP :P) and then you hit the dirt and return fire. Basically the whole idea would be to depict chaotic realism (if that makes sense) almost like the combat videos you see of iraq on the military channel...then the screen would fade to black and say "actual gameplay footage" and then with the game information (rating, yada yada yada). THe whole commercial could be about 30 seconds, with 20 seconds of combat footage and then 10 seconds of the information. I think the hard part would be capturing the right flashpoint gameplay situation to depict this.
  21. ebns72


    This is amazing what next, infantry?
  22. ebns72


    apoligies if this has been mentioned before, but here are some bugs i have reported: -ai doesn't like this. I am having trouble assigning "Transport unload" waypoints and such and getting the ai to cooperate with them. -you cannot shoot the cargo and driver proxies through the glass. -one of the reasons i like your hummers over the combat ones is now gone: death animations for the gunner proxies.
  23. ebns72

    vietnam maps

    1 word: fog. OFP cannot simulate real vietnam dense jungles while still maintaining performance. Use fog in your mission, it helps a lot.
  24. ebns72

    Desert FIA

    These guys will go great as generic opfor, and they look like they might have some use in woodland as well
  25. ebns72

    Casurina Island

    looks amazing I am anticipating this island quite a bit. Suggestion: Use mapfact lights for nightime (look at mapfact nogova at night). I hate bis lights