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Everything posted by dznemesis

  1. dznemesis


    1. trigger with cam effect doesnt work anymore, thats what the topic creator wants back 2. cam.sqs is really very time consuming...you have to place position and target in the editor, you have to find the right position, you have to tweak the height...thats all very time consuming ..... i dont understand why there is no camer a object which you can place, direct via shift-drag and such...would make cutsceneing so much easier (i hated it since ofp )
  2. hm i dont know how the problem was solved, at least now it seems to work (i didnt change anything?) the issue with the markerdir was: i getdirred the crew of the tank and not the tank himself (getdir commander tank1 -> 0)
  3. this is a strange problem and i didnt find anything on the searches: in my mission, i generate a vehicle and the crew for it, then move them into their positions. Then the vehicle turret turns north (even if i setFormdir the group and/or setDir the vehicle) and stays there for as long as the vehicle encounters the first enemy. I also tried with domove some pos and sent the tank around some hills and he drives normally but the turret always stays focused to 0 degree code is about this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ... _vehicle = createVehicle [_class, _deploypos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _vehicle setDir (markerdir ((_duallist select _squadindex) select 0)); [_vehicle,_groupname] call Deploy_BoardVehicle; ... and in deploybaordvehic: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ... ((units _groupname1) select 0) assignasdriver _veh; ((units _groupname1) select 0) moveindriver _veh; ((units _groupname1) select 1) assignasgunner _veh; ((units _groupname1) select 1) moveingunner _veh; ... _veh setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; ...
  4. all i want is normal tank/etc... behaviour its not normal that a unit always faces north until it encounters an enemy. there is also a marker attached to vehicles, so if turret looks north it always is directed to 0°, even when the vehicle moves in another direction the marker points north - this is not acceptable
  5. it is definitely not fuel since the vehicles drive around normally i guess it cant be formation/mode but i will try, thanks
  6. @Kiwisdofly: I am aware of this, i will add a rifle to the weapons pool of the commander. The handgun will be replaced by a signal gun, with lots of backup ammo in the HQ - this is for exciting night fights, where you have to employ flares instead of night vision goggles. The mobile HQ will remain the same though, especially in player vs. player fights, it is the commanders choice: stay in hq hidden off battlefield or leave hq on foot but be slow and vulnerable to gunfire. I myself often drive the HQ to an obstacle, disembark, run 10m and use my binoculars to get an impression on the course of the battle. So a com needs to find his way to a spot where he has a good overview. It is unlikely that the enemy will flank with an AT team, because they are very vulnerable, slow and it is one unit that will be missing in the battle because maximum squad count is 8 - still, it is an alternative tactic that may have its benefits. @GranQ: the interface colors are due to Dr_Eyeball
  7. updated: some bugfixes, mission area, new mission!
  8. I am occupied somehow at the moment with my diploma thesis, only minor improvements across the board. i might release a new mission in the next days to play around
  9. dznemesis

    Alt F4

    PLEEEASE dont remove ALT-F4 functionality of an "easy exit" i love every game that lets you quit so easily, remember all the games where you have to click through 10 menus to get out of it who wants to have a confirmation box, i mean, come on: you dont press alt-f4 accidentally...
  10. descriptions, pictures etc. working also created a multiplayer beta for coop play
  11. i have now added more types to choose from, currently working on all the descriptions and pictures, then actions (disembark, ambush, plant mines) will get into the game. if a mod reads this, please move (as stated in the previous post of mine)
  12. jeah i thought so too about moving, but it has to do a moderator...and i would also change the title ^^ so if a mod reads this: plz move to "user mission" or somewhere else appropriate and rename it to "StratMode - be a General" and regarding the campaign map...this is true, now i know it can be done, didnt think about the possibilities introduced by BIS with arma. i dont know if there can be done more than just mission selection though (as seen in the arma campaign). it would be funny to be able to buy a camp or some reinforcements on the campaign screen
  13. what do you mean by this? a map made of paper to plan your moves? also id like to give the player the option wether he wants the boring map with lines or switch to textured map (but dont know if/how this is possible)
  14. thx VERY much...i was so focused on the fact that its working in loc3, that i wouldnt think about my sparse eventhandler knowledge. i just tried it, and the call to loc5_bla was handled correctly, so the work continues edit3: found the problem...it really was as you said, i had to include the onmapsingleclick in the .sqf file, dont know why i cut it out anyway  edit4: next release version is ready (something in between alpha and beta) and will be posted as soon as i have the readme updated (but im off now for 1-2 hours so this may take till mid afternoon) features: -still only singleplayer +buying->deploying->commanding all working (i hope ) +everything arranged nicely, so it is VERY easy to create an own template (for singleplayer), just copy scriptfiles into mission folder and markers
  15. deployment is almost ready, just have a little problem with the map clicks in my "interface"-dialog, i use <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class LOC3_Map: RscMapControl { idc = LOC3_IDC_Map; colorBackground[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.00}; x = 0.01; y = 0.40; w = 0.98; h = 0.5; onMapSingleClick = "w_com sidechat ""testInterface"""; }; and in my "deploy" dialog there is <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class LOC5_Map: RscMapControl { idc = LOC5_IDC_Map; colorBackground[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.00}; x = 0.27; y = 0.04; w = 0.72; h = 0.90; onMapSingleClick = "w_com sidechat ""testDialog"""; }; the strange thing: the first one works, the second one doesnt?!?!!? i copied the entry in the interface.hpp directly to the deploy.hpp, only changed the LOC3 into LOC5. the map is displayed correctly, i can click on it but nothing happens if someone has a hint, please share
  16. ok i have now finished the buy dialog, everything working good!! starting now with the deployment (already did some trigonometry work for deployment area ) here a picture:
  17. -mapclicks do work now -also added markers to designate the position a squad shall move to -unlocked comvehicle temporary -updated first post or download from here: Strategymode alpha v0.27
  18. ok your dialogs really are great after adapting to sqf syntax (i still forget all the ";"s at line ends ) if you want to take a look at it: StrategyMode
  19. i am currently adapting to Dr_Eyballs Dialog Templates which are cleaner and prettier status: everything in this picture is already working as expected, except mapclicks in the interfacemap which i dont know how to capture.
  20. thx dr. eyeball i will try it edit: things start to clear up already, the main problem was that i wasnt used to SQF syntax/structure
  21. wow this is ownage thanks i will start immediately to use it in my strategymode-project hmm the only problem is: i dont know how to modify the template for my needs for example, i dont need that much context menu entries for onmapclick. it seems like hard work to adapt it, so many files so many dependancies - maybe you could shed some light on it? i would like to keep the colour scheme, drop the MapPan, drop many items in context menu. how can i include new buttons? if i want a scriptet action to start on a button click, do i have to modify more than one line?
  22. jeah the simplified ascpect is quite important, so the commander can focus on tactics on a larger scale and doesnt have to fiddle with the details you may add as much soldiers as i allowed per squad (12 total) by the engine, you can also delete soldiers as long as there is a W1_ldr ... W8_ldr (my first attempt to scan for non-existing groups failed, i used "isnull groupname") the restriction to the apc is a feature i was glad that it is so easy to contrain the player in the vehicle. I too would like to have binoculars, but still within the vehicle, so i will try to make a cameramode with binocular-resource and a zoom. The meaning of the lock-in is to make the commander more vulnerable/slow, so he has to stay back hidden somewhere and not leave the vehicle, grab some kickass gear (or even another vehicle) and join the fight. It might get changed into a humvee/support truck later. current status: working on buy menus, coded a visual cue for the deployment area (also seen when map is off)
  23. ok so a very rudimentary realization is now available: Strategymode alpha 0.2 info is in the rar, have fun  PS: new pics:
  24. hehe jeah, sort of a "campagin mode" but this would be very difficult, bc there would need to be a mechanism how units get "experience". atm, i cannot think of reliable code that would determine how much units a given squad has killed and which units...maybe its possible but tricky. for example, if a unit attacks a vehicle with an m134, the vehicle isnt always destroyed immediately, but after short while it explodes. then the unit still wouldnt get the points even though it technically killed it. also, this gamemode is much more fun in player vs. player, so there can even be a commander and the squads/individual soldiers are players. my first proof of concept already works, there are 2 squads which i can send around the island using mapclicks
  25. thanks NeilReed101, didnt know that CoC had similar functionality maybe i can extract some useful features like markers and unit orders