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Everything posted by desusdobrasil

  1. desusdobrasil

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Yes that is wery good Sir
  2. desusdobrasil

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Hei love the RTE but hvat hapend to the solders ? Cant vi great solders like the RTE V3
  3. desusdobrasil

    Hei i have truble

    Hei im not so good at english Ok i have make a multiplayer map on Sakakah and is virlie good map i ben fiksing forsomtime now but kan somone se if mye class Mission, if it somting wrong ?? version=11; class Mission { addOns[]= { "sakakah", "cacharacters", "cadata", "caair", "CATracked", "CAWater", "xam_vehdes", "CAWheeled", "xam_veh", "CABuildings", "CAMisc", "caweapons", "hilux_armed_dbe1", "EditorUpdate_v102" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "CATracked", "CAWater", "cacharacters", "CAWheeled", "hilux_armed_dbe1", "xam_vehdes", "xam_veh", "EditorUpdate_v102", "caair", "CABuildings", "CAMisc", "caweapons", "cadata", "sakakah" }; randomSeed=340483; class Intel { briefingName="Sakakah Al-Qaida"; briefingDescription="Sakakah War on Terror"; startWeather=0.000000; forecastWeather=0.000000; year=2008; day=11; minute=45; }; I vil like to adoers kan kom inn end play may mision. ok hope somone can hjelp me fast SORRY MY ENGLISH
  4. desusdobrasil

    Hei i have truble

    hei a gen hvat is this. mercenerary_dbe1. I gets this error hven i start mye misions after i start mye mission. i ned help to get this startet
  5. desusdobrasil

    Hei i have truble

    Hei tanks for the replied ok thets way they dont kom in on the map they dont have the addons i got.
  6. desusdobrasil

    XAM 1.405 Fixer and XEH Compatibility

    Hmm is it not working with Queen's Gambit ?
  7. desusdobrasil

    XAM 1.405 Fixer and XEH Compatibility

    Hei Sorry my english Is it beder to us Extreme ArmA Mod v1.4.05 Full and XAM 1.405 EN Fixer, then XAM 1.405 EN Extended Eventhandlers Patch ? Or just the Extreme ArmA Mod v1.4.06 Full ENGLISH ?
  8. desusdobrasil

    Extreme ArmA Mod v1.4.06

    Hei Sorry my english Is it beder to us Extreme ArmA Mod v1.4.05 Full and XAM 1.405 EN Fixer, then XAM 1.405 EN Extended Eventhandlers Patch ? Or just the Extreme ArmA Mod v1.4.06 Full ENGLISH ?
  9. Hei i downloaded the Extreme ArmA Mod v1.4.06 but i cant hear my footsteps when im walking or running can someone please help me? Or do I have to reinstall the mod?
  10. desusdobrasil

    XAM 1.4 Light

    Hei i downloaded the Extreme ArmA Mod v1.4.06 but i cant hear my footsteps when im walking or running can someone please help me? Or do I have to reinstall the mod?
  11. desusdobrasil

    XAM 1.405 Fixer and XEH Compatibility

    Hei i downloaded the Extreme ArmA Mod v1.4.06 but i cant hear my footsteps when im walking or running can someone please help me? Or do I have to reinstall the mod?
  12. desusdobrasil

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    tanks i ting it vil run on beta 1.12 also den:) i trye
  13. desusdobrasil

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    Hei kan you yuse the 1.12 beta on this map ore youst QG ? end hav do a do so? Sorry my english
  14. Hi, I downloaded some addons, soldiers and vehicles, to my mission. I want my addons to go under the same folder as the mission so that people don't disconnect when they enter my mission on the internet.
  15. desusdobrasil

    Addons to mission

    buuu ok tenks for the help.
  16. desusdobrasil

    Addons to mission

  17. desusdobrasil

    Mission done, need help!

    Jone my Game RTS_Deser Cammp (Coop)10 Mission Name: Deser Cammp iraq 6
  18. I'v been working a long time on my mission now and I'm starting to finish it. When I start the mission and see people connect, they get disconnected with this message: player disconnected because of FDF Sound / G85 / Extreme Arma Mod. And I think I have some addons I downloaded. How do I get people to come play my mission without getting disconnected?
  19. desusdobrasil

    Mission done, need help!

    Thanks for the help! I deleted "RAE_sandbagFix", "G85_Editor", "EditorUpdate_v102" I'll check if it works now!