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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72


    The things I personally find revolutionary about it are both in concept and technology. To my knowledge, there has been no other game that procedural generation for the animations and such. What Will Wright was talking about was the game analyzes what you've made and makes behavioural patterns, the way it walks, etc. Based on what you do. For the walking example, there are no defined walking animations that exist in the game. Every animation is a different one based on your species configuration. Think also about the sheer scale of it...you thought ofp was large, this game covers and entire GALAXY each with their respective solar systems each with their respective planets and moons. The dynamicness (is that a word? :P) is incredible. As the video demonstrated, terraform planets by first creating an atmosphere by releasing gases created by volcanoes, then transplanting animals and creatures from one world to another. You can destroy a planet and form a new astroid belt or chunks of the planet could form a moon. Stars can collapse and become supernovas. You can conquere the galaxy or destroy it. The game creates and entire, functioning ecosystem for every planet, In addition to simulating what can be an entire planet of politics and countries similiar to what we see in the civilization series. Yet game manages to create these complex planetary ecosystems consisting of possibly hundreds of creatures not just for one planet but an entire galaxy of planets. On top of that, all the creatures are taken from every player currently playing the game, or it can be evolved by the computer from a spore. You can also play god by terraforming a planet and putting your own spores there to watch them grow and become their own ecosystem. I am not certain what you mean like "every other animal on the planet." You can create any creature your imagination can handle, and you can evolve them how you please (however there are some limits as to how much you can change from your original creature based on a points/buying system). I was wondering (and I am hoping) that this game will include Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. If it were included, if an unsuccesful generation of species died out, you would just go back to the previous generation and attempt to make a better mutation. The game will probably include this (natural selection is how evolution occurs in reality...) along with the possibility of AI-controlled varients of your species mutating to become their own species. Or at least I hope so, that would be so sweet to compete with other varients of your species in the survival of the fittest.
  2. ebns72


    its pretty long, I didn't watch it all in one sitting. I watched it throughout the day, did like 20 minutes then remembered where I was at and came back. You can pause/resume it easily, it may appear like it doesn't work but just give it 10 seconds after clicking the button and it should work. The best part, IMO, is toward the end or 3/4 the way through, so don't stop half-way through and think you've see it all!
  3. ebns72

    Some neat idea

    I can see what you're getting at, but it probably won't be in focus to do so. However, game 2 will simulator other aspects of a soldier's life, probably such as fatigue, sleeping and rest.
  4. There's also this: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=5892
  5. ebns72

    A math quiz for you all

    Question 1 If 1 Greek Drachma (Gk Dr) is worth 1 Ë Greek Drachmas, how many lamps can be bought from the market, if each lamp is 4 times the cost of each other lamp, the cost being the same as it was the year before last? Question 2 What is the smallest number? A) 00 B) 0.0 C) -0 Question 3 Two clock towers (Tower A and Tower B) facing North East and North North East respectively, stand almost one mile apart. Both towers are taller than each other by roughly 54 feet but less wide than one another by a similar value. Each Tower Master often charges an admission fee of around 15 pence but adds a non-mandatory administration charge of about 20% to almost every visitor. Can you calculate: A) the exact height of Tower A B) the approximate height of Tower B Question 4 If: UP = -DOWN MORNING = -AFTERNOON and EMPTY = -FULL What does KENNETH equal? Question 5 You have been sent out on an errand to buy some fruit for your family. Your fruit-basket has the capacity to hold 80 apples. At the fruit-mongers you fill your basket up to a third, but returning home, you are reprimanded by the tax collector of your citadel, and ordered to pay the 32.4% apple levy - in apples. You return home with your remaining apples and distribute them amongst your 12 family members. Are there enough apples to give each family member sufficient vitamin C to see them through the bitter winter ahead? Question 6 I am divisible by two, but not by one. If I add myself to myself, I become nothing. My whole is half the sum of my total. What am I? Question 7 magician pulls rabbits out of a top hat at the rate of 18 standard rabbits per hour. How long will it be before he has enough pelts to make a fur coat for his assistant, who has a mass volume of 144 gallons? Question 8 What is a Niligon? Question 9 In an average year, the Sun orbits the Earth 1.2 times in 24 hours. If, on January 1st, its speed is 22 million mph, and it increases by a factor of 12 every fortnight, then A: How many days will there be this year? B: On what day will Christmas fall? See if you can refrain from using the internet or a calculator, but it is nearly impossible to do so. Good luck!
  6. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics3/ArmA_Progress_01.jpg *wets pants*
  7. ebns72

    Babylon 5 : I've found her

    I think I played this once, but was disappointed at the physics. Expecting something like a combat version of orbiter it had typical spaceflight with a kinda shoddy "inertia mode" where you press a button and slide on ice. It felt too stiff and didn't feel very realistic compared to orbiter, which very nicely simulates zero-g spaceflight...in babylon you just kinda kept sliding until you changed direction. This is realistic but you could pretty much sharply changed direction at any moment (kinda unrealistic) and I don't recall any inertia on the rolls and spins which kinda ruined it for me. its only on the general direction vector of your spacecraft. I could be wrong though...this is only what I remember. Maybe they changed it with the update...can anyone who has played it tell me how the inertia flight works?
  8. ebns72

    Lost Resistance CD :(

    believe or not, drunken birds who fuss over where you want them to go can be used to desribe helicopter controls IRL BF2 has much better, believe or not, flight physics than ofp, especially the fixed wing. Never flown helicopters before, but I am about halfway into getting my private pilot's license, and flight in ofp is simply retarded and in no would should be considered a simulator by any degree. Helicopters are decent, but from what I hear IRL they are much harder to fly than fixed wing, which isn't exactly depicted in ofp. Having played quite a few helicopter sims, these all seem to depict this point quite frusteratingly..hehe
  9. half life 2 does have the effect where there is delay in sound and visuals, and it also has much better distance effects than ofp. Watch that video I posted...every single background gunshot is a real gunshot going off in the distance. If we could have that in ofp, tha t would be cool. Dynamax: watch that video I posted. Notice 35 seconds in how the mg42 firing goes from muffled to very loud and sharp. This displays what he is talking about very well...the background gunshots are actual players firing in different parts in the map, but the sound effects change the pitch depending on where you are. Ofp has none of this from what I can see. Here is an easy way to think of it: when an airplane (in real life) flys past you. It doesn't make the same sound throughout. It makes a "rrrrrreeeeeeeeeerrrrrroooooooooowwwwwwww" starting higher pitched at first and getting lower. IN ofp, currently it just makes the same sound as it flys over, with no change in pitch (just a little in volume).
  10. hey bouben, i know exactly what your talking about have you played day of defeat: source? This effect is very well displayed...its incredible! the doppler effect and sound echoes are implemented so well that at first I thought distant gunfire was just a recorded background noise being played like we see in many games. I soon realized it was actual firefights happening around the map! There is absolutely no recorded background gunfire in any day of defeat maps-its all realtime firefights in the distance, yet it sounds very real. If this could be implemented in ofp, you have no idea how much it would increase immersion. This effect gives a real "battlefield" feel to hear distance pops from a different firefight happening across the maps. As it currently is, the sound effects sound the same no matter what. If it were implemented, a distant helicopter would be mor elike a low rumble, jet and airplane flybys would actually sound like their real life counterparts, distant firefights could be hear, and the weapons would sound different depending on where you were. This effect is done, I might add, I think by adjusting different values in the sound. All the sounds are one sound, but by adding slight echo, adjusting the base/treble etc different effects are achieved. Here is a good example: video on the top right about 35 seconds into the movie, the player enters a wide open area where an mg42 is...this mg42 can be heard firing throughout the video in the background, but when he enters the wide open area it is located in you can hear the sound of it change.
  11. ebns72

    Is this PC good for gaming ?? Any input is appreci

    answer to the original poster: yes. It will run most new games really smoothly. Don't expect any upgrades in ofp (i upgraded from a 64 mb geforce 4 mx440 to a radeon 9800 pro a year ago and it ran the same..lol) but it should handle new games beautifully. As others has said though, you might want to go with AMD but Intel should serve you fine. but if you have the option go with AMD though.
  12. ebns72

    Americas Army as Training tool

    Actually, if you play americas army it is a decent simulator. The major problem with it right now is no one is willing to play it realistically and its just a free-for all if you join a server, making it unrealistic. However, with proper cooperation and whatnot I could easily see how the game could be used as a simulator. Americas army is actually a lot more realistic than CS contrary to popular belief. Actually, it has pretty much the exact same control options/features as operation flashpoint (prone, fatigue, etc) except that the weapon is centered on the screen. Have you seen some of demos of the upcoming version? The terrain is surprisingly expansive, it even has vehicles and everything. America's army outdoor maps are actually already pretty wide open, almost like if you took a small chunk out of an ofp map.
  13. ebns72

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    happy thanksgiving everyone! Even if you don't celebrate it, just take some time to think about all you have to be thankful for
  14. ebns72


    If i read your post right, this is a FLIGHT SIM. you cannot compare a ground infantry game and a flight sim.
  15. ebns72


  16. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    f'in amazing! perfect!
  17. ebns72

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    this shot looks like arma... completely unedited not even resized. Addons: FFUR, retaliation campaign.
  18. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    looking good!
  19. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    yeah. A point I should make is that brand-spankin new uniforms do actually have a slightly reddish tint to the brown and the green looks lighter like in one of thunderbird's posts a few pages back with the uniform on the rack. However see my pictures for slightly weathered uniforms...the colors are a little more faded and are thus not as saturated. look at my reference pictures for...well...reference.
  20. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I am part of a military auxillary, so I own an authentic uniform...although my digital camera isn't working to take pictures of it, this is pretty accurate as far as colors go. Note how the brown isn't too reddish. This should be used as your reference. thunderbird, i made a swatch of stgn's pattern using the correct colors...this is the what your camo should look like: here is a super-duper-pixel enlarged swatches of the colors i edited: also thunderbird, that man in your photograph appears to be a marine because of the faded bluish tint to his camo. All marines that wore this old camo have it like this because their cloths were washed with the navy's blue uniform so using those colors as referenes would be incorrect. here are some more pictures to give you some good references: note the colors on his sleeve in this one: THE FOLLOWING ONE IS PROBABLY THE BEST REFERENCE! THIS IS A CLEAN SHOT OF A FAIRLY WEATHERED, AUTHENTIC JACKET! this click...large size
  21. ebns72

    trench system help

    Trenches are a limiation in the ofp engine...they techincally can be done, but are pretty difficult and buggy when done due to ofp's crappy collision. Basically what you have to do is create a custom object (3d model and everything) of flat land with a trench. Then you have to make a hole in the ground on your map and put it in. One good example that comes to right now is a couple of the VTE vietnam mod maps-they have some pretty good trenches. Other than that though...I would stay away from trenches.
  22. ebns72

    trench system help

    Trenches are a limiation in the ofp engine...they techincally can be done, but are pretty difficult and buggy when done due to ofp's crappy collision. Basically what you have to do is create a custom object (3d model and everything) of flat land with a trench. Then you have to make a hole in the ground on your map and put it in. One good example that comes to right now is a couple of the VTE vietnam mod maps-they have some pretty good trenches. Other than that though...I would stay away from trenches.
  23. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    The only color that needs to be edited is the brown....it looks like it has a reddish tint to it. Other than that, the green, black, a light tan colors are fine and there is no need to adjust them.
  24. ebns72

    WWIIEC: Anjou 1939-1944 V3.0

    This island is way too laggy It is a shame, because it so detailed. This is has great, wide open farmland for battles, but it is ruined by having to turn the fog way up just so you can get a decent framerate.