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Everything posted by exe

  1. Right at 1 point i could make a server in gamespy launch it and ppl could join, and we would have fragging fun. Now tho i launch a game but only i manage to connect, no 1 else can get in for some reason. Dunno why. Im using win xp and op flashpoint works fine on 1 player, the thing that may course the prob is that i have 2 pcs on lan sharing a blueyonder cable connection. I know that u can't got on gamespy arcade when sharing the same connection. But I still can't get ppl to connect to the server even if the other pc that shares the connection is doing a completely different task or is not even active. If someone plz reply to me or email me at daexe@blueyonder.co.uk thx for ur time
  2. fixed it, as i thought it would be due to my 2 pcs sharing a connection. So what i did is disable the connect for the other pc so it couldn't share the connection of this pc. Then i hosted a game in gamespy to test it with just a guy i asked to help me quickly. And it worked and ran fine like it did in the old days. =] I would still like EchoFive to contact me because he will probably know how to open another port so my other pc can still share a cable connection while i still am able to host ofp games on this port it needs to work. thx for the reply btw echo, and also the guy who had the same problem because this won't only help me but urself and many others who will get similar problems.