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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    ever looked won a pair of binocs before? unless you have fairly wide eyes it looks like one circle, not two separate ones. I have never looked inside NVGs before, but I don't think it would look like that.
  2. ebns72

    More accurate sounds for jet aircraft

    Or even better yet, in reality when a jet flying faster than the speed of sounds passes over you it is almost completely silent until it goes over you...and then its one of the loudest sounds I had ever heard :P I would love to see this and other better sounds implemented. Like multiple sounds for a vehicle, sounds getting muffled over a distance, etc.
  3. ebns72

    Operation Code Blue release

    WOW These guys are really impressive. The thing I like like the most about them is that with the exception of the normal marine (not the veteran ones) their proportions are some of the best in ofp. They look just like the people you see on the news...I've always felt ofp models have a tendency to have unrealistic proportions. Great work, would love to see these guys finished.
  4. ebns72


    Awesome work on the HMMWVs MC. That is by far the BEST and most accurate woodland paint scheme of all the HMMWV packs. It looks like it is spraypainted on just like in real life.
  5. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    Wow...first pic is VERY impressive. The vegetation looks very colorful and lush. Great job BIS.
  6. ebns72

    Software Needed

    Okay, I know this isn't on topic of the thread but... I am currently a paintball player and I was wondering about airsoft guns. Is it possible to find an airsoft gun on par with the RANGE and accuracy of a decent paintball gun, have it be semi-automatic/automatic, for under $200 that looks decently like a real gun? My biggest gripes with airsoft is their unrealism...they look like real guns, but most of the ones my friends have you have to cock and the ones you that are semi-auto seem to be either inaccurant without range or expensive. They also have 0 recoil (although some like this, this makes it feel cheap and fake to me). A lot of them may be more accurante but their trajectory just drops after a relatively short distance, where a skilled paintball player with a decent $200 gun land rounds in a general area from very far away.
  7. ebns72

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    stacker, what island is that?
  8. ebns72

    Insurgency Mod For HL2

    So many nay-sayers. Even if its not 100 gazillion percent realistic, couldn't you still play it because it may be...dare I say...fun?
  9. ebns72


    use DXDLL. That way, you can take and save as many screenshots without having to paste anything.
  10. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Btw, how is lag in new version? In FFUR1985, The "flashpoint" mission yields 15 fps max...with ecp its around 40 :\
  11. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Black Sabbath-War Pigs would be PERFECT for ofp to replace one of the seventh songs.
  12. ebns72

    Insurgency Mod For HL2

    New pic Wow...hard to believe thats the source engine. As a huge hl2/source engine fan and mod player, this one is at the top of my list. It looks so impressive for the source engine. I can't wait.
  13. ebns72


    campaign? I'd like to see a mission! There have been absolutey no gulf war missions period. I would love to see one using IM:UC, HYK, CBT, and mapfact oil addons.
  14. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Nice, looks like you have the ACU down as far as pattern goes The crater looks great as well..I like the "photorealistic" look.
  15. ebns72

    I found this in Vilas mod...

    Wow, I am heartbroken by the flashpoint.ru comments Immature and ignorant people. I am ashamed to be part of the operation flashpoint community reading that Wass, you need to seriously take the rocks out of your shoes. Keep up the good work vilas Don't listen to all the naysayers. I appreciate the work you put into addons. That BRDM looks especially nice Your weapons are especially excellent and have outstanding variety The only thing I would recommend is change the shape of the US soldier's helmet a little. It looks a little too "vertical."
  16. ebns72

    EDF Pack V2.1

    Are you running for President? LOL
  17. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    i like the playground. Something as simple as that adds so much immersion...it makes the area seem like a real, evacuated city where people were living as opposed to a collection of buildings placed on a map for combat zone purposes.
  18. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    On water debate: http://www.openxbox360.com/media/trailers/Farcry_X360_vs_PC.mov Now THAT's some water. (wait for second part of video) right click save as If we could get anything remotely similar to this in Arma (instead of white lines) I would be very impressed.
  19. ebns72

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    unedited edited Addons: Drago Island, Rhs motorized infantry, east artillery by snoop
  20. ebns72

    East Artillery

    Nice Work! These artillery pieces seem somewhat useless without UA support. Its good to see them have a place in my missions
  21. ebns72

    dod source free weekend

    The maps are very small, so if they weren't you wouldn't get the background noises effect. And its not like it actually affects gameplay-its simply cool. omg w3lcome 2 99% of t internet lolz Seriously though, the literacy of players does not determine how they play, common misconception. It just means people cannot type as fast as the rest of us.
  22. ebns72

    dod source free weekend

    Ah cmon steam aint so bad :P I own DOD:s (and every other source game, bought silver package ) Its pretty fun, great for a online multiplayer fix...the sound effects (the way they become muffled in the background, etc) are very well done. Not to mention the graphics are pretty good. Its just pure, fast-paced, online action.
  23. ebns72

    Casurina Island

    reminds me of GTA Excellent work.
  24. ebns72

    Air Combat/Dog Fighting

    true. These are good moves for getting someone off your ass though. Scissors especially. Boom And Zoom is the best way to take someone to surprise and get an easy kill, but if you know they're coming these moves can counter it easily. They aren't possible in their truest form. cockeyed, sketchy versions of them can be done...but ofp can barely simulate keeping planes aloft
  25. ebns72

    battleground ww2 online

    been playing this game...forever now, I'm a veteran of the game. I love it. graphivs aren't very good for the amount they tax, but you do get used to it and they ARE functional. The game has some of the best trees and foliage I have ever seen though (uses speedtree engine). The game is a lot of fun once you get used to it. A lot of people don't know where to find action at first and are discouraged by this (above poster said he hadnt seen an enemy infantry yet). Once you get into the thick of an emormous battle with a squad of communicating guys, it gets very realistic and intense. If you know where to look, trust me, you'll find a scary amount of ei...especially when you're a paratrooper who just landed in the middle of enemy barracks (it has happened to me before) Its like ofp on a continental scale...its a fully simulated war. I recommend any ofp fan giving it a shot. The game has so much depth and dynamics past its fiscod. It does a lot of things better than ofp too, namely the vehicle models (tank combat is the most realistic I've ever seen, ever) flight models and damage model is lightyears better than ofps.