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Everything posted by dmakatra

  1. dmakatra

    should you be able to move and shoot in ARMA?

    I understand that and I reckon changing the animation system would be a dumb move, but pissing on the CTF-side of the ArmA-community is not the way to go. They are an equal part of the community, and even if I don't agree with them, I can respect them. Apparently there's something in the engine that they enjoy, and therefore they should be listened to and not just be greeted with an elitistic remark of a tactics freak, telling them to go off and find another game with a less realistic approach.
  2. dmakatra

    should you be able to move and shoot in ARMA?

    I'll start with saying that I'm a hardcore co-op-player myself, and defy any respawn game - including CTIs. HOWEVER, I just want to say to the people that are complaining that CTFers don't belong in OFP/ArmA should take a look around. You guys, as well as me, don't see the enjoyment that CTFers can get out of games like OFP or ArmA - but that doesn't remove the fact that they actually do enjoy the game. Apparently there's something there that attracts them, however we may not understand it - but it's still there. So why bogger down on them? Aren't they sophisticated enough to be part of the community? Why should they be listened to when they are a minority? Well, I'll break something to you. YOU'RE the minority. That's why YOU play OFP/ArmA and not BF2 or CS. If nobody listened to the minorities you wouldn't have your precious OFP in the first place. EVERYONE should have the right to express their thoughts - and apparently OFP/ArmA attracts CTFers so they too should be able to put in a word amongst the military fanatics and the teamwork freaks. I, personally, am sick of the elitistic spirit of OFP players - especially on this board. Yes, I am a proud Flashpointer and I take every opportunity I get to promote this fantastic game on different internet forums or in real life. And yes, I fight the mainstream-wave of games today. But that doesn't mean I look down on the mainstream gamer. I instead see the mainstream gamer as a gamer that has not yet realized how fun and entertaining an excellent game can be, and has yet to experience how much adrenalin can flow through your body when you lie in a bush for half an hour doing absolutely nothing but scan the horizon. Even if it would not be their cup of tea I think their taste is crap, but I respect them for that. You may not agree with them, but at least you can respect them, right? OFP/ArmA are two fantastic games because of the scope. They offer a wide arrange of gamestyles and therefore also different types of players are attracted to them. Let's keep it that way, shall we? EDIT: 666 posts! I'll never make another post in my life!
  3. dmakatra


    I haven't really got into the whole modding-ArmA thing... yet, but why can't you just export the animation from OFP? Or make a new one? If the tools aren't out yet, just wait a little while. I may be way out on thin ice here, but aren't all animations that are in the main .cpp loaded into the memory? So for every animation that's added ArmA will get more demanding. Not much, but still more demanding than before. It'd be nice if someone could confirm this. But if this is the case, then no, I do not wish to have zombies in ArmA unless the animations are included in the addon pack itself.
  4. dmakatra

    Music Recommendations

    I agree about Boards of Canada. I love their stuff. At the moment I'm having a crush on Gentle Giant. For those who haven't, I dearly suggest you get hold of the album Octopus. Brilliant.
  5. dmakatra

    Hilarious ARMA Moments

    If you look very closely you can see them driving off, being amphibious and all. Near the end of the film you can even see one of the BMPs driving up the river bank behind the bridge. The blackflip was hilarious. I laughed my arse off. It does look a bit edited, however I'm not going to speculate any further on that. EDIT: Oh, and could you please stop whining in at least ONE thread?
  6. dmakatra

    ArmA is going to replace OFP...

    Looks like Gastovski finally received his long-waited retirement, eh? Me? I won't touch OFP again with a ten-foot pole unless I'm converting some old classics. Then I might accidentally hit preview in the editor... and get stuck. Just like I always do. It's no wonder I don't get any scripting done.
  7. dmakatra

    First ARMA impressions

    Well, why did you play OFP then? Last time I checked it was fairly buggy and raw, so to speak.
  8. dmakatra

    FSM File

    Now this is just brilliant! I can't wait to get my hands on this. And by getting my hands on this, I mean waiting for CrashDome to write up a tutorial about this.
  9. dmakatra

    FSM File

    Now this is just brilliant! I can't wait to get my hands on this. And by getting my hands on this, I mean waiting for CrashDome to write up a tutorial about this.
  10. dmakatra

    First ARMA impressions

    No-one here is saying bugs are OK. We're just saying that the bugs are acceptable (for the time being) relative to how dynamic this engine is. People are freaking out because of small bugs that doesn't really matter anyhow, when they should be looking at what a great game this is. The view distance, the amount of units on screen, ballistics, new scripting commands, join-in-progress. These are the features which are important. And these are also the features that the community can't give OFP through modifications and addons. Seriously, who gives a shit whether Abrams don't drop from bridges that are destroyed when you can have 300 units on the screen with minimum FPS-drop? You can't have everything in this world. If you want a bug-free game go play something that uses the Quake III-engine or something. Us others will gladly trade in a few bugs for a helluva lot of cool features.
  11. dmakatra

    Enterable buildings?

    Are the elevators in those houses functionable now?
  12. dmakatra

    First ARMA impressions

    I personally find it hard to understand how someone can prefer OFP over ArmA. Like someone off another forum said: Before. After. All the complaints I've seen thus far have been small, but irritable, problems. I do not deny that they are annoying but this community really need to see to the big picture. This is starting to look like the trigger finger animation debate all over again. And please, be realistic. This isn't HL2, CoD2 or some other corridor-shooter were bugs are more easily detected (and almost certainly - harder to eliminate). This is a dynamic game and in dynamic games there will ALWAYS be bugs. If you want a polished game - go play your average FPS. It's sad, but you all know it's true. Even OFP 1.96 isn't without it's fair share of bugs it's just that you have all played it for such a long time you don't even notice them. Flying pallets, destroyed houses creating invisible walls that are impossible to fire through, AI getting stuck in back-alleys, collision detection, not being able to kill paratroopers, boats driving on land, the list goes on. Stop the frantic bug-hunting and just play the game. You're all starting to sound like bravo6 or whatever his name is. I also find it rather amusing that some of the people that complained about delays are now complaining that the game is feeling rushed...
  13. dmakatra

    Anit tank weapons

    Brigade E5 has a system like that and really nice inventory management. It would be perfect for ArmA. Hidden & Dangerous 2 had a near-perfect inventory system. I hoped that ArmA had adopted it but unfortunately it doesn't look that way.
  14. dmakatra

    Hi everyone, some newb questions here.

    Not really. What have you been drinking?
  15. dmakatra


    If CTF-players just wanted a graphics update well... bugger ArmA then. Continue to play OFP. It's just crappt graphics. You can live with that right?
  16. dmakatra

    Confused, very

    It's a render, not in-game footage.
  17. dmakatra

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    What's this all about? Who gives a rat's fat arse about if there's a co-op campaign in or not? Everyone knows that it's the community that's responsible for the high-quality missions, especially in MP. It's not like it's addons which needs to be downloaded and installed seperately. When was the last time you lads ever played a BIS mission in OFP MP for any other reason than to kill time?
  18. dmakatra

    7900GTX/4200X2/2GB Ram, Will ArmA preform well?

    OFP was also not as optmized as ArmA, so newer rigs sometimes perform worse than expected with OFP.
  19. dmakatra

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    All the stuff from the Czech release (T-shirt, compass, map, dogtags and the game), nicely packed in an ammo box. Perhaps a version with a TrackIR bundled? EDIT: We need MREs!
  20. dmakatra

    Helicopters in AA

    The bold statement is false, since it has been updated and is supposedly more realistic now. I do not have answers to the other questions as I don't have ArmA yet.
  21. dmakatra

    Armed Assault videos

    Yeh, but it's a good way to get new people to get interested in the game. I don't think people that have never heard of ArmA but who could be potential fans are going to download 200 Megs of video, nevertheless find the link on this forum.
  22. dmakatra

    Armed Assault videos

    I've uploaded the montage video to YouTube, found here:
  23. dmakatra

    ArmA Photography

    Beautiful! and still 14 fps Wait 'til he turns around. I can run OFP on 5 km easily, as long as I don't... y'know... move.
  24. dmakatra

    ArmA reviews

    Could we make this sticky?
  25. dmakatra

    Latest screenshots available

    It looks veeery shopped - but if not - GREAT!