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About dardunc

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  1. dardunc

    Laser-guided bombs

    Thanks HailStorm for the info. I did do a search on the forums as well as google and nothing turned up in the way of instructions on how to use the bombs. I even had a look at the instruction books which come with the game boxes, but BI isnt that big on explaining how to use its weapons of war lol... mmd - awesome video, now I know how it should be done. I created a scenario so I could practive the aircraft, but didnt throw in any of those scouts. volkov956 & LtCmdrBoon, since the post I have managed to hit a few targets without the laser guider, but it more often than not ends in disaster (usually I blow myself up with the bomb because I am too low). Cheers all, appreciate the advice!!!
  2. dardunc

    Laser-guided bombs

    Does anyone know how you get the laser-guided bomb targetting to work on the Harrier's GBU-12 weapon. All I can manage is to drop the things when I think they might land on a traget. I have seen a youtube vid of a guy using the laser-site, but have no idea how to do it myself! Cheers
  3. The vclRepairPad.sqs is great BUT when I rearm an AH-6, I get my 14 FFAR back, then after they have been used up, it pops up with another 38 FFAR mid air. Removing the AH1W line in the reload doesnt prevent this. Cheers