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About demonclaw

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. demonclaw

    WWII Pacific addons

    You mentioned a long time ago Bratty that you were going to finish the Zero so how did that project go ? (if it even started) , I'm just wondering since it would be nice to have a Zero in Operation Flashpoint (or ARMA)
  2. demonclaw

    World War II CZ MOD

    The T-38 is excellent and the Romanian t-38 paint scheme is one of the most original Ive seen . The LT-40 was also a fun surprise
  3. demonclaw

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    All the bugs/glitches are still there , the tank crews messed up face texture , the german drivers blocked view , the British jeeps muzzle flash etc
  4. demonclaw

    Pacific War Mod

    Ok , but what about your japanese pilot ? . Theres some japanese aircrafts out so it would be nice with a authentic pilot
  5. demonclaw

    Pacific War Mod

    What happened to your Zero? , cant you you release a beta or something before you jump over to ARMA ?
  6. demonclaw

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    So the team only got to work on the Panther not the other tanks ?
  7. demonclaw

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    Well it was a very ambitious mod with high goals and you guys did produce some of the best looking addons out there , so its really sad that the I44 team never got the time to finish it after all the amazing screens that was shown over the years . But we´re all very thankfull that the team decided to release what they did finish and most of the addons are really amazing even at this stage , so no one will ever doubt that a lot of effort was put into this mod . The only thing Im disappointed with is the number of addons that didnt make it like the king tigers but that was maybe to much to ask for , but good luck with whatever you guys decide to do and I hope we´ll see something for Armed Assault in the future .
  8. demonclaw

    WWIIcz studio - Slovak Pack

    Can move them to the eastern side since they were part of the axis alliance during the war ?
  9. demonclaw

    Wrzesien 1939

  10. demonclaw

    invasion 44

    So its very likely that we wont see most of Marfys tanks? . If thats the case then its very sad since those the most beautiful tanks ive seen so far . But I have full confident in the inv44 team and I know we wont be dissapointed when Phase 1 finally released . But whats the status of the Eastern Front and Road To Cassino mod ? , they have been even more quiet than the inv44 team .
  11. demonclaw

    Wrzesien 1939

    You seem to be a very busy addon maker since you got tons of early and late war stuff , How many of your addons are actually finished and do you plan to release anything soon ? . It would be really nice to see anyone of your ww2 jet planes someday since no one else is making any
  12. demonclaw


    The Warhammer 40K mod have that kind of units http://ofp.neco.cz/index.php?showthis=9928 [im]http://ofp.neco.cz/news/pics3/WH40K_3.jpg[/img]>100kb
  13. demonclaw

    FsJ 1939-42 ofp mod released !

    the download link is broken on the homepage
  14. demonclaw

    grumman duck updating

    I dont know how often they used it for bombing missions during the war but it would be fun to have a version with bombs anyway http://www.airventuremuseum.org/collect....ons.asp 650 lbs. bombs or depth charges
  15. demonclaw

    grumman duck updating

    Good work . You should give this updated plane to ofp.info