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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Rainbow Six: Letdown DEMO

    haven't downloaded the demo, but when all the screenshots in the game gallery involve big explosions with flying ragdolls, you know that the game has departed from realism quite a bit. Judging a book by its cover I'm downloading the demo now to check it out. EDIT: just played it. Meh. Its just meh. Felt nothing like R6. Felt...like nothing at all (in a bad way.) had nothing special about it, just felt like a plain shooter. When I first got into the game with the blazing techno music, I kinda shrugged. (I know im judging a game based on things other than gameplay.) But I liked the raven shield themesong, it was very "war on terrorism" and made you feel like you had a job to do in the name global security. So I got into the game...WTF? NO MISSION PLANNER! Yeah team loadouts, but thats nothing special...the mission planner was one of my FAVORITE parts of raven shield. It made you feel like you really were some highly trained operative who was in charge of a delicate operation and you knew what you were doing. . So I got into the game...my team is all female? I mean, I have nothing against women, but I have a feeling its another over-use of hot chicks in a game once again, which is especially out of place in a counter-terrorism game.. Played a bit. Played very generically. The AI sucked. In additon to your command options being limited, your team used what seemed to be pre-scripted cover points. They didn't have the cool, tight, swat-like movement that I loved in r6 games. They moved more like the soldiers in COD...hiding their asses while you take out the enemy, then once you do all the dirty work they move up. They also stayed way behind you most of the time. One of the things I loved about the r6 series as a whole is that you really felt like you were part of a team, and you needed to really pull together each other's assets and abilites in order to survive and get the job done. Every member had special attributes and could be of varying uses in your mission...they had a role in the mission plan, and were not just another person firing beside you. This time around, I really just felt like I was the one running the show. The ai fired maybe 1 shot in the first 5 minutes (after experiencing like 15 tangos). And the enemy ai is pretty damn stupid too. Their aim is...well...my grandma could probably aim better than them. The entire time i was literally full sprinting around death charging at the enemy and wiping out squads of 4 men without a scratch. Its like they tried to make it realistic with the movement speed and all, but just failed. Bottom line: They COMPLETELY failed to make the game have the palm-sweating intensity and realism in other rainbow six games. I remember being afraid to open the next door and kinda "preparing" for it because the enemy were real, dangerous threats. Not in this one. The main problem with this game is mediocricy. The game is an awkward balance between realism and arcade, it is mediocre in both but is good at nothing. As a result, it is not worth $50 when i have counterstrike and americas army both installed in my system (the most fun/arcady CQB game, the (arguably) most realistic/intense cqb game) and I can play either one depending on what my mood is. It is just mediocre as far as gameplay goes. But The above statement does not include the fact it has a rainbow six title on it. I agree...they kicked the bucket with this one. Its not rainbow six anymore, its (excuse my offensive language) g h e y shooter with no real place or outstanding qualities.
  2. ebns72

    Air Combat/Dog Fighting

    I've played many, many flight simulators, and I have played enough to learn that dogfighting is both an art and a science. There's much more to it than "turnfighting" (see who can outturn each other.) The most important thing about dogfighting is probably energy management and knowing your manuvers. Energy management is key...if your press "E", you lose the dogfight. Unfortunately, flying in ofp is complete crap. Its unrealistic and unwieldy, and trying any of these manuvers wouldn't work how they were supposed to/use their real-life advantages. I am currently a student pilot, and the flight model in ofp is FUBAR to say the least and most flight simmers would laugh their heads off if "ofp flying" and "simulation" were used in the same sentence. However, if you play a game like Aces High, IL2, lock on, maybe even wwiiol these are very good manuvers to learn. Timing is everything with these...scissors are especially imporant. Many people complain about a cheap manuver called booming and zooming, but a well-timed scissor can easily put you at an advantage. It takes a lot more than picture to get these manuvers down though...I would recommend grabbing a friend and practicing them. Keep in mind that in alot of these manuvers Situational awareness is key, such as inverted scissors...if you lose sight of your opponent, you will not know how to make your next move. There are a lot of useful guides out there, so happy flying
  3. ebns72

    Far Cry directx10 gfx video.

    maybe that's because just about 9/10 of the stuff in their trailers (island-scale combat, dynamic day/night, IE OFP for 2003) wasn't in the actual game? The trailer was for far cry 2....
  4. ebns72

    Just curious...own an Apple Mac

    I voted the last option "I would never..." but not because its the "dark side." Mac's just don't have a lot of gaming support. Simple as that. I use a pc mainly for gaming. IIRC mac's don't support directx architecture all that well.
  5. ebns72

    Far Cry directx10 gfx video.

    that the crysis engine already appears to blow away (imo) current-gen xbox 360. Sure, gears of war may look a tad prettier, but won't have the massively interactive terrains and physics of the crytek engine.
  6. ebns72

    Far Cry directx10 gfx video.

    This thread is about a recently-released tech demo from the makers of far cry. Now I know flashpoint gamers hate games like far cry, but be mature and look at this from a technology standpoint. The makers of far cry released a 1-minute tech video, and already I am peeing my pants over it. Although the game itself (far cry) doesn't compete with ofp, the technology most certainly does in terms wide-open, vast terrain. As far as I know, this is the first game to use directx 10 and windows vista. Anyway, here it is. http://www.gamershell.com/download_12286.shtml I am curious to see all your reactions to it. I am personally blown away. Proof that pc is superior to consoles hehehe Discuss.
  7. ebns72


    That is so cool! It sounds so real. The last one sounds like a blowdryer or something. Whats weird is when it sounded like it was above me I felt my nerves/hairs stiffen just like they would in real life. Would love to see this implemented in games.
  8. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    looking beautiful TB Just a question-after 2005 is all said and done, will there be an update to the 1985 pack with the new camo and reduced lag?
  9. ebns72

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    A lot of the suggestions here have already been implemented in ofp through addons . That includes sounds, effects, minefields, specific unit requests etc.
  10. ebns72

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    AI and squad command is the most desperate area in ofp right now IMO. It needs improvement. I would love to see a simple, yet flexible command systems like brothers in arms...I hate commanding in ofp. It's not fun, but it should be. AI and squad command are linked...the AI never really "gets" what you're trying to tell them. I have formed complex commanding strategies before, but they usually end in disaster because of the AI incompetence. I told my ai to flank around before, hoping to get another angle on the enemy and maybe take cover in a nearby rock. The AI didn't really recognize the urgency and importance of the order-the problem is they just recognized it as "move" order. They kinda curved around right in front of the enemy's line of fire (instead of taking a more low-profile "around" route). the ones that did make it to where I wanted them to go just kinda sat there and didn't really recognize that they needed to take cover and fire on the enemy. They were all wasted within 20 seconds. The AI has trouble thinking for its own too...yet sometimes they also think for their own too much. Sometimes they run way ahead of you, sometimes they don't even listen to you. CQB is a nightmare if you are commanding a squad, but it is a breeze to knock down platoons of men if you are alone. Why? The AI doesn't try anything daring. they recognize you are there, but just sit there and wait for you to come out. They don't try maybe flanking around or hunting you down. I've had AI run right past me before, recognizing I was there, but didn't fire because they had to "get in position". It is extremely frusterating. I can name many things I would like to see, but I will be truly satisfied if I see these two.
  11. ebns72

    EDF Pack V2.1

    These units are really, really nice, but I have one MAJOR gripe with them. Please, PLEASE! I beg of you! Add them to the resistance side. I am drooling over these units but I am so disappointed they are only on the west side. These guys seem like the woodland version of the desert OPFOR recently released, and the two go very nicely together.
  12. ebns72

    Who Likes Balance In Games Then?

    The problem with AT weapons in ofp is the lack of a correct damage modeling/armor system. The damage in ofp is just based on a health bar...I've taken out bmps with enough grenades before. To correctly model balance and unbalance arma needs an amor system. For example, some hits with an AT weapon will do absolutely 0 damage. Some maybe kill it in one hit, depending on where you hit the tank (armor thickness varies throughout tanks.) WWIIOL had this system and it required a significant more amount of skill to take out a tank, because you had to have knowledge of where all its weak spots were and you had to diagnose the rest of its combat weaknesses. If arma had an armor system like so, it would make the game signifcantly more realistic.
  13. ebns72

    Body Armor

    I remember watching a video where body armor saved a soldier's life from a 7.62 sniper bullet. The guy had serious bruising and swelling all over his chest afterwards, but it saved his life. He got knocked down and was in a lot of pain, yet managed to get up and take cover...however based on the pictures of his injuries afterward I'd say he was probably out of the fight and got taken out of the combat area soon afterwards. The bottom line is body armor won't really deflect rounds, it mainly just saves your life but still puts you out of combat. Unless we have a realistic "wound" system in arma it will be difficult to implement body armor. It could still maybe lessen the damage of small pistol rounds and ricochets I suppose, but not form larger calibur rounds.
  14. ebns72

    Videos/Photo's Of OFP

    although it has a lot of replies, just take a peek into the ofp combat photography threads (there are multiple) and the ofp combat videography threads. I'm pretty sure this is the type of thing you're looking for PS- Don't start every word with caps
  15. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    looking great! I would only advise to adjust the scaling a little bit...the heads look a little shrunken the way they are right now
  16. most games with join in progress have automatic switches so it keeps the teams balanced no matter what. I.E. if someone tries to join one team with too many players they get automatically switched to the other team.
  17. ebns72

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Unedited except for crop/resize... (I like unedited-edited images feel so fake) addons: safety marines 2.0, najaf island, GMER 1.2, kegetys hisky
  18. ebns72

    Safetys Marine's V2.0

    nice marines! I like them a lot...my only complaint is that I would like a variation without kneepads (maybe there is but didn't see one) I know fishkopp released some USMC vehicles, but they were kinda buggy...I remember running into a lot of AI problems when creating a mission with his LAVs.
  19. ebns72

    International SF Pack

    looking great! My only gripe is the over-done stitching in the pants. Sure, it looks cool and detailed, but doesn't look very realistic.
  20. ebns72

    Character Ragdoll and more

    EDIT to above post: the dod source one is also good. It is quite impressive and looks very natural when you see a squad of 5 or so guys get mowed down by an mg42...the effect just looks very natural, realistic, and terrifying. Also, you can do so much more with ragdoll than death animations. Bodies floating in water, weapons flying around, people falling off cliffs and towers, rolling down hills, and not to mention you could implement semi-ragdolls which are less taxing but combine animation and ragdolls. bf2 ragdoll is notably horrible. The America's army one, IMO, looks very realistic and isn't taxing on the resources at all. I still remember the patch that added ragdoll and there was almost no performance difference, because AA uses some techniques, such as the ragdolls being "stiffer" (leading to more realistic effect and less physics calculation needed) and once they stop moving, they stop moving. IMO, they are not that taxing and add a lot to the game. The death animations in ofp are even worse than bf2 when it comes to high-explosive. Bodies don't fly 100 feet in the air when hit with a tank round, and they don't fly 20 feet in the air when naded. Ragdoll could fix this, not to mention in ofp flying static bodies just look stupid. There are many clever techniques to make it so ragdoll is nearly the same system tax as normal death animations, and in ofp's case I really don't think it would have much effect on system resources at all. Ragdoll is also ADJUSTABLE which many people fail to realize. NOT ALL RAGDOLL IS THE SAME. I have seen some games where ragdolls look stupid and silly (BF2) and some games where they so natural they look like normal death animations (america's army, day of defeat: source). IMO, if game2 can handle dynamic building destruction using physics which handles probably twice as many physics calculations as ragdoll, armed assault can probably handle ragdoll. The client DOES NOT NEED TO CALCULATE HUNDREDS OF CORPSES AT ONCE! It can be made so it only has to calculate one corpse at a time, and it then becomes static after doing so...americas army did this and it is very performance-saving.
  21. ebns72

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Dawn 100% unedited. Addons: RHS infantry, eslamo island, and of course, DXDLL.
  22. ebns72

    Texture replacement or decals?

    you can do this with decals In half life 2, if you shoot someone, not only does it make a bloody little hole but it also spills over the walls. Some games also have it so it spills over their bodies as well; it just depends on the decal. It is entirely possible to get the effect of texture replacement with decals I would love to see this in ofp. Not just for blood, but it would be awesome have parallax-mapped decals that give the effect of dynamic chunks blown out of walls and vehicles like in fear. Although it is "fake", it gives a great sense of destruction and tearing something apart. For those that don't know what I mean by parallax-mapped decals, look at this pic: The chunks blown out of the wall on the right side are 2D decals yet it gives a 3d effect through some clever bumpmapping-you can't tell the difference at all. this would be extremely cool to have in ofp. Imagine tanks wrecks where you can see where the rpg or shell hit them. Also here is a good example of blood decals: blood decals
  23. go to "my computer" click on drive "c" go to program files --> codemasters --> operation flashpoint. This is your operation flashpoint directory You want to put the DXDLL folder in this folder .
  24. ebns72

    Arma czech previews

    WOW! Can't wait for a mirror on that trailer and a translation would be excellent. I am now peeing my pants for this game
  25. ebns72


    Ah I misunderstood you I see what you are saying. I, too, as you do want natural selection implemented in the game. What you are asking (to be able to watch an evolution emulation by natural selection) will probably be implemented in the game judging by the closing comments on that game. You will be able to transplant any computer-controlled creature onto another planet (probably bacteria too) and the computer can create variants it on its own to form an ecoystem. The only real evolution you are controlling is that of your own creature. Of course, all the other creatures in the game are having their evolution controlled by the computer . Hopefully this will create some natural selection scenarios with the AI-controlled species where several variations exist within the species and they compete for survival...those that die don't reproduce and make it to the new generation while those that survive do. Will Wright is a very smart and scientifically knowledable man, so I doubt that he has overlooked natural selection in his game. keep in mind that demo wasn't even an alpha, he said it was pretty much help together with duct tape and glue. The details of the game are very vague, but I'm sure that other ai-controlled variants of your species will exist where you need to compete to survive like in reality. Also, the freedom showed when changing generations was for demo purposes. The "buy" system in the game will limit to how much you can change when you "evolve" it...it will probably never be as drastic as the sea to land conversion of the creature in the demo. At each new generation the most you can add is a leg or replace feet with fins so it is more gradual. If you could change that fast, the game would be awfully short