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Everything posted by dmakatra

  1. dmakatra

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Now, that's different. Children are mentally as well as physically defenceless. I don't think the women of the world need you to label them as weak and defenceless. I thought that kind of thinking belonged on the 19th century. Apparently I was wrong.
  2. dmakatra

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Now, why would you have problem shooting women? That's just stupid. It's not like they're anymore human than men are.
  3. dmakatra

    Is this a bug?

    Camera.sqs, if it's still in, should do the trick. Just put this exec "camera.sqs" in the init field of a unit.
  4. dmakatra

    Shaking camera?

    I don't know if it's because it is 3 AM, but I just find the word Kopfnicken hilarious. I can't stop laughing. :D
  5. Whoa. That's actually really, really impressive. With all the flak the AI has been getting I was beginning to lower my expectations, but this proved me wrong. Could you perhaps film a sequence where two squads face each other in some vegetation? Film it with camera.sqs or something?
  6. dmakatra

    Bohemia's plans

    Why do you care? You're saying OFPDR is better anyway.
  7. dmakatra

    Bohemia's plans

    You do know that's not in-game footage of OFPDR, right?
  8. dmakatra

    Lights competition is Over

    Yeah, especially since the flamewar wouldn't have started if it wasn't for this elitistic "excellent" community. I'd say an influx of "CoD-kids" or what you'd like to call them would do this community only good - as it's starting to look like a fascist-religious sect.
  9. dmakatra

    Windage and bullet weight

    That's already in, no?
  10. It's not really THAT hard. I first started off playing round with the mission editor when I was ten years old, and begun scripting a few months later. It's pretty logical, and if you've ever done a little math it's pretty much the same kind of thinking.
  11. Hold on to your hat now - because yes, that is quite possible. :)
  12. dmakatra


    Oh for fuck's sake, he was just asking a question. Leave him be!
  13. dmakatra

    Just one squad?

    I don't think the AI can use High Command. It has to be scripted the normal way. At least that's what I think. I haven't read about the AI being able to do it, and quite frankly, seriously doubt that they'd have the capacity to simulate strategic thinking. I'd rather have the AI guys at BI focus on stuff like pathfinding and use of cover.
  14. Does this mean we can actually have decent-looking rivers in the game?
  15. Hello IrishGuerilla! I'm quite sure ArmA2 will be your cup of tea then. Just remember to be a little patient when playing it first though, since it's a bit rough round the edges. It's not hard to get used to but it can feel a bit stiff before you can get your grip around it. I think that scares off quite a few people who'd otherwise enjoy the game if they'd just give themselves enough time to get used to it.
  16. dmakatra

    Music Recommendations

    Thought I'd throw in a band I discovered while browsing the forums of Ultimate-Guitar.com. It's an American band that deserves a lot more attention than they are getting. They produce music that is a lot better than the measly 3742 myspace-views they currently have would suggest: http://www.myspace.com/enpursuitmusic Highly recommend you download their EP (linked on their myspace page) and play it in the correct order as it's more or less a complete 20 minute-track. Track listing should be: 1. Lost in Circuit 2. Thailand 3. The Building 4. Prelude 5. Elesde
  17. dmakatra

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Hey W0lle, I understand. I thought I'd bring it up here since it is no way a single moderator in which this behaviour is common, so I really don't want you to think of it as a personal attack against you. Sorry if it came out that way.
  18. dmakatra

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    What's with the BI Forums policy of having mean mods? Take a look at this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=72474 The guy is new. Maybe he has very little experience with online forums, only being exposed to less serious forums. And he's greeted with a condescending post by the moderator and a lock. And this happens over and over again, more or less every day. I'm not saying that you shouldn't lock threads like this one. I generally like the moderation policies that the BI Forums have. It's the tone of a lot of the moderators I don't like. Not only is it contra-productive, because instead of setting the poster straight it'll scare or piss them off, but it's also idiotic in a marketing perspective as BI alienates a lot of potential customers. Is it really that hard to be NICE when you're locking a thread?
  19. This thread should be separated into two threads: New Press Info Announcements and New Press Info Discussion. Perhaps make that three threads, making the third one "Bitching of the New Press Info".
  20. dmakatra

    Crossing Europe

    The distance between Sassnitz, Germany and Málaga, Spain is around 3000 kilometres. That's about 1000 times the distance from Corazol to Paraiso for all us ArmA-nerds. Starting on June 8th this year, I am attempting to make this distance in about eight weeks - on foot. There will be no aid from technical devices. There'll be no cell phones, no iPods, no GPS. I'll bring no money, except the euros intended for the flight back home to Sweden. Instead I'll rely on my old trusty tent, my guitar, a good old fashioned map and the hospitality of the good people in Germany, France and Spain. There won't be any stops at big cities or landmarks. There'll just be a sharp line drawn on the map and aching feet. Hopefully, I won't be doing this trip on my own. Right now I have people all over Sweden interested in joining me on my little trip. People I've been friends with for years and people that I have never met in my life. Some people will join me briefly, taking a flight down to Spain and meeting with me for the final week. Some people will travel me from the moment we set foot on the ferry that'll take us to Sassnitz so we can start the journey. People of different backgrounds, histories and with their own personal motivation for coming along. Hopefully, this group of people will also be notable for differing nationalities. That is where this thread comes in. Whether you'd be interested in greeting us along the way - walking with us for a moment or two, or willing to offer us shelter for a night, I'd be glad to see your participation in the project. And if you're interested in joining us the moment we take our first steps out of the ferry in Sassnitz to the moment we take our last, tired steps across the city of Málaga - I can't say anything less than welcome aboard!
  21. dmakatra

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    What, no?! Don't change it. It's excellent as it is now.
  22. dmakatra

    Crossing Europe

    Don't Panic, of course I'm bringing the towel! Thanks for the advices from everyone.
  23. dmakatra

    Arma2 AI the most advanced in the world?

    Actually, morale is modelled. Both points one and three of your arguments are just wrong. What you've encountered is sloppy mission design, not sloppy AI coding. Don't blame the AI coding just because you're playing Evolution where the AI is randomly generated with little thought to it. The AI has a lot of problems, I'd be the first to admit that. For me, the AI overhaul is the number one priority in ArmA2. The other features are just a bonus. Driving needs fixing, tactics needs an overhaul, pathfinding is ridiculous, the list goes on and on. However, as someone who has spent an awful lot of time in the mission editor and with notepad writing scripts, I do not want an AI that is independent. The level of independence in ArmA is fine, not mess with it. Otherwise it would be a headache for the mission designer every time he wants to create a specific scenario. The more independent the AI gets, the more dynamic it'll become, and that means it will be a lot harder to control for the mission designer. To meet your first point. Say I wanted to make a scenario where the AI is massing an all-out assault. If the AI would react the way you wanted it, it'd override my intended scenario. What we want is an improved AI, not a more dynamic AI. There's a huge difference. People are giving the ArmA AI a lot of criticism because they are playing lots of missions where the mission designer is unwilling to utilise the AI's full capacity.
  24. dmakatra

    how about tunnels/caves?

    It's highly unlikely and probably only doable with a workaround. If I understand this system correctly, it should be the most effective workaround.
  25. dmakatra

    Crossing Europe

    You read my mind Txalo, already had that way plotted out. Although I do think I'll finish in Málaga instead of Granada, since I'd imagine meeting the Mediterranean as some kind of finish line would be rewarding. Doesn't stop me from visiting Granada on the way though.