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About damnnation

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  1. damnnation

    CSJ HUEY and MedEvac Packs FINAL

    Awww man...! you just gotta HAVE the Rolling Stones - Gimmi Shelter on the stereo when flying as a door gunner in the last of the pictures shown at the start of the post..... Coming in low over the palm trees with the wind in your face, your pilot screaming orders to the other pilots over the intercom, the other marines in the chopper getting ready to run into the rainforest when we land to secure the LZ by unsafing their m-16 and you getting ready to spray the forestline with a shitload of 5.56mm slugs in a steady stream...... BORN A KILLER!!
  2. damnnation

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Hey Pappy, i've noticed that you link to the sky pack and more, but that just brings back the main install file of 7.1, is the sky pack included in 7.1 or the 7.2 patch?
  3. damnnation

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Pappy....im going to remember that nick for a long time, you've managed to rekindle my interest in Operation Flashpoint all over again. I have just installed the game on my laptop computer (1.3 ghz centrino) and are going to install this conversion mod instantly!, just the screens of the tracers and the m1 firing at night was enough to make me say "screw this!, i gotta have it!" and now the download is half way through....