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About easydays

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. easydays

    Paintball in sp

    thanks anyway i was thinking since u can use paintball in multi it be easy to do in sp
  2. how do i make a sp mission with the units firing paintball
  3. am setpos a hmnvee 100m in air the camcreate a parachute and then script it to be carry by the parachute two problems  i get  car1 variable already reserved and when hmnvee hits gound it vanished hmnvee name is  car1 parachute is name chute1b hmnvee is a empty vehicle also am trigering the script from the addaction menu put to my soldier car1 setpos [getpos this select 0,getpos this select 1,(getpos this select 2)+100] chute1b = "parachutec" camcreate getpos car1 chute1b = this select 0 car1 = this select 1 endcargosession = false goto debug #here x = (getpos chute1b ) select 0 y = (getpos chute1b ) select 1 z = (getpos chute1b ) select 2 car1 setpos [ x , y , z] car1 setdir (getdir chute1b) goto "here" exit
  4. how do u make a mission with units using paintball (like in mp) i havent seen any scripting references
  5. easydays

    Resistance  /editor  <<bis dev

    will opf res editor have support for 3rd party tools like (ofpseditor by "Manteau") script editor (ofpdlc by "JaTe"0 ext editor for the sounds i hate having to leave the editor to make changes would be nice
  6. the cofig.cpp is inside the addon , so if u want to edit the ch47 u need to depbo the ch47 pbo file or u can go to ofp editing center and see the totorial on cpp files
  7. any info on this where does "independace lost" fit in with "resistance"
  8. yes thats it thanks
  9. am trying to get an objetc to continuasly reset their pos to a vehicle i remenber a post a while ago about how to carry barrels in a truck \it was something to do with the loop command if u can help thanks
  10. easydays

    Ap do fire target1

    thz, gues i have to try that
  11. how do u get a unit to fire at the target practice obj in the editor i went to the mission sqm and manually change them from civ to east and still west soldiers dont shoot at targete (this is the name of obj in the editor) is the re a way to do this if u guys can help thanhz
  12. easydays

    text to speech in opf/

    when u ask a unit to report theeir position the unit responds by send a radio message u see the text of the message like[ ap cf56] u also hear the voice of the soldier over the radio my question is is this a text-to-speech respond or is it a sample of sounds put together to create the respond am not talking about descrition.ext ,files i know u put radio messages as text and the voice for the text,
  13. easydays

    making my own flags

    Â thankz
  14. easydays

    can you answer this plz

    they are probelly move to attack just set a waypoint right on them on the roof HOLD that way theyll stay on the roof if u want then to be prone all the time sniper1 setunitpos "down" <this makes unit go prone or "up" <this makes unit stand or "auto" <makes unit choose positin :0:0:0