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Everything posted by dwringer

  1. dwringer

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    and, i wanted to just point out that although there are, in fact, other places on the internet to discuss current events, as the mod in the shooting thread pointed out, these other locations are not as well moderated, so the discussions almost invariably become an exercise in half truths, rumors, and flamebaiting ;p
  2. Heh, I thought this was just about getting AI groups to carry out orders silently; but I guess if there were a way to do that, BIS would have... I always get freaked out in the campaign when pacing groups of civilians start barking orders; it makes me think there are guerillas everywhere just waiting for the chance to take me out ;p
  3. dwringer

    Destroying a convey (the first single mission)

    Heh, when I did it i went to JUST past the bend in the road as it comes out of the woods (a bit before where the waypoint is marked) and placed the mines on and around the road (Closing off that route basically). Then, I went even farther up the road putting satchel charges spaced fairly far apart, and went to hide. As the first BMP comes around the bend, he gets taken out creating a roadblock, and the trucks kind of mill around back in the woods for a minute. I waited a few moments until the time felt right, and blew the satchels. When I came around, 3 trucks and the BMP were all gone. M136 easily cleans up the rest, so long as you can use the trees to keep outta sight
  4. dwringer

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    This is kind of a shot in the dark, but whenever i see an error message with "DX" in it, I have to think it's related to your DirectX installation... have you tried reinstalling DirectX? Always a good idea anyway ;p
  5. dwringer

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    That panorama by JimLad from the top of pico de perez really captures ArmA's essence of supremacy ;p JimLad's panorama and it's the first example I've noted where a game looks more detailed than reality, compare to this: real life panorama, similar scene I'll take ArmA over actually going outside any day
  6. dwringer

    tweak for 2gb users

    Aha, THAT'S the reason my XBOX ran OFP:E better
  7. dwringer

    ARMA on TV

    Well after the new beta patch, if anybody tries to tell me that PS3 has ANYTHING on the PC I'm gonna take them to the top of a mountain with a 3-4km view distance and show them why PS3 owners may as well just go ahead and euthanize themselves...
  8. dwringer

    What happened to the Hind ?

    The Hind, the Kiowa, the Chinook, Bradley, T-55, A-10 (for now), Cessna... All these things have mysteriously been omitted, which is a shame... I guess they're bringing back the A-10 (hopefully not just for the American release), and mod makers have already gotten us the Bradley and Chinook (and the Cessna is really kind of unneccessary I guess); it is kind of weird that they left out these trademark vehicles, however. Well, the Kiowa got sort-of replaced by the Little Bird, too, I guess.. but who knows...
  9. dwringer

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    well, after climbing to the top of pico de perez with an m107, and setting the view distance to 4,500m (well, normally I can only go to 1500-2500m depending on foliage, to crank out as many fps as i can), i must say that this patch is the greatest thing to happen to arma to date.. at least for 8800 users.. i had no IDEA the fog bug was as severe as all that, but the difference is really like night and day. what i used to think were "distant" mountains and peaks, it turns out, ain't squat compared to the REAL horizon
  10. dwringer

    Helicopter Jitters

    what makes you say this is unrealistic? if you have real helicopter piloting experience then i will of course defer to you, but from what i've read on the subject, as well as from the way MS Flight Simulator handles them, heli's DON'T like to yaw fast in forward flight. They're aerodynamically designed to want to orient themselves in the direction of travel. in fact, you CAN turn at high speeds, but it requires a proper bank and collective adjustment to do it smoothly. i think ArmA is actually kind of forgiving in this aspect.. the choppers fly backwards and at reverse obliques very easily, much more so than the way such is made out to be in MS flight sim. again, i don't know squat from flying real helicopters though; i have no such experience :\
  11. dwringer

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    Well, on that note, at least, it's really refreshing to see a game where the updates actually, oh i dunno, fix problems that people have found (and in a timely manner, at that! ) I don't want to give the wrong impression that I'm angry about the sprocket thing, a beta patch which works on most versions is still far better than no patch at all (or none for many, many, many months, which fix almost no major problems, like with other games which shall remain nameless...)
  12. dwringer


    so, how 'bout that m107... personally I think it's pretty neat, you can almost feel the gun absorbing the recoil the way the sound + camera bob go together... although when firing crouched or from a standing position, the way it jerks up seems a little bit exaggerated... oh well, without that, it'd be the most lethal weapon in the game, and in reality doing such a thing would probably hurt you. On that note, did anybody notice that when firing this gun on the move in certain positions, you actually DO take damage? Or maybe i encountered a glitch, or a tenacious AI unit that I forgot to kill
  13. dwringer

    patch 1.05.5143

    Are you using a Sprocket-downloaded version? If so, this is an issue which has been discovered on the General forum; as of yet, there is no official word on whether there will be a solution.
  14. dwringer

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    I didn't say that; I'm just speculating that Softwrap, the company which handles authentication/copy protection/etc for the Sprocket versions might have to do something to officially support the update. I'd assume that any official release would have this taken care of. +EDIT: and as far as I know, unless the mod replaces ArmA.exe, then there would be no reason for mods not to work. I've used the third person NewView mod without problems.
  15. dwringer

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    Well I guess it's probably too much to hope that somebody would work out a way to get this working on the sprocket versions? I guess since it's a beta we can't really expect such.... but I wonder if it just has something to do with the special locking on the exe (it runs as ArmA.locked.exe, and my icon, no matter what i change it to, always shows a sketch of a padlock).... perhaps there's something that softwrap has to do independent of BIS? Well, I just keep telling myself this will all be worth it in the end
  16. dwringer

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    so.. this ISN'T compatible with the sprocket version? What about the English sprocket version? That sucks royally.. these glitches are piling up to the point where I can't even play for more than 10 minutes at a time without rebooting (i don't know why, other games continue to work fine, including Oblivion at max settings).. and that's with ArmA on low/very low detail... what on earth reason could there be for it not to work? Well, I'm going to try it when I get home, and see for myself unless somebody can confirm this :\
  17. dwringer

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    Well I've got a P4 3.6 GHz, 2GB DDR2, and an 8800GTS 320MB... and every time I play ArmA the performance is different, and there are different bugs. Sometimes I can play at 1280x1024 on High for a while, other times, 1024x768 on low is what it takes for acceptable frame rates... although I shouldn't say "acceptable" because it still randomly pops up with weird errors or stutters. The most common one of course is missing textures, but sometimes the geometry gets screwy... like everything is going off to some vertex several hundred meters in the sky, and the textures went with it or something. Anyone else get this? I have a Realtek onboard audio card, maybe that's the issue... but sometimes it works fine :\
  18. dwringer

    xx NEW Forceware 101.02 2000/XP xx

    well just thought i'd report that the missing textures/geometry corruption/etc is back... kind of worries me, now whenever i see even the slightest anomaly in any other game i get paranoid
  19. dwringer

    Ebud's SF's

    This is a great addon... I love the inclusion of the M107 as default for some snipers, and those missions are pretty dang cool... great thing to bundle with the skins
  20. dwringer

    Is this true about ARMA for PS3?

    LOL... i'll admit, when I saw it, I was had for about 36 seconds... talk about bad news ;p
  21. I have an 8800 GTS and, as expected, got the fog issue too.. View distance slider only went practically from about 500 to 1400 km (when adjusting it from 500 to 10,000), and there was an intense bright fog past that making it hard to see towards the end of the viewing area. Now, when I changed HDR Precision in my ArmA.cfg to 16 bit, I noticed the fog get even WORSE. In fact, I couldn't aim at ANYTHING more than a couple hundred meters away. When I set HDR Precision to 32 bit, however, my view distance slider became quite a bit more useful. I can now play with the distance set at around 1200m (before I had to put it around 700-800 to get decent performance), and in fact I can see that far away. The fog is still there, and it begins pretty close, making the farther-away objects difficult to spot in some light conditions, but they are still discernable. I think part of this fog issue that we're getting is a result of sunlight being rendered off the distance fog, which seems like it's kind of hard on a GPU and causes sun glare whiteout on 8 and especially 16 bit HDR precision towards the edge of the view distance. I theorize that in 32 bit precision, the sun glare is more realistically mild after a few moments, and this makes it possible to make out objects through this fog (even though the fog still seems to come in way too close). Can anybody else give these settings a try and see if you can confirm anything? I just went to a top of a mountain in the editor and tried various times of day, and previewed it to adjust view distance and play with settings, but I guess you can do whatever you want (mountaintops make it easier to test ;p)
  22. dwringer

    Confirm fog problem with 8800 GTX

    I have an 8800 GTS and, as expected, got the fog issue too.. View distance slider only went practically from about 500 to 1400 km (when adjusting it from 500 to 10,000), and there was an intense bright fog past that making it hard to see towards the end of the viewing area. Now, when I changed HDR Precision in my ArmA.cfg to 16 bit, I noticed the fog get even WORSE. In fact, I couldn't aim at ANYTHING more than a couple hundred meters away. When I set HDR Precision to 32 bit, however, my view distance slider became quite a bit more useful. I can now play with the distance set at around 1200m (before I had to put it around 700-800 to get decent performance), and in fact I can see that far away. The fog is still there, and it begins pretty close, making the farther-away objects difficult to spot in some light conditions, but they are still discernable. I think part of this fog issue that we're getting is a result of sunlight being rendered off the distance fog, which seems like it's kind of hard on a GPU and causes sun glare whiteout on 8 and especially 16 bit HDR precision towards the edge of the view distance. I theorize that in 32 bit precision, the sun glare is more realistically mild after a few moments, and this makes it possible to make out objects through this fog (even though the fog still seems to come in way too close). Can anybody else give these settings a try and see if you can confirm anything? I just went to a top of a mountain in the editor and tried various times of day, and previewed it to adjust view distance and play with settings, but I guess you can do whatever you want (mountaintops make it easier to test ;p)
  23. dwringer

    bullet travel is doing weird

    I've noticed that if you're moving the mouse when you fire (even if the crosshair is spot-on when the gun fires), it seems like the moving barrel puts lateral inertia on the bullet, and your shots will not go where aimed. It could be all in my head, however; and I doubt you'd get that confused with the issue you're describing (which does sound like an "error"[?] with copy-protection)
  24. dwringer

    xx NEW Forceware 101.02 2000/XP xx

    I have an 8800 GTS (320mb, evga), and was using the 97.92 drivers that came with the card.... I was getting the abysmal frame rates and texture issues that I see all over the place (missing textures, screwy geometry, little black boxes, i had it all from time to time)... put these on today and have been able to up the detail AND gotten an increase in performance. Plus, I haven't had any of those graphical problems as of yet, although I'll reserve final judgement for a day or two. I will tentatively say that these drivers are vastly improved, just for the fact that I don't need to put shaders or textures on Low anymore. Your mileage may vary , as usual with ArmA...
  25. dwringer

    Vilas' addons

    Wow, I hope that removing Starforce is a viable option... good luck getting it to work (hopefully it doesn't cause your ArmA to start thinking it's an illegal copy or something). I also hope they really DO fix that helicopter bug, because I've been wanting to be able to spot soft targets for AH-6's for a while; didn't realize until today that they won't fire AT ALL. (I thought they were just too stupid to line up the shot ) Finally, I hope these addons work when I get home; they look great . I assume this is everything required? Sorry I'm a bit of an OFP/ArmA noob; but I really was disappointed that the Bradley's that I knew and loved from OFP weren't even in ArmA, and I can't wait to get them back in action...