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Everything posted by dazzuk

  1. dazzuk

    ATI Drivers

    I got a TFT and had it set on TFT and i was getting the artifacts.
  2. dazzuk

    ATI Drivers

    Still no change - game in unplayable with an ATI 9800pro with the latest drivers and graphics set to Very Low.
  3. dazzuk

    ATI Drivers

    No problems with heat. When it does work and i dont get too close to buildings etc i get things like this: - This guy was in a Humvee!! lol
  4. dazzuk

    ATI Drivers

    I have tried rolling back the drivers to v6.7 and am still getting the same problems. I agree, one or both sides should be looking at the problem. I cant believe that these wern't tested though.
  5. dazzuk

    ATI Drivers

    I am have the same problems running a 9800 Pro. Again an older card but have had no problems running any other games. I have tried the Omega Drivers and am currently running the 6.12 (CCC) ATI drivers. Dont think i really want to spend £150 on a new card, just to play a game!