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    Private First Class
  1. eScopic

    Setting up server settings

    I have compiled a simple config here http://www.brutalforce.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=254 Hope it is of interest.
  2. eScopic

    Dedicated server logs

    having funded and maintained a dedicated server now for some time i thought i might comment on the LOG output and post my wish list. 1. a command line option to include players IP along with game ID when they join. 2. notification that the logged on admin used the password - as shown when in the game screen. 3. a command line option to have the log saved to disk. That's it
  3. eScopic

    Bad xml and faces crash linux dedy

    First looks are    Connection with xml settings are ok. If anyone wants to try my test rig with their xml then come over to will be available until late tonight. Debian 3.0 (2.2.20 Kernel) OFPR 1.90f Linux beta (no addons, basic install) XP2200 1GB ADSL 512/256
  4. eScopic

    Bad xml and faces crash linux dedy

    Cheers Suma, I will upgrade and start testing this morning.
  5. eScopic

    Bad xml and faces crash linux dedy

    Suma did say "a fix is in the works" But I suggest all Linus DS admins follow Tracer_SS lead and lock your servers or you will never get a game off the ground.
  6. eScopic

    Bad xml and faces crash linux dedy

    hum, very quiet on this post. are BIS on holiday Suma/Maruk, could you just add a comment to this post PLEASE . Anything
  7. eScopic

    Bad xml and faces crash linux dedy

    I’ve done some further testing on the Linux 1.90 DS connection issue and found the following happens with different “Squad URL:†settings: Squad URL: = EMPTY – Connection OK Squad URL: = http://www.yoursquad.com/squadpage.xml - server stops responding Squad URL: = www.yoursquad.com/squadpage.xml - server stops responding Squad URL: = qwertyuiop (or any other nonsense text) – all server processes end and you get a “Segmentation fault†Hope this help with the beta program BIS Do you get these same errors? Let us know PLEASE
  8. eScopic

    Bad xml and faces crash linux dedy

    We don't have an answer yet Shrike , but I expect BIS are aware of the problem so a fix should be on the way.
  9. eScopic

    Bad xml and faces crash linux dedy

    yes, xml reference in player settings causes my server to halt for at least 10 minutes. I have tried the 1.90 on Mandrake 9.0 and Debian 3.0 distros and get same results. We need a fix or a config setting to prevent the processing of player xml info. BIS?
  10. eScopic

    Island map

    BIS, Could'nt find a PDF map of Nogova on the Resistance CD. Will there be one available soon? Thanks
  11. eScopic

    Island map

    BIS, Could'nt find a PDF map of Nogova on the Resistance CD. Will there be one available soon? Thanks
  12. eScopic

    Online cheats

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RN Malboeuf @ June 27 2002,23:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">stick to the discussion and stop flaming Like I said, to many ppl crying this or that is a cheat kills the game, regardless of sound levels I have never lost a one on one regardless of sound card or the distance I can hear. Tactics go farther then simple hearing care to have a go. we're having a 2vs2 tourney very soon<span id='postcolor'> Mal. I am not trying to flame u m8, but your stories are so far fetched I had to reply. So what if you can hear ppl miles away, that’s possible and I wouldn’t consider it cheating or doubt you can do it. All I’m saying is that NO WAY can you drop someone with ONE shot at distances OVER one mile (1.61KM). 1. I’ve tried hitting targets with an AK at a mile + and found that I needed to aim well over the targets head and thereby completely obscuring the target with the sight post. I’m not sure how accurate bullet trajectory is reproduced in OFP – anyone? 2. To be able to see a target at 2 miles you would need the command "SetViewDistance 3200" added to the mission by the map maker to enable viewing at that distance. I don't care how good you think your pc is pal, that would cause all sorts of lag problems. The default view distance for all maps is about 900 meters. So, if you dropped me from a range of two miles I WOULD call you a CHEAT. I don't believe that is at all possible. If you did it with an AK at 800m I would praise your marksmanship. I too have a s**t hot games pc, but I can't be bothered to tell everyone the spec. Not that ppl really care. Have a nice day.
  13. eScopic

    Checking frames per second

    check out http://www.fraps.com
  14. eScopic

    Online cheats

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RN Malboeuf @ June 27 2002,03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">tell the guys who I drop from two miles away how I did NOT cheat when I used a AK47/bizon/hk, they're really sure I was cheating Dead guy: "there is no way to even see me at that distance" Mad Cow: "yeaa sure buddy"<span id='postcolor'> LMAO. I’ve never heard so much BS in all my life. Malboeuf, this forum can always rely on you to keep us amused with your amazing talent and tales of greatness. Can you hear us all ROFL with you bionic ears?
  15. eScopic

    Checksum on missions

    Not sure if this is the right place, but here goes. Me and my fellow squad members like to play MP CTF and DM matches against other teams in ladders. In the past we have noticed slight differences in weapon layout and vehicle ammo when using the same (or so we think) map. Would it be possible, in a future release/upgrade, to include a mission checksum result on the side selection screen of the mission? This would prevent cheats making counterfeit copy missions with goodies on the map that only they know about.