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Everything posted by ejanvi

  1. Is there an easy way to design realistic Helicopter patrols? Like they start landed at an helipad, take off, fly the waypoints, come back to land on the helipad, refuel & rearm, take off again and fly the waypoints again and so on for eternity? Would look like a "cycle" waypoint but landed, with a refuel & rearm in the process. Refuel & rearm is obviously secondary, but I imagine that if you only keep the helicopter cycling its waypoints without it, it will end up without fuel and crashing down... And the time it is grounded is also a nice timing to shoot it with a LAW!!! Thanks
  2. I would like to have a mission starting with the bridge (or whatever house or tree, by the way) already destroyed. I can see the Object ID, but when I double click it, there is no parameters page poping up (like we have with units or vehicules). Therefore I can't access an "initialization" field in which I could "set dammage". Another way would be to do it through a trigger, but can I activate a trigger automatically when the mission starts? Is there another way (in the script files, for instance...)? Thanks
  3. Well, F4 is a flight sim, but at the level of Korea. So you actually don't see everything. But having a war at the level of the island would allow more dynamic local engagements: . You would not need this stupid geographic restriction ("Huho, I think I am getting lost, I should look at my map") to prevent you from exiting the mission area (because you would encounter other troops) . You would have more strategic freedom (i.e. take over another town first to get some armour before going back to your primary target) . You could simplify mission scripting, if there was some AI dispatching troops and reinforcements here and there. . Logistics and resupply would take care of themselves, adding some strategy. In fact, there would be less difference between a campaign and a mission. They would need to lift the current limit on the number of groups (is it 63). But in F4, all units far from the player are managed in a "simplified" way, rather than as individual-fully modelised entities, to keep the FPS up.
  4. Thanks a lot. Hadn't thought about the "true" condition being always true. The rest is easy: I used to blow it with a radio command... Thanks a bundle. So many questions to get something going! I guess that the next step for BIS is to design a "war" engine which deals with all the war at the island level by itself (Flacon 4 flight simulator has something like that. Very impressive: you fly your plane and fight your local opponent, and meanwhile there is a complete war going around on its own...).
  5. Now that BN880 told me how to use the radio to get your own position (thanks, BN880), I am one step further for positionning "things". However, two stupid problems/questions regarding Resistance editor: 1. When I try to position an officer on the floor of a "Fortress 2" (the large and elevated type), the officer sinks to the ground level (i.e. only his cap emerges from the Fortress Floor), whatever altitude I set him to in the SQM file... Same happens if I position him "by hand" on top of the Fortress from the Editor. 2. When I set myself (player) close to a soldier and get my own position (a trigger activated by radio which Hints my position array), I get something of the sort of 6532 - 9421 - 0.0014, which I take to be Longitude, Latitude, Elevation above ground (the syntax listed inthe manuals). However, when I look at the position of the soldier 1m away from me as it appears in the .sqm file, it is something like 6532 - 167 - 6533. So it looks like if the Latitude & Elevation were permuted in the Array, and as if the .sqm file was listing the Altitude above sea level (I am in the mountains North), rather than above ground. So I end up with two very different syntaxes for the Position Array, depending on whether it is in the .sqm file, or coming from a GetPos command... And I need the Ground Elevation to reconcile the Altitudes... Anyone got the same?
  6. First, let me say that I've looked for the last 60 pages of that forum, dowloaded most Editing Manuals I've found, but it seems that everybody is much more advanced than I am. My questions are two, and quite simple (I am working with the Resistance Editor): 1. Why am I having so much problems to place (manually) a simple M2 machine gun with the Editor? The Icon appears at the place I want in the Editor, then I "Preview" the mission, and the M2 is 500 meters away (the Radius is set to Zero in the Unit Properties). I go back in the editor, move the icon to & fro, go back to Preview, still 500m of the Icon. An by the way, I've set its direction to 270°, and it stupidly faces North... Same shit happens with tanks. The first item is usually OK, but the second is random. 2. Is there an easier way to place things than by placing Icons in the Editor? Like placing the "thing" (soldier, tank...) somewhere in the Editor, then going in Preview, and leading it by the hand, or pushing it or whatever, to the position that appears best (easier to verify in Preview than with the Map view of the Editor, especially when you want to position a soldier precisely behind the opening of a fortress...)? I know this must be the level zero of editing, but I am going crazy. And I haven't even started with Scripting... If anyone of you can spare a minute to help me out, I will be very grateful...
  7. Thanks. Indeed, the M2s (and the tanks) were in formation! And I'll look around for the radio script. Or I remember I saw a post about a "command console" somewhere... Anyway, thanks a bundle for the help on such trivial questions...
  8. ejanvi

    Aa weapons.

    Dunno about the key, but right click on the mouse will lock (in resistance).
  9. ejanvi

    Captured tanks remain ennemy...

    At the end of the Scrap mission, I was glad to find a damaged T72, abandonned by its Russian crew (blue color on the map). I got in the tank, went to repair it with my Repair trucks. Then got back in formation. And got immediately shot by my team's tanks. I played that sequence again, and found that my "captured tank" was red, eventhough I was crewing it! The only way I found to avoid being shot by my other tanks was to order them to stop firing! I guess this is also a fine way to infiltrate ennemy positions: get into one of their tanks, and they would mistake you for one of them...
  10. ejanvi

    The truck is full?

    Yep. Got the same: full trucks... In any case, I did not find that you recover the weapons you stored in Captured ammo trucks anyway... E.
  11. ejanvi

    Opening doors?

    Yep. Armoured vehicules don't seem to pick you up when you are at the second storey of a building. And I did not see infantry trying to get in the building & climb the stairs to go after you (would have done some nice indoor fighting, though). So these buildings are quite good shooting spots for gunning tanks down. However, be careful when you show your head at a window: infantry will spot you quickly & gun you down.
  12. ejanvi

    Invisible weapons, help!...

    Yes: very strange. Restarting the PC did the job. Must be some sort of vicious memory corruption, because I had restarted OPF without rebooting the PC and it had not worked. Thanks!
  13. ejanvi

    Invisible weapons, help!...

    I replayed the Scrap mission, only to make sure that this time, I would gather all the weapons around. And all of a sudden, while playing Scrap, my Dragunov disappears from my hands: I can drop it, reload it, fire, put it in a vehicule, take it back, give it to a soldier, take it back again: always invisible (even when it is on the ground). I even see my hands carrying a weapon but they are empty! And I don't have any weapon view (i.e. pressing Keypad Zero does nothing), nor the weapon reticles when in normal view (makes it difficult to use the Dragunov!. And exactly the same happens with the Bizons. When I take the RPG, an AK, a PK, my Pistol... everything is OK. So I completed the mission & went to the next one, but there again, invisible weapons. I quit OFPR, reloaded, still the same. This is serious & quite a problem for the rest of the Campaign! Anyone saw that? HELP... I play in 1600x1200, with visibility of 900, textures to max except for Special Effects, Auto Drop Down to 4x or 2x (tried both), average/high image quality, high required frame rates, terrain detail of "high". The game is very fluid, so it does not seem to be a memory problem. HW: Athlon 1800+, GeForce 4400, Win98SE, 512 Meg of memory, 30 Gigas of free disk space, Windows Swap file on automatic (fails manually set).
  14. ejanvi

    Invisible weapons, help!...

    Yes: very strange. Restarting the PC did the job. Must be some sort of vicious memory corruption, because I had restarted OPF without rebooting the PC and it had not worked. Thanks!
  15. ejanvi

    Invisible weapons, help!...

    I replayed the Scrap mission, only to make sure that this time, I would gather all the weapons around. And all of a sudden, while playing Scrap, my Dragunov disappears from my hands: I can drop it, reload it, fire, put it in a vehicule, take it back, give it to a soldier, take it back again: always invisible (even when it is on the ground). I even see my hands carrying a weapon but they are empty! And I don't have any weapon view (i.e. pressing Keypad Zero does nothing), nor the weapon reticles when in normal view (makes it difficult to use the Dragunov!. And exactly the same happens with the Bizons. When I take the RPG, an AK, a PK, my Pistol... everything is OK. So I completed the mission & went to the next one, but there again, invisible weapons. I quit OFPR, reloaded, still the same. This is serious & quite a problem for the rest of the Campaign! Anyone saw that? HELP... I play in 1600x1200, with visibility of 900, textures to max except for Special Effects, Auto Drop Down to 4x or 2x (tried both), average/high image quality, high required frame rates, terrain detail of "high". The game is very fluid, so it does not seem to be a memory problem. HW: Athlon 1800+, GeForce 4400, Win98SE, 512 Meg of memory, 30 Gigas of free disk space, Windows Swap file on automatic (fails manually set).
  16. ejanvi

    Stonehenge type thing on nogova

    Yes, the church on the hill over the base in Scrap mission is quite interesting: if you enter, you will see 2 very nice Icons on the left of the altar, and a beautiful Christ statue (dunno the official catholic name for it - lol). Very nice church, indeed, worth visiting between two RPG shots at the tanks...
  17. ejanvi

    Invisible weapons, help!...

    Nope. When I say you don't see the weapon, I mean that you also don't see the scope nor the cross hair in weapon view. Nor, by the way, the "optional" crosshair when you are in normal view. It is exactly like if you were walking without ANY weapon. So the weapons (especially the dragunov) are effectively not usable...
  18. ejanvi

    Invisible weapons, help!...

    Trivial? Playing OFP without being able to use your weapons?
  19. ejanvi

    Invisible weapons, help!...

    Trivial? Playing OFP without being able to use your weapons?
  20. ejanvi

    Difficult mission

    I did it the first time by first wasting the Tank & BMP plus some troops that come to you as soon as the mission begins at the base. Then leading your team to the first waypoint. Then going "stealth" though the forest to the back of the castle. Stowe your team where it won't get in the way nor alert the Castle soldiers. I then had the luck to find a wasted russian lying in the forest close to the castle, with a silenced Bizon (have no clue of who wasted him). I took the Bizon, and with it I wasted the Castle teams (including the tank crew close to the first fire). Once the castle was mine, it got easier (the tanks can't climb all the way, so you are relatively safe as long as you keep wasting the soldiers who come for you). Then, I used the Dragunov to kill those soldiers in the ennemy base, while keeping away from the tanks. Once the infantery is out, you can move more freely around. Then, I took the tanks away with the RPG (hiding like a rabbit between 2 shots). The soldier with the Bizon also had some satchel charges which came handy to destroy those tanks which were foolish enough to try to try to climb to the castle and got stuck in the slope (just get close to the tank from behind, lay your charge & boom). However, I am now trying to do that mission again (I would like to capture more weapons than I did on the first try), and I can't find that bloody "Bizon" soldier. Still trying to locate him...
  21. ejanvi

    What is your pc specs

    Athlon 1800+, 512 RAM, Via Chipset, GeForce 4400, Win98SE. I run in 1600x1200 (I thought it made no difference, but it does in terms of definition) Antialiasing at 4xS Terrain detail at Very High (dunno what difference it makes, but seriously bogs the FPS) Visibility at 900 (anything beyond brings crashes & error messages related to Virtual Memory - a pity, because 900 is not a lot when yu are shooting with a Tank: you don't see the ennemy, but the ennemy sees you through the fog...) Windows Swap file on automatic (fixed doesn't work, cf. my post in this forum) All textures to max (esp. Special Effects) Image quality at default (sort of middle: increasing it hurts FPS too much) Frame rates 13-20 Auto-drop down x2 The movies are stuttering so badly that you have to skip them. In game FPS suffer serious stuttering at the beginning, then seem to get OK after a few minutes. But quitting the mission and quitting the game mean each time some 2 mn of disk churn before you recover the hand (don't know what is happening during this time & why quitting the game takes so long). I think that we should develop a point of view on the best settings. In any case, Resistance gets easily to the point where my machine can't cope any more (waiting for 10 GHz CPU and 2 Gigas memory??).
  22. ejanvi

    A suggestion for bis

    It would also be nice to find in the next mission the Ammo truck which in the previous mission, you captured, loaded and drove back to your base! It doesn't seem to happen. OK, if you picked up a RPG, you will have it in the following mission. But you can only carry so much. Would be very nice to be able to make stock piles of weapons in the forest or in your base (on the ground, or by parking an ammo truck), and mark them on the map with a red tag (would also need to transfer the red tag, to remember where you have your stores, and to have access to a larger area than only the new mission area - I hate these "I seem to be getting lost, better look at my map" messages; don't see the point, really). I did make an entire mission (taking the checkpoint followed by taking over the base/port) with a Bison (nice tool for close & stealth combat), regretting every minute of having left my brand new Dragunov in the Castle at the end of the "Scrap" mission. It probably had vanished from its location during the change of mission, but I was not even allowed to go & check. One could even push further and wish that all the vehicles you captured (repair trucks, ammo trucks, captured tanks...) would be transfered to the following mission, at whatever place (capture place, base after relocation, or new mission location...).
  23. ejanvi

    Need your help with ammo low mission

    I guess my definition of a "good" ambush would include dealing with the infantry as well, not only the armor. From what I understand of your dreams, you will find things you like in the Ammo Truck which is in the convoy. To access it, obviously, you need to deal with the infantry. I did it the hard way: shooting the BRDM before it unloads all its crews, then poping in & out of the holes of the terrain to eliminate the infantry one by one. Obviously, it helps if you placed your team mates strategically to cover you, but not too exposed so as not to lose them (I did it with zero casualty). The first time I did it, one of the trucks slipped through the barrage, and went 2 kms down the road. Had to run after it, but for some reason it was laying destroyed without his driver,and could not be driven back. Two questions for those who did it: 1. I waited & waited for the second wave of tanks announced by the Radio Kid (forgot his name), but they never came. So I went back to base and the mission was finished. 2. I brought the trucks back to the base, thinking I would find the ammo truck with all its payload waiting for me at the beginning of the following mission. Well, too bad: I began the following mission armed with the weapons I finished carrying, but no ammo truck in sight, no ammo crate with the ammo... I had similar frustrations in the following missions: I forget that I have stowed a Dragunov in the Castle at the end of Scrap mission (I had to choose between a Bizon & a Dragunov: hard choice!. Then I start the following mission (attacking the checkpoint and then the base), and after a quick reconnaissance, decide that it would be a good time to go & pick-up the Dragunov in the Castle. I am hardly 500m NE from the mission starting point when I get this message saying that I am straying away and that I should look at my map (else termination, if it is like in the previous Opuses)! Why am I forbidden to go in that direction? And by the way, is the Dragunov still in the Castle? So that means it is quite difficult to pile-up weapons throughout the campaign as it is suggested, if you can't store them in vehicles or on the ground and have to carry them all on you (and probably your mates, but which ones?) before switching to the following mission... The idea of persistence through the campaign is great, but why not go all the way? This said, it is damm good... E.
  24. I knew I shouldn't have started to tweak OFP resistance settings. Now, it exits every time to desktop after 1 or 2 mns of HD churning, with an error message: "Out of reserved memory (65536KB) Code change required (current limit 524288KB) Total free 280953KB Free blocks 210, max free size 20480KB" Or with some slight variations of the 2 last numbers. Problem is, I came back to the default settings, and I still get the BTD. (I had the time to complete 4 missions in 1280x960 before I started to play with settings - mostly Visibility and Image Quality). Config is Athlon 1800+, GeForce TI 4400, 512 Meg of RAM, plenty of free disk, Win 98SE. Virtual Memory managed by Windows (I had other error messages when I had it Fixed to 1 Giga).
  25. ejanvi

    Dynamic range for resistance?

    AvonL, I guess CPL BOB was saying that the link on the Kyllikki site does not work. Bob, if you go back on the site to its "download" directory (http://kyllikki.tiimipeli.net/downloads/), you'll find that indeed, the link does not work because the Amon pack has been upgraded to V2. You can pick it up in the download area. BTW, are all add-ons compatible with Resistance???