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About deathknight

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  1. deathknight

    AI Editing

    I know. I don't plan on jumping right into it but wanted to read over the material to get acquainted. I believe the following links will be useful for me so I plan to start there. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/FSM http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/F...rnal_Resources http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/FSM_Editor_Manual http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/H...ie%27s_Sandbox
  2. deathknight

    AI Editing

    No. But I want to get started and want to focus on the AI portion of it. So, am looking for some information on how to create AI packages.
  3. deathknight

    AI Editing

    I want to create my own AI package. Not just assign it with a script but create the AI behavior itself.
  4. Any tutorials on AI editing?
  5. good luck man from the few times i've been in front of a judge i've found it's best to be respectful and don't interrupt the judge or anyone else speaking regardless of what they say about you try to keep your head and i'm sure it will all work out