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Everything posted by demonhunter212

  1. demonhunter212

    AI call airstrike

    Okay, is it possible for the AI to call an airstrike on a position that you set in the editor?
  2. demonhunter212

    AI call airstrike

    Wait one question am i supposed to put anything into the fighter that i want to bomb the target? And how am i supposed to get the AI to call airstrike I glad that people on the BI Forums are so nice
  3. Is there any possible way for a soldier to either: Get ammo or take a weapon from a Weapon/Ammo crate or truck by using a script... If you need further explanation heres the mission: 2 British Fireteams needing to secure a courtyard but its gonna be a 2 part mission and in the beginning of the 2nd mission you need to link up with your convoy of the following: A landrover and an ammo truck (Small convoy huh? ) and i want to get my team to reload without me having to tell them. So it's kinda like a Full Spectrum Warrior Ten Hammers Mission So could anyone possibly tell me both scripts for an ally or enemy to take a weapon/ammo without telling them to?
  4. demonhunter212

    Getting weapon/ammo from an Ammo Truck

    Sweet Thanks but if i want them to take a magazine do i just replace the "Take Weapon" with "Take Magazine"
  5. demonhunter212

    Getting weapon/ammo from an Ammo Truck

    You mean a script as in they go to the truck and load up on ammo. or just do the (this addmagazine " ") Im a total scripting idiot and don't know how to create a script so could someone possibly write one for me
  6. demonhunter212

    description.ext error

    I've taken that one part out and I have this right now <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">onLoadMission="0peration Nightwolf The Airborne Operation"; class CfgMusic { // List of music tracks (.ogg files without the .ogg extension) tracks[] = {GreenDay, Guns&Roses, ChiliPeppers, MotleyCrew}; // Class definition needed for each music track class GreenDay { // Name to display in mission editor name = "GreenDay"; // Music path, volume, pitch sound[] = {\music\GreenDay.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; }; class Guns&Roses { // Name to display in mission editor name = "Guns&Roses"; // Music path, volume, pitch sound[] = {\music\Guns&Roses.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; }; class ChiliPeppers { // Name to display in mission editor name = "ChiliPeppers"; // Music path, volume, pitch sound[] = {\music\ChiliPeppers.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; }; class MotleyCrew { // Name to display in mission editor name = "MotleyCrew"; // Music path, volume, pitch sound[] = {\music\MotleyCrew.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; }; }; It has the extra }; like you said ofpforum but it still crashes. Edit: Just to add some info i'm using the "Chris' OFP Script Editor" so could that be adding a problem or something? and it has this written at the top of the script <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Operation Flashpoint Description File // Generated by Chris' OFP Script Editor // Version 3.1.0000 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  7. demonhunter212

    description.ext error

    I think the problem is this part right here <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgIdentities { class Bravo1 { name = "Wolf"; face = "basfaceDW4"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Adam"; pitch = 1.00; }; class Bravo2 { name = "Shadow"; face = "basfaceDW1"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Rich"; pitch = 1.00; }; class Bravo3 { name = "Zero"; face = "basfaceDW5"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Jonah"; pitch = 1.00; }; class Bravo4 { name = "Raven"; face = "basfaceDW2"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Dan"; pitch = 1.00; }; class Bravo5 { name = "Chaos"; face = "basfaceDW3"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Adam"; pitch = 1.00; }; class Bravo6 { name = "Demon"; face = "basfaceRW2"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Jonah"; pitch = 1.00; };
  8. demonhunter212

    Scud (AI prepare missle for launch code)

    Here it is but i dont know if its the latest version DSF Scuds How to execute the script is in the read me
  9. demonhunter212

    Scud (AI prepare missle for launch code)

    Theres a scud pack that i think either VIT or DSF made im not sure but it has a script built into it in which AI can launch it at any target you type into a trigger. Search up Scuds on ofp.info and VIT's or DSF's should come up (cant bring it up for ya because my OFP.info is really slow for some reason)
  10. demonhunter212

    2 Quick Questions

    Could you possibly answer my two questions real quick 1: How do you get a helicopter to land because i use the code <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Bravo action ["LAND"] but the helicopter just floats there 2: Is there any possible way for the AI not to go prown because im trying to make a level where a convoy comes under attack and the troops have to defend it but if the troops go prown they won't be able to Defend or shoot anything other then the HMMWV's Thanks
  11. demonhunter212

    Could someone possibly tell me....

    Thank you
  12. demonhunter212

    Could someone possibly tell me....

    Could someone possibly tell me the name of the town you need to head to at the beginning of the Campaign the one where you need to head to work is it like Lipany or something? Could someone tell me because it takes forever for my game to load to the main menu. Im wondering cuz im making an Airborne Invasion of the Town and i need to put the name of the town in the breifing (SRRY if this is in the wrong thread)
  13. demonhunter212

    Need help on Facetex2

    Couldn't get it to work I mean the script works but the faces on the NPC's are all screwed up like i said before "The Nose is on the left side, the camo is on the front and right side, and the face is on the back of thed head!
  14. demonhunter212

    Need help on Facetex2

    I just wanted to say thank you so much Sanctuary Edit: so wait if i put that in one soldier's init line it will change all of the selected soldiers faces?
  15. demonhunter212

    Need help on Facetex2

    Okay, Sorry for asking so much but im just wondering does the scirpt you just posted <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3 nameofsoldier1 setface "llauma_1" nameofsoldier2 setface "llauma_2" nameofsoldier3 setface "llauma_3" exit does that script go into the same "changeface.sqs" file and if i wanted to put all of the setIdentity's into one script would i do it like so <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3 nameofyoursoldier1 setidentity "Able1" nameofyoursoldier2 setidentity "Able2" nameofyoursoldier3 setidentity "Bravo1" exit
  16. demonhunter212

    Need help on Facetex2

    Just a few questions: 1. Is there anyway that the faces change quicker than 3 seconds? 2:Will i only need one sqs document to work for all the NPC's Enemy and Ally? (Just wondering because one time I was making an Airborne Operation and needed an Ejection script but i needed like 3 sqs files one for every Squadron to eject from each Plane) 3: With this script activated is there any possible way to edit the Enemy's faces without using a description.ext file As in putting the code <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this setFace "blah"
  17. demonhunter212

    Need help on Facetex2

    First off i was using Laser's Seals And Second of all im a total noob and have no idea what to write so could you possibly write the script for me? If you can't i'll understand
  18. demonhunter212

    Need help on Facetex2

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgIdentities { class Able1 { name = "Devil"; face = "llm_face_cc7"; glasses = "none"; speaker = "Adam"; pitch = 1.00; }; So I can't map the faces by using this code
  19. demonhunter212

    DMA anims "nextGen" got final

    This looks sweet but im wondering should I use this animation pack or should i just stick with FFUR 2006?
  20. demonhunter212

    Facestex2.pbo update

    I'm having trouble (What else is new)in game with these faces. I have them mapped to a unit in the description file but when i play a misson the face is all ****** up.............me meaning that the Nose is one the side of the head the camo in the front and the face on the back of the head so could anyone possibly tell me what i have to do. Srry if this was mentioned before.
  21. I need help on creating a breifing but i'm lost and have know idea what to do. So could you possibly give me a slow and easy walkthrough on how to create one. I also don't have an HTML file creater............so could you possibly give me a link to download one from? Thanks
  22. demonhunter212

    Creating a breifing question?

    I'm good on everything so far but I was wondering does this go into the same HTML file as the Objectives Part?
  23. demonhunter212

    Creating a breifing question?

    I was also wondering if you could tell me how to put a link in the breifing (EX: Attack Here(and the link takes you to that position))
  24. In this script for music <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgMusic { // List of music tracks (.ogg files without the .ogg extension) tracks[] = {Mymusic}; // Class definition needed for each music track class Mymusic { // Name to display in mission editor name = "Mymusic"; // Music path, volume, pitch sound[] = {\music\Mymusic.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; }; }; the "Mymusic" shows up in the music section of the trigger but when i play the game and Radio Alpha you cant hear the music. Could you please help me out here
  25. Okay is there any possible way to create a bunch of soldiers, say about 20 Rebel soldiers (Tonal) and when they get killed they keep respawning from a certain position (from where they started) and keep attacking you... so it would seem like theres hundreds of them? Just wondering Thanks