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Everything posted by deevius

  1. deevius

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    why did you take the videos and stuff down dyslexic??? I wanted to show them to some friends now I cant
  2. deevius

    Birds & stuff

    sounds good to me so much things that could make ArmA a lot better game, hopefully we see some of it in future patches
  3. anyone else getting this crash to desktop error? ive been getting it everytime i play since 1.08...
  4. deevius

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    SCU new zealand clan (well, half of them)
  5. same here ^ Â the FLIR is waaaaaay to bright for some reason
  6. deevius

    Fire mod?

    Does anyone else think the fire textures are really ugly? any chance of getting some kind of fire mod to replace with better looking textures?
  7. deevius

    Laser Targeting with AI?

    How does laser targeting work if you're playing single player? I'm making a video and I wanted to get some clips of some laser targeting/bombing runs... so I opened up the editor and put some BLUFOR special forces soldiers in equipped with the Laser Marker, and added two Harrier GBU's already airborne the AI soldiers wouldn't laser target anything, so I tried myself. Laser targeted some tanks (I assume you just point the laser marker, and click to make the little red dot show up?) but none of the jets engaged with bombs.... they just kept flying around doing nothing how do I set it up so I practice laser targeting with AI?
  8. deevius

    Hi , i need a chunk of input :D

    yeah that should run really good, not max settings though you should maybe check out a Nvidia 8800GTS 320mb aswell
  9. deevius

    Performance Increace

    looks ugly with AA off though, unless you're running a really high resolution
  10. deevius

    Why the fascination with Evolution?

    I don't like Evolution either. There's also a big lack of good servers... I can only ever see like 2 or 3 servers worth playing on.. more Capture & Hold i say, those are awesome
  11. deevius

    Where's the Vodnik?

    I remember seeing a Vodnik listed under the ground vehicles in the Features section of the US ArmA website... but it's not in the patch? what happened to it?
  12. deevius

    Where's the Vodnik?

    bah! yeah, it was listed before the 1.08 patch was released, but seems to have disappeared after the patch was out (and no, i wasnt just imagining it )
  13. deevius

    Error code 8007000e

    add maxmem=512 to your ArmA shortcut - fixed it for me still, very stupid of BIS to have released this new patch with so many crashes and bullshit, i had mates who were interested in this game but not anymore, not with these kind of problems
  14. I can confirm that setting my shortcut to maxmem=512 has solved the crashes for me
  15. deevius

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    the FPS are all good but those lod texture bugs piss me off
  16. i just tried maxmem=1012 before (because ive got 2gb ram) and still got the crash will setting it to 512 fix it?
  17. deevius

    Sharing missions?

    if I make a mission in the Editor... how do I send that mission to a friend? what are the files called and what folder are they in? I tried sending him the file in the Missions folder but he says it didn't work
  18. deevius

    Stop Camping.....arghhh!

    yup, I cant see any reason to complain about camping, as the OP said its a part of the game, part of war... deal with it.
  19. deevius

    1.08 Mission changes?

    so I noticed the single mission with the AH-1Z, can't remember what it's called - Convoy Attack or something? I noticed the mission has been changed, had a cool intro with music added aswell... does anyone know if any other missions have been changed/modified? I haven't had a chance to look yet... might be worth playing the campaign again actually
  20. deevius

    1.08 performance increase!

    yup, thats pissing me off
  21. deevius

    1.08>   fastropes

    Yes, we really need fast roping. Parachuting all the time is bloody annoying.
  22. deevius

    Help/advice please

    Hey, i have a few questions / queries and hoping you lot can help me out. I recently upgraded to a new system, it's not top of the line but i think it's quite decent. ArmA runs pretty good, but I noticed that I *still* have issues with scenery loading. Even at the menu screen when its flying over the island, it stutters unbelievably as it tries to load trees.... is that normal!? also with Textures only on Normal, I still get the disappearing textures.... especially landscapes... if im flying and turn quickly the whole land will be untextured, then the texture will load in. I thought with my system i would not be getting this anymore also im not getting very good FPS at all, 30fps at the most but only when im looking at a clear sky or something, get lots of stuttering/pauses/lags which are very annoying. This is playing only at 1152x864 or 1024x786 resolution, at medium-low graphic settings... when I got my new system I had to format the E: partition which is my main partition where I store all my games.... and i think i set the 'cluster size' to 4000 or something instead of Default. Could that be affecting my performance nd i should format the partition again? Since I have a dual core, should I turn 'threaded optimizations' to On or Off in Nvidia Control panel for the best performance in ArmA? i heard something like arma runs better when the second core is turned off or something?? also are there any other tips I can try to improve performance? my system is AMD Dual core 4600+ Socket AM2 Motherboard:Gigabyte GA-M55SLI-S4 rev2.0 2GB Gskill DDR2-667 320GB SATA2 HDD xfx 256MB Geforce 7900GT 520M extreme edition with vivo thanks in advance for any help
  23. deevius

    Help/advice please

    good post Winterwolf. Can anyone else tell me what would be the ideal settings for me to play on? also I still need to know if ArmA runs better if I turn my second cpu core off or do I just leave both running?
  24. deevius

    ATTENTION BIS: Sprocket

    Okay, I have been trying to keep quiet about this but its really starting to piss me off now. I am getting absolutely sick and tired of having to activate the game every time we install a new update or reinstall the game, its especially a pain in the ass when we are testing the beta patches and a hotfix comes out for a patch it means ANOTHER activation, meaning we have to go to the effort of emailing support and waiting days just so we can play the game THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE Please work with Softwrap to get this issue resolved, it is unbelievably annoying and i feel like I deserve a refund because if I had known about this crap in the first place I would not have bought the game from Sprocket. Even the US download version doesn't require activations, WHY DO WE HAVE TO HAVE IT!? either give us an unlimited amount of activations, or send us atleast 10 activations at a time, OR JUST REMOVE THE ACTIVATION ALTOGETHER AS IT IS COMPLETELY UNECESSARY Â Â Â