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Everything posted by ebns72

  1. ebns72

    Original BIS Face Model Template

    Ah. I think that was by liquid snake in his faces thread. IIRC none of his images show up any more though (I guess his host bit the dust) but you can search for it anyway.
  2. ebns72

    Original BIS Face Model Template

    http://www.theavonlady.org/THEOFPFAQ/ search "face"
  3. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    the V22 raptor has those kind of "double" 2-D vectoring nozzles. US plane, main role is semi-stealth anti-fighter plane, I believe. It is actually an F-35 Joint strike fighter, a plane that is due out in service ~ 2012. Later in the video, you can identify its characteristic single-engine configuration. Also, I recall seeing renders of the F35 in previous game2 previews.
  4. erff...quality is like 10x crappier than I thought Airborne! Addons used: HYK
  5. ebns72

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Not an armed assault screenshot, but did anyone catch this shot of game2? Look at the terrain!!!
  6. ebns72

    Whats your FPS like?

    My computer is 1-2 years old, it has a radeon 9800 pro and 1GB or RAM with a 2.6 ghz pentium 4 processor. I get around 60fps around desert island. During combat with the ecp mod, FPS can get as low as 10. On average in combat I have around 25. However, this is with minimal settings. My viewdistance is set to 500. My terrain detail is "Very Low." Interesting how people's framerates are better than mine but their configuration isn't as good as mine...
  7. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    I have to mention, there is WAY too much bumpmapping on the new american soldiers. They don't look real and the amount of visual noise on them hurts my eyes. Also, their body armor is the wrong color. The previous woodland BDUs seen in previous screens had absolutely PERFECT woodland colors, the most perfect I have ever seen in a game. I also really liked the old American woodland guys. Will we still see them in game?
  8. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    The BDU is looking spectacular, but I'm kinda iffy on having the backpacks on every single unit. Accurately shouldn't they only be on the medics and some other units?
  9. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    This is intentional, because if you used it in multiplayer it would give you a tremendous advantage over non-FFUR users...not to mention it would probably make their game crash.
  10. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    looking awesome TB
  11. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Hey TB, can the malden textures be replaced with the ones on elati island? They might be fatwombat's textures be either way they are fairly high-res and fit the mediterranean vegetation much more approriately IMO. Malden just doesn't "feel' the same with the current textures.
  12. ebns72

    William Porter's Blog

    This shows what i meant by large cities. Compare the size of the city in the demo movie to how it actually appears on the map. Then look over at the size and the complexity of the roads at the bottlneck.
  13. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    STGN: I wear BDUs almost every other day and I will say that they do look like the way TB made them when they are new. They have a nice, dark crisp look to them. I am also currently in a civilian auxilary of the military (I am only a teenager....) and I see lots of BDUs twice a week or so. The BDUs TB created look much more realistic an accurate than the previous FFUR ones. BDUs have in reality a much darker tone than ACU and other patterns. The ones in the previous FFUR are a little too light. The ones TB has are fine. BDUs also get lighter and the colors more faded with use, not darker. My only real suggestion right now for the BDUs is that it light/grey color in the BDU is actually a tiny little pinch more brown/yellowish in reality. Also, the brown is more...brown...see reference pics below. Here is a random pic...this is IMO the "perfect" BDU color reference. There is no outdoor light shining on it to mess the colors up. If you want a good reference, this is it. EDIT: did some crappy photoshop improvements to colors. Changed the brown and the lighter color to be more accurate. TB please take a look at this. comparison... If you want, I could even give it a go myself (the actual texturing part, not some photoshop job) to make them as accurate as possible. I can put my bdus on my desk to glance at em.
  14. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    The woodland is close to perfect. A huge improvement over the original HYK ones. I can't wait till i see the camo on some '85 guys. That will be kickass. Also, you may have noticed BRG just released some new vegetation. this would be great replacement on malden. I think malden also needs some textures to make it more distinct from everon. It would be great to see it have its own nature pack and high-res textures to separate it from the other two islands.
  15. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    The ACU almost perfect looks except the pixels look a bit small...look at the real life photographs shown for pictures. STGN, that ACU is way off what it looks like in real life, unfortunately.
  16. ebns72

    Armed Assault at the GDC

    Very cool. I wouldn't doubt if the mission you played an the one shown on the video was released as a demo.
  17. ebns72

    ArmA flashback campaign

    I am very disappointed about the old ofp campaigns not being there. If Arma is 50$, IMO that is overpriced if ofp content is missing. How hard could it be to port OFP:E content over?
  18. ebns72

    William Porter's Blog

    Is the guy in the car wearing desert camo? Does this blog mean we are getting close to release? I figure the game would be released at the part he goes into action...and how much can they update the blog? Either way, its damn cool. Also, look at the map...if that is a 400km island, those are some pretty damn big cities.
  19. ebns72

    ArmA flashback campaign

    What? where did we see this?
  20. ebns72

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    I am personally not worried about character switching at all, as long as you aren't forced to switch to complete a mission. If you want immersion, simply don't use the feature.
  21. ebns72

    Latest screenshots available

    I am so impressed with the trailer. It really seems they improved the feeling of combat...looks much more intense and much more fluid. I love it. Did anyone else notice that that entire trailer was a close quarters combat scenario? and the AI wasnt completely retarded? I cannot wait for this game. PS. I am in love with the urban design multi-level cities. Wow. Thats something I would expect to see in a map-based game like half life, not a terrain-based one like operation flashpoint. I just hope the ai is functional.
  22. ebns72

    English Translation of DOUPE 15 article

    I will post in this thread a second time. OFP IS NOT TURNING INTO BF. The way you are all reacting is childish. Not only do you fail to interpret what BIS said, but you automatically assume making it "mainstream" would attract CS gamers. No. It will probably attract much more mature mainstream gamers. And most mainstream gamers aren't annoying chimps who use 1337 speak 24/7. I know this because I am a mainstream gamer and I play on dozens of different games, mainstream and not mainstream. Also, people forget the ability that you can kick players. In fact, you know what is funny? The other day I was playing on a public ofp server and I was called all sorts of rude and disrespectful names by a bunch of dirty-mouthed 1337-speaking A**holes. As far as I am concerned, the "public" community of ofp is generally nothing that unique and abnormally special. The "good" community is in these forums and private games. I have seen more mature behaviour on games such as America's Army and flightsims ("mainstream" ofp will probably attract these groups of people) than I have seen most of the time in public ofp servers. What did BIS mean exactly? They did not mean running 100 mph carrying 20 weapons with 200 enemies. Do you really think they would do that, seriously? It seems like you would to me. You are all overreacting.. We will probably get such scalable features that can be turned off in multiplyaer such as auto-aim or slightly extended health. So what do you care how someone plays in singleplayer?
  23. ebns72

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I have noticed the silenced problem as well. It is simply not silenced and unbalances gameplay. In order to complete blackop missions, you have to avoid killing people as a whole. I have noticed several times killing one stray patrolling russians and soon all surrounding squads no about my presence. This needs to be fixed IMO. It may be realistic, but it totally unbalances gameplay.
  24. ebns72

    Conflict Global Storm

    I remember playing conflict games with friends on the consoles. They are decent games, nothing terrific/amazing but they can be quite fun with 4 friends over your house. Whats new in the global terror version?
  25. ebns72

    English Translation of DOUPE 15 article

    Guys-it meant multiple difficulty levels by mainstream. End of discussion. Also, mainstream gamers aren't that bad. I cannot believe the amount of freaking out and stereotyping over ignorance right now. You guys sound like they are the devil themselves. The majority of mainstream gamers are generally respectful. The only real exception is CS, but I don't think we will be getting any of those...we will probably get more players from maybe america's army and such. In fact, players on public ofp servers are some of the worst I have encountered. They have almost always been rude and coarse. The "good" ofp community lies in these forums and small coop games. And small coop games are rarely wide public servers anyway, so what is the big deal?