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About dreamweaver

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  1. dreamweaver

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    As I said earlier in this thread, i find it extremely weird that the freelook (1st person) is even laggier than the normal view. Anyone else with this experience?
  2. Yes, please a new upload.
  3. Maybe you can help me with my problem to get the skeet-machine to work at least? See the thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74052&highlight=skeet-machine
  4. dreamweaver

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    Yeah. And maybe the soldier stood to long in some draught and has a stiff neck...
  5. dreamweaver

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    What I noticed recently is, that when I use freelook while pressing alt, the lag is even bigger! :eek: Isn't that contradictory, because if there is an inbuild inertia system, shouldn't I get less lag when I move my head without my arms and a heavy rifle? Am I the only one with that experience? Edit: The mouse becomes really unprecise and much more laggy while in freelook. This has to be a bug. In fact, in real live I can turn my head from left to right much faster and with more precision than in ARMA2.
  6. dreamweaver

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    Ok, I will try to sum it up a bit: It is obvious to me and as long as I dont have seen any video proof of really synced mouse-to-screen movement, I am sure that there is some intertia system modelled into ARMA. And the only way to simulate that is by some sort of forced mouse lag. But there are different effects. Normal behavior / as intended by the DEVs Some (maybe most) users dont recognize it. Those who see and feel it (incl. me) and dont like it but have to adapt to it. Those who see and feel it and like it. Those who dont, think everything is fine and have no clue what we are talking about. Abnormal behavior On some machines this inertia effect is really out of proportion, interferes with some hardware/software and makes the game almost unplayable. Some can reduce the effect (maybe to normal) by editing settings in their video- or mousedriver. Some dont. So I think, the only thing people can hope for is, that BIS will bring a fix for those who have the abnormal behavior.
  7. dreamweaver

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    There is some lag. Its not much, but it is visible. And it is the same on my PC. Its visible and mainly noticeable while moving the mouse during gameplay.
  8. dreamweaver

    Radiosound + Mouse Lag Problem

    Another nice video of the mouse lag. Its clearly visible! Screen and hand/mouse are obviously out of sync. ---------- Post added at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ---------- Well, I do think that BIS programmed some sort of inertia into the aiming system. And there is a point to do that because it is a simulation. But on the other hand, the only input that we players have is a device that moves, depending on the players choice, around 5cm. So that is definitely not realistic and doesnt simulate the fine tuned motion of a human in real live. And if you ask me, I think one of the most important things in a military sim is to aim quickly and precise! Because we have only a flat 2D screen that is maybe 40x30cm and some speakers plus an input device that moves a few cm. And these things are already a major disadvantage (to the KI) and are far far from the feedback and input that a real human get and put into in real live. So at least in this point, a computer game, even a simulation, has nothing to do with real live. So my conclusion is, that I would like to have quick and precise aiming, even if it is not realistic. Why? Because the input (via mouse) is the only/or most important input I have!
  9. We need a new version to only disable blur or bloom.
  10. Dont know if that is a bug, but when I use the binocular and change my stance it is really horrible. For instance, I stand and use the binocular. Then go crouch via pressing the button. The soldier put the bino down, goes crouch, trys to put the bino up, put the bino down, trys to get the weapon, put the weapon on the back, and finally get the bino up again. This is ridiculous. Edit. I meant crouch, not prone.
  11. Ok, thanks a lot. Now it works (beside a few error messages).
  12. dreamweaver

    Moving Popup Target E's

    Do you had any luck with that script? I tried it too, but I cant get it to work. I am looking for moving targets too.
  13. Ok, I tried your suggestion with the files into Addons folder, but no luck. I downloaded Avgani in a package. This package contains the following folders (with the files): Afghan Village 1.0 Afgani 1.5 opxbuildings opxmisc opxplants opxroads public key What I did, was that I put all these folders into one @opx folder with the additional Arma1 files. Or should I make one @Afgani folder with the files from the opxXXX folders and the Arma1? Edit: Ok, I tried it with a single @Avgani folder and only the Afgani and opx files in it. Plus an Addon folder with the Arma1 files. But now I can only chose Sahrani and Rhamadi. Still no Avgani.