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Posts posted by ejanvi

  1. For the President, he probably left the village in the boat because you got to the village too late. First hint is to head for the village as soon as you land instead of losing time fighting in the city.

    For the Genocide mission (hate that name), I have exactly the same problem. The radio disappears and the convoy remains stuck, or the radio remains but the options on the radio revert from "head for the city" back to previous menus (choice of camp) and you can't order the convoy back.

    Once, I shot the convoy drivers and took the wheel, the prisoners boarded my trucks and then I got killed by some stray ennemy. I restarted, got the convoy to board the prisonners from both camps. Convoy got stuck and radio menu got back to previous instance (I found a prisonner who had forgotten to embark, so I shot him), I shot the drivers, took the wheel, and all the prisonners disembarked and no way to get them back... Going crazy...

  2. Yep. Best way to do is skip the town without too many losses (tricky in itself), run to the village with the President, avoid fighting there as much as possible (taking out the snipers on the roofs will help if you have the time), but don't miss the boat that comes to pick the President otherwise he will have escaped and the mission terminates. Kill the two guys in the boat, and then you have all the time you want to clear the village, and take the President as Prisoner. Then, you have all the time you want to come back to the town and clear it (it helps if you take the Dragunov of one of the dead snipers in the village of the President).


  3. How do you order an AI to deposit (or pick-up) a weapon? With OFP, it used to be (if my memory is good) in the Action menu. I can't find a menu in AA, where you could for instance your AI sniper to deposit his rifle, so that you can pick it up. The only way I've found is to shoot the AI dead, and take the weapon from his body...

    Or, alternatively, how do you order the AI to approach a dead body and pick-up a specific weapon?

    I have found an action called "Gear", but when I order an AI to do it, the AI goes running around, and nothing else seems to happen...

    Have I missed something?


  4. It seems that everybody is working on Mods. However, the missions & campaigns that come with the game are very shortlived, and most MP players seem to be stuck with Evolution.

    So what would be great is if the community started to work on new missions & campaings, for us average players who can't write a single script!

    I guess the situation was different with OFP, which came with a succession of great campaigns.

    Anybody can point me (us?) to the sites that centralise the new AA missions/campaigns?


  5. Was behind somebody the other day, and he was doing that side roll... I.e. when lying on the ground (prone position), moving side ays by rolling over.

    Very impressive and quite nice.

    Looked everywhere in manual and list of commands, but could not find it... Not A/Q - D...

    Anybody knows?


  6. Quote[/b] ]The beginning of that mission is suppose to be foggy. It's the weather, not a bug. It looks the same as that on my 7800GT.

    Load up the mission editor and you will be able to see further.

    Edit: Not saying there is no fog bug, but what you see in the screenshots isn't it

    Hmmm. I used to play the same mission with my previous video card, and it was not as foggy at all... But then, who knows...

  7. *** This post was closed in the thread I had created. I copy it here before it gets deleted by the admin. Don't want my vote to disappear!***


    I had a GeForce 6800 and very low FPS. Upgraded everything to top stuff (Intel Duo and 8800 GTX).

    Framerates are great.

    But can't see through the fog. I thought from the discussions on the forum that the fog was at long distance (pity for the view, but no harm for the fight). In fact, the fog starts well within shooting distance, so it is a real problem. In photo below, one can see the fog settling roughly in the middle of the base (you will recognise the base from "Blood Sweat & Tears" mission):


    Beyond that distance, it is impossible to see anything, even with scopes. This other picture is from the same place, with the scope, and there is 1 soldier just left of the sight: invisible in the fog!


    Seems to be a lot of shimmering on the textures as well. Tried various settings of Anistropy, AntiAlisiasing, Game video options... Not much changes.


    Config is 8800 GTX, latest NVIDIA drivers, Intel Core Duo, Windows XP SP2, 2 Giga Memory.

  8. I had a GeForce 6800 and very low FPS. Upgraded everything to top stuff (Intel Duo and 8800 GTX).

    Framerates are great.

    But can't see through the fog. I thought from the discussions on the forum that the fog was at long distance (pity for the view, but no harm for the fight). In fact, the fog starts well within shooting distance, so it is a real problem. In photo below, one can see the fog settling roughly in the middle of the base (you will recognise the base from "Blood Sweat & Tears" mission):


    Beyond that distance, it is impossible to see anything, even with scopes. This other picture is from the same place, with the scope, and there is 1 soldier just left of the sight: invisible in the fog!


    Seems to be a lot of shimmering on the textures as well. Tried various settings of Anistropy, AntiAlisiasing, Game video options... Not much changes.


  9. Right. I meant 6800. So the natural thing would be to upgrade the graphic card first. But I'd need to switch to a PCI Express Mobo, I suppose. And if I do, I might just as well get a new CPU... Nothing is ever simple...

    Thanks for the advice, anyway. The main conclusion I get is that it's time to spend a few weekends building a new PC and reinstalling bloody windows and everything...

    I hate it...


  10. Interesting.

    I must say, I have a 31" LCD display. Something like 1900 - 1600 resolution. Got an NVidia 8600: used to be the shit two years ago, but probably a bit limited now. Brings everything to a crawl as soon as it gets thick (grass plus cities, essentially)... Hence the thoughts about upgrading...

    I don't quite understand how software handles multiple CPUs, I think. I thought that it had to be written to handle multi-threaded tasks, and I see nothing in the posts that suggests anything like that....

  11. Guys, I am currently stuck with a 3 Gigahertz Intel. It is now clear that this is not enough.

    Which Intel processor runs best with AA? I hear that multi-core is not really supported by Armed Assault. Does that mean that I won't see any improvement over my 3 GHz single CPU? Do I need to go for the fatest Single Core CPU around?

    What's the community's advice?


  12. Yeah, well, I have the same problem here. Computer reboots each time I try to connect to MP server.

    Don't buy this thing about firewalls and ports. I have a clean SP1 install, no firewall, all ports forwarded to PC and all games work fine (inc. OFP) with exact same configuration (disk imaged).

    It is a bug, and only a bug. And there is no mention of it in the 1.05 patch. And I've browsed through the forums, and nobody from Bohemia ever asked a question about the problem, so my guess is they know about it.

  13. Will Armed Assault be optimized for the use of Track IR, and for 3D vision (e-dimensional)?

    Would add a lot to the immersion, but Track IR needs to separate head movement (Track IR) from gunsight movement (mouse), and shooting accurately in 3D requires precision 3D, not something easy to tune with OFP...

  14. Good point. I guess I tried other solutions because I don't understand the Guard waypoint well enough.

    Does the "Guard" waypoint send its group on a seek & destroy when a "detected" trigger is activated?

    If yes, which trigger is used (like the closest, or is there a linking system...)?

    Or does it work with a detection radius around the waypoint (like any unit detected within 500m around the "guard" wpt sends the group to the detected unit...).

    There has to be such a system, otherwise posting a group "on guard" on the south of the island would send it marching North across the entire island as soon as an ennemy would be detected in the North!

  15. This I have done first, and it works in the case when you know where the intrusion will be.

    This is not the case (patrolling a border) and I therefore need to "get" dynamically the position of the ennemy detected (and therefore "get" the ID of the soldiers which are detected by the patrol), in order to pass that position as argument to the "domove" command for the reinforcement group, or to the "movewpt" command that would position the destination waypoint to the right place. And I don't know how to do this!

  16. I have a patrol, which is supposed to detect the presence of ennemy (with a trigger condition "detected by East").

    Now I would like to send another group (reinforcements) when the detection trigger is activated, roughly to the place where ennemy has been detected by the patrol.

    I've tried the "list trigger" command, but i must have misunderstood it, because it doesn't work at all.

    However, there must be a way, because I remember missions where a tank would systematically come from far away & roll to me after soldiers had detected me, and park over the bush where I was hiding.

    How do you do this???

