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About dantheman45

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  1. dantheman45

    AI shoot through ruins?

    cheers guys, is it an easy thing to add LODs? sounds a bit ominous lol
  2. hi, i have a the ruin pack, its been a while since i downloaded it so i cant remember who released it. but it has all the objects that werent in the original editor. but the main problem is that the AI soldiers can shoot through much of these objects, particularly the ruins of the housing blocks. anyone got any ideas on how to stop this? its really making a ruined city impossible to fight in! lol cheers!
  3. dantheman45

    mission editor help

    ahhh!! i see, sorry bout that lol! im a bit of a novice when it comes to scripting lol. really shoudlve learnt by now, ive been playing since ofp!
  4. dantheman45

    mission editor help

    cheers for the replys guys, will the fire script make it burn indefinately? (im sure i spelt that wrong, lol) im trying to make a runied city, and it doesent look right without fire everywhere!! lol and i still cant find the river i was looking for! maybe i dreamt it lol, if it was a dream im gonna feel a little silly for asking for it on a forum! lol i tried searching for the fire thing, not many results and most were in a different context, and the first question was kind of impossible to search for! lol cheers anyway guys!
  5. hey! ive searched everywhere and i cant find the answers i am looking for so i though i would make a new thread! im trying to do two things in the mission editor, i need to find a particular location. as far as i remember it was a heavily wooded river with a few buildings along the banks for the life of me, i cant remember where it was and i cant find it anywhere! the second thing is how do i place fires? like the kind of fire that comes off of a burning vehicle? cheers!