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Everything posted by earl

  1. earl

    Russian counterparts

    You're describing exactly what I hope to do.  In fact, I'm working on some of that this very moment   The main reason I want to do the USMC weapons now is for MP on Suchey's OFP server.  However, there's a special place in my heart for Russian small arms and it wouldn't be fair to set those Marines against crappy old soviet infantry.  Maybe I can convince Suchey to do a few Federatsiy  Regardless, I want to do a full weapon pack to match whatever I do for USMC.  You've outlined the comparisons pretty well.  It's all just a matter of time.
  2. earl

    Ferret ingame

    Glad to hear you're making progress! It's definitely one of the coolest looking vehicles I've seen for OFP. psc gave you info on the optic model and config data, but to actually make the TGA image itself, I wrote a tutorial that can be found here: http://www.baconbomb.com/modworks in the tutorials section.
  3. I guess that goes along the same lines as a bolt action rifle. You're looking to specify a "chambering delay" between shots right? It would be nice to specify a sound for that as well, that has a different dB level. One of the hunting rifles I've played with has a bolt sound after the shot, but it gets broadcast across the map as loudly as the gunshot, which is not right.
  4. I've noticed that sometimes my weapon optics, especially the crosshairs, get faint white outlines. Suchey also had some problems with the ghillie texture for his USMC sniper. I think I found the reason for it, so I wanted to share my solution and see if anybody else has more info about this. The beginning of the problem is when you get a white outline at the edge of your opaque areas. It only seems to happen when you have a clean transition from opaque to transparent. If it happens when you have a lot of border areas (like vegetation or ghillie textures) then you'll probably also run into 'brightening' problems as you get further away. This happens because of mip-mapping. As you get further away from an object, its textures will automatically be mipmapped, or downsampled to lower resolutions. When it gets down to just a handful of pixels across your whole model, those white border pixels take on an unfair importance, so your object might have 10 good pixels from your texture and 8 white pixels, making the overall appearance of your texture really light from a distance. A partial solution I found is to slightly blur the borders of your texture, so that the change from opaque to transparent is feathered. Here's a pic that sorta shows the problem: The top circle was a large pencil dot (perfectly black, no antialiasing around the edges) and the bottom one was the same, with 2 photoshop blur filters. The images are taken from TexView at various levels of mipmapping. I've seen more than a few weapon optics that have this problem (incl. my SR47's ACOG). I have a feeling that there are ways to either control the level of mipmapping, or directly edit an image's mipmaps. Or maybe we can specify that the alpha channel shouldn't get mipmapped? I don't know very much about this, but BIS seems to have avoided these problems in all of their work - can anybody suggest how? My trick for adding a slight blur doesn't totally solve the problem, and it's not always desireable to blur your texture, like with scope crosshairs.
  5. Thanks for the info. My problem is that I'm working in Photoshop 7 - so my transparent areas have no RGB values at all (checkerboard pattern), and it doesn't actually show an alpha channel. I guess TexView assumes a white background for this, so I'll have to work with a different image format that uses an explicit alpha channel.
  6. earl

    Fish in the water

    Great demo video (and soundtrack)!! Hopefully this will work its way into some interesting MP battle, but if I'm the poor sucker in a boat, will there be any hope for me? Â Any chance of evasion or countermeasures?
  7. earl

    Modern usmc weapons

    Some updates on the USMC Weapons: - M16 iron sights fixed. Â They might have looked pretty good before, but were a pain to use - not enough room to see what's going on. Â I've reworked them to match the BIS sight layout a little more closely, so you have more room to see what's going on. - M203 leaf sight. Â I think this is the best that can be done for the M203. Â I don't like it all that much, but it looks okay and I can blow up Russians by the second shot. http://www.baconbomb.com/usmc I've been spending lots of time trying to hack my way through config files. Â It's not much fun, and I'd rather be modeling. Â I think I'm going to make all the weapon config stuff public - so everybody sees what's going into it, and gets the chance to comment/contribute. Â It'll be a mess if I try to handle it myself.
  8. earl

    Paa & pac file format ?

    I think they are both DirectX file formats - DXT5 compression. PAC - RGB 565 PAA - ARGB 4444 Not 100% sure.
  9. earl

    Fish in the water

    It might be fun to adapt your scripts for something like the LOCAAS: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/smart/locaas.htm I guess it would take the fun out of gameplay if your weapons are all automated Sorry to get off topic a bit - but has anyone worked towards a remote guidance system? Either for ordance or UAVs? Something player-controlled but remote with video feed would be kinda cool, for larger MP games you could have a command base retrieving info from the field and relaying it to guys on the front.
  10. earl

    Trinity island v.1.0 by buggs !

    Wow, great stuff. How much work was it to put this together? I've never looked at WrpEdit.
  11. earl

    Grenade launcher on riffle

    Nevermind, Registered_fugitiv made the call on the spinning issue, it's because my konec_granatometu and usti_granatometu muzzle points were still grouped with the hlavne points. Didn't test it yet, but I think everything will work fine now.
  12. earl

    Fish in the water

    Amazing stuff - I've never really considered the naval aspect of OFP. It should make for some interesting battles at sea, especially if somebody would make an archipelago theatre. I can't wait to see the Shkval in action!
  13. earl

    Grenade launcher on riffle

    I've got everything working except the optics. Can anybody explain the reasoning behind the placement of the default BIS optics geometry? Is the location in O2 related to the model's muzzle position? I tried using a regular rifle optic model for my grenade launcher (the aimpoint M68 optic, just as a stand-in while I get everything working) but in-game, the optics view made me spin around - very strange. Am I limited to retexturing the BIS demo-version M203 optic model?
  14. earl


    I was playing around with ballistics for the VSS Vintorez, and found that with an Init speed of 400, the bullets were actually striking *above* the center of the reticule. I don't understand this, because the HK MP5 uses init speed of 400 too. I'd really like to keep the damage pretty high, but use the severely curved trajectory as the balancing factor for the 9x39mm round, since it is a heavy subsonic projectile.
  15. earl

    Grenade launcher on riffle

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> class GrenadeLauncher: Default { //-- cursor = "t_select.paa"; scopeMagazine = public; weaponType = WeaponNoSlot; magazineType = 2 * WeaponSlotItem; ammo=Grenade; displayName = $STR_DN_GRENADE; displayNameMagazine = $STR_MN_GRENADE; shortNameMagazine = $STR_SN_GRENADE; count=1; // reloadTime=5.0; reloadTime=0; sound[]={Weapons\grenade_launch,db-70,1}; reloadSound[]={Weapons\M16load,db-70,1}; initSpeed=60; canLock=LockNo; autoReload = false; ffMagnitude=0.1; ffFrequency=1; ffCount=1; recoil=Empty; dispersion=0.015; aiDispersionCoefY=2.0; // dispersion used to simulate distance est. error maxLeadSpeed = 15; optics = false; muzzlePos="usti granatometu"; muzzleEnd="konec granatometu"; }; class RiffleGrenadeLauncher { //-- scopeWeapon = private; scopeMagazine = private; weaponType = WeaponSlotPrimary; displayName = $STR_DN_RIFLE_GRENADE; model=""; picture=""; muzzles[] = {RiffleMuzzle, GrenadesMuzzle}; class RiffleMuzzle : Riffle { modelOptics=""; magazines[] = {Riffle}; }; class GrenadesMuzzle : GrenadeLauncher { modelOptics=""; magazines[] = {GrenadeLauncher, Flare, FlareGreen, FlareRed, FlareYellow}; } canDrop = true; }; class M16GrenadeLauncher { //-- scopeWeapon = public; scopeMagazine = private; weaponType = WeaponSlotPrimary; displayName = $STR_DN_M16_GRENADE; model="m16_granatomet_proxy"; picture=""; muzzles[] = {M16Muzzle, M203Muzzle}; class M16Muzzle : M16 { magazines[] = {M16}; }; class M203Muzzle : GrenadeLauncher { displayName=$STR_DN_M203; sound[]={weapons\M16GrenadeLaunch, db-70,1}; magazines[] = {GrenadeLauncher, Flare, FlareGreen, FlareRed, FlareYellow}; //optics = true; //opticsZoomMin=0.40; //opticsZoomMax=0.40; //modelOptics="optika_m16_granatomet"; } canDrop = true; }; <span id='postcolor'> I'm trying to figure this out for myself as we speak. It looks like you just need to add two more defined points in your O2 model. In the basic grenade launcher weaponcfg you have two muzzle position points: grenade launcher muzzle start: "usti granatometu" grenade launcher muzzle end: "konec granatometu" In the basic underbarrel grenade launcher cfg, you define two muzzles on your weapon: Riflemuzzle + optics + mags it can use Grenademuzzle + optics + mags it can use Next, in the actual M16/M203 config: it declares two muzzles, M16Muzzle and M203Muzzle The M16muzzle inherits M16 properties. The M203muze inherits basic Grenade Launcher properties, plus it defines the display name, sound, mags, optics (but the optics are commented out - is it defined elsewhere?). That's my understanding anyway - I think I can make mine work now
  16. earl

    Weapon scripts? possible?

    Thanks for bringing that up 9mm, I haven't spent much time in this section of the forum before, but it's definitely my weakest area, so expect to see me around a lot asking lots of dumb questions. Jacobaby, where would you chech the muzzle animphase, and how would you get a different sound to play with every round fired? Where can I learn more about animphase? Sounds like the key to having different part of the weapon visible at different times. DragoFire, if you find anything out about calling scripts from Ammo or WeaponCfgs, let me know. There's a lot of stuff I want to try, but I don't really know how to go about doing it yet.
  17. earl

    Marine force recon

    http://www.forcerecon.com/strongmenarmed3.htm </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> There are several types of optical sights available. Company SOP is to have an optical sight on all long guns. The Aimpoint® CompM XD is not part of the Marine Corps SOPMOD Kit but was purchased to provide a more viable optic for all seasons. The Aimpoint® (The M68 is the military version of the CompM XD) is a battery operated, parallax free, red dot sight. The reticle is 3 MOA, and is adjustable for intensity by means of a rheostat switch. Eye relief is unlimited, and it is waterproof to 66’. <span id='postcolor'> You could have just asked me for my source STGN.
  18. earl

    Modern usmc weapons

    I was thinking about it
  19. earl

    Modern usmc weapons

    I don't think Suchey will be makint MOUT marines. Â I'd rather see desert Marpat first, and before that, I'd rather see comparably well-made Russians. Anyway - this thread is about guns. Â I have 8 new screenshots of guns to show - have a look: Â http://www.baconbomb.com/usmc/ I don't know if some browsers will continue to show old content because the filenames stay the same, so hit refresh if you don't see anything new.
  20. earl

    Modern usmc marpat

    Where would you use them? All the cities are only a few blocks in size, then everything is green again. And then we will have hundreds of Americans and not enough bad guys to fight.
  21. earl

    Mi-2 beta release...

    The pilots don't want to smell all those stinky soldiers in the back. That's why they have the fans. My school bus driver had one of those too, I wonder if it was for the same reason??
  22. Here's what BIS should have done for us poor people who try to keep all this junk organized: Every addon should require a 'header section' which contains the following: -addon creator's email -a link to download location -addon filename -addon public name When a mission gets compiled, it should retrieve all the header information from every addon that is referenced from the mission. obviously the missionmaker has every addon he makes a mission with... Now when I try to start a new mission and it stops because of a missing addon, the mission itself already contains the addon header info, which it should then write to an error log in a basic html format. After I quit OFP, I can open this html file and it will show me the time of error, the mission that I was trying to load, and list the missing addons as well as the contact/location info that I need. How 'bout that? Maybe it's a bit late in the life of OFP, but it seems like it could easily be done by BIS -- it's just simple text handling, right?
  23. I don't have time to write missions for my own stuff. If sombody could show me an SR74 or SR47 mission, I'd be stoked cause I haven't had much fun with the stupid thing.
  24. earl

    Modern usmc weapons

    It's a little slow right now, but the M203 and M4 (and the irresistible combination of the two) are shaping up. The suppressed M4 isn't a final version, it will eventually be a SOPMOD M4 when I put together the rest of the kit. ====================== http://www.baconbomb.com/usmc ====================== .