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Posts posted by dznemesis

  1. jeah the AI, the AI smile_o.gif

    i am sure BIS will apply some tweaks in the future as no one seems to be satisfied with the current accuracy at range.

    anyways, all ai will start out with skill 0, except the upgraded ones(=expensive)

    also, firefights might be quick, but overall infantry movement is quite slow once an enemy is spotted or if one proceeds more carefully. think how long troops need to get from one town to another when there are enemies around.

    i think it also reproduces the effects seen in rome/warhammer quite nicely:

    1. if an army is engaged in combat, it cant just run away or it will be shot down easily

    2. infantryfights can take quite some while because soldiers tend to spread out and lie down and crawl around

    3. if a squad is attacked from the side, it is very likely to suffer heavy losses

    4. ambushes can be worked out; despite the overview of the commander it is still very difficult to spot enemies which are not moving/shooting and are some 100m away

  2. ok, the idea is simple:

    i really like slow paced strategy games where not individual units are controlled but whole armies. i think it wouldnt be very difficult to port such gameplay to modern combat armed assault.


    Strategymode v0.48

    (updated 08.07.2007,16h10)

    to change the points available for buying troops, search in the \Dialogs\Buydialog.sqf for: currentpoints

    = 11000 and change this value to your likings

    to use in SP: copy the .pbo files to missions directory

    to use in MP: copy the .pbo files to mpmissions directory

    Multiplayer mode has the possibility to have a Commander and 8 squadleaders which get their troops assigned, additionally the weather and daytime can be chosen


    are included in download above:

    - AS_Alcazar: conduct an assault on the enemy

    - Defend01: defend a village from incoming enemy operation







    some action...

    Mission successful!

    easy to implement into your own missions

    Everything needed

    gameplay is structured into 3 phases(details below):

    1. army(=squad) selection

    2. army deployment

    3. combat

    everyone who knows warhammer:dark omen/mark of chaos or the total war games (rome, medieval, shogun) should be familiar with these phases

    key ingredients:

    - a commander(maybe vehicle?) has control over multiple (not too many) squads

    - view is maybe fixed above his head (20ft?) or maybe can switched to squadleaders

    - the commander can select squads via a simple interface

    - if a squad is selected, it can be sent to places by clicking on ground (dont know if this is possible, otherwise it has to be done via map)

    - also, various actions can be implemented: behaviour,stance,firemode,special (easy, just buttons in interface)

    - special actions include: plant mines (script that plants mines in random places within a small radius), board nearest vehicle, patrol area, regroup+heal+rearm etc...

    - strategymode is primarily designed for human vs. human, but training vs. cpu is easy to implement too

    - there are no resources! at beginning of map, either troops may be chosen (obeying a "value" limit) or the scenario has predefined armies

    - objectives depend on scenario, but mainly "assault: one side defends other attacks" or just "side vs. side". its not very important to have many different types since the gameplay is very enjoyable itself.

    - there have to be area of operations restrictions to prevent abuse (hiding somewhere on sahrani)

    - at start of mission after selecting("buying") armies, for each side there is an area where armies can be deployed, if both sides have finished, the game starts.

    - deploying is done with dummies (so that units dont engage in phase of deployment)

    - no air units planned atm (balance, gameplay restrictions)

    - maybe deployment areas will be randomly selected on sahrani or predefined points

    - not too much fiddling with weapon loadouts etc., this is just overkill. keep it simple with standard infantry, anti tank team, specop, light transport, IFV, MAYBE tanks

    - simple upgrades for infantry at buyout phase: skill(expensive),sniper,machinegunner,grenades

    - commander can not fight, alternatively only in his command element, but can not switch into squadleaders

    I myself am an intermediate mission creator with scripting knowledge etc.

    primarily i would need help with the camera setup (can i let camera rotate by pressing keys??)

  3. Con:

    -i had the same error as apo-ttc once (different texturesize though)

    -and twice, after some playing (30min maybe), whenever i looked in the direction (not directly, just ground bearing) of the sun, my screen became COMPLETELY white whereas in about 300degrees its fine, its a sudden change, not continuously.it seems to be a HDR lighting bugand can only be overcome by restarting the game.info: i have a 7800GT.


    - flight model is very nice atm ..couldnt check it out in great detail though

    - overall stability seems to be improved

    - gameplay is more fluent now, FPS arent better but it feels smoother

    - mp join seems to work better than in 1.06

    - no texture problems (texture size "normal", 256mb vram)

  4. hahaah kristian you are freaking funny

    searching for the bwmod soldier in the mission.sqs in notepad with your eyes...hahahha rofl.gif

    as william already pointed out, there is a search functionalty which is a LITTLE more useful wow_o.gif

    the same goes for the addon-free version:

    1. get an overview over your used modified units/objects types, for example someaddon_soldier_mg

    2. find a corresponding type in the BIS units/objects and get its classname

    3. open the mission.sqs in the texteditor, use the "replace all" command, so you just have to do this once per class

    search for: "someaddon_soldier_mg"

    replace by: "SoldierWMG"

    keep the good work up smile_o.gif

  5. great news!!!! i hadnt expected the patch for another 2 weeks or so...even if it doesnt get releaed today im happy smile_o.gif

    i luv you guys, ever since the ofp 1.0 demo came out looong ago biggrin_o.gif

    (im already telling people that operation flaspoint->now arma is my own personal game since it just has the right feeling, and that i will buy BIS if i had enough money wink_o.gif )

  6. Here's a video of the new ArmA flight model, along with a look at the recently-released TrackClipPro accessory for the TrackIR.

    You can download the video here. I will have a Google Video version up soon as well.

    If you don't care about the TrackIR (for shame!wink_o.gif , skip to ~1m40s for the Littlebird flight. I didn't take any footage of the other helos, but rest assured that their flight models are MUCH improved. You won't see the bigger helos doing the kind of acrobatics that you can pull off with a Littlebird - at least not unless they're quite high up off the ground at the time.  


    as some have already asked: did you use joystick or mouse/keyboard? i would like to see what your throttle settings are, for getting a better feel for the new flight model. what i saw, i have to say, i think i liked the old model better, the new one just seem so...easy - the helicopter just moves a bit like on rails (i know its a littlebird but it has some inertia too). i am missing (therefore i would like to see throttle) the height-loss wich is bound to all the maneuvres you executed, and also a bit the drift, if you lean your heli sideways

    good video, but i felt a bit dizzy afterwards with all the trackIR head shaking wink_o.gif

  7. thx it worked!

    had the same problem, was wondering at first but after i observed the base, i thought by myself "i dont want to clean all this infantry up sad_o.gif ". then i advanced to the waypoint on the street, and some scripted artillery killed the whole base, i only shot one guy at the end smile_o.gif

    haha this is just ridiculous biggrin_o.gif

    how can they write something like that in the briefing and then not implementing it?
