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About debug2112

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. debug2112

    Graphics engine improvement

    In relation to Maps. I would like to see world (regional) maps. This is not hard to do, as you could break countries such as Germany, France, or any other, into regional sections that are Clock-Speed and Bandwidth friendly. You may anywhere from 5 to 50 sections per country/nation, and yes it would require an extra CD for these, but it would be worth, and would spawn a growth in end users. //////////// As for water that was mentioned earlier. I am seriously surprised that BIS didn't take a hint from Delta Force and model their water, or a close representation of. It was a good game for its time, not too graphics flashy, however you could swim, parachute, etc. You don't need a lot of flashy graphics, just decent graphics that promote a semi-realistic atmosphere/environment. Paper-bag houses are a no-go, having the transform into a choice of 1 - 10 ruins depending on struture size would be nice and Cpu friendly.
  2. debug2112


    Actually high end systems are not as expensive as one might think. It is all in the way you shop and budget. ///////////////////// Another question is, does BIS or CM ever plan on going public on the ND or FTSE?
  3. debug2112


    I would like to see OFP-2 with the ability to take advantage of multi-threaded systems and interlocked monitors. You could slave certain views and items be it map and compass, voice communication menu, or network menu to different lcd/crt/pd; as the case may be. In other words, If I am running a 2x3gb system with 2x19" lcd, and 1x21" crt, I would enjoy having a gaming system that can take advantage of this ability, and be flexible enough for me or other users of the same ilk, to pick and choose. ////////////////////////////////
  4. debug2112

    Operation flashpoint picture awards

    The whole purpose of art is creation. IMHO I say let the people edit their picture(s) as much as they wish. Let them express themselves, then stand back and enjoy the show. Don't make it a contest, make it a art-depot, with the only requirement being, it has to be universially pleasing. This should keep out the stick-art garbage and force quality over quantity. "If" enough great pieces appear, I will revamp my site as a temporary art depository to display them.
  5. IMHO, BIS choosing A/BTesters from the forum would not be such a stretch of the imagination. Look at it from their POV. Old pros develop a certain mindset of how they operate, while new testers tend to go hog-wild for lack a better term, and discover areas not previously seen. Choosing active military is a plus in some areas, as we would be more anal in regards to the weapontry and reality factor itself. Non-military would have the tendency to stress other factors as key. Ahh diversity.
  6. debug2112

    Artillery and realistic radios

    In the older A3 unit they had 22 in the beehive and another 12+ ready on the floor. That is Open Source, so no worries. Your loadout would depend on what you expect to encounter in your journeys. Remember you would always have Faasvs, 548s, and ad-hoc carriers with a lot of everything ready to issue and use on a moments notice. The link below should help you out. Sill placed this information unrestricted on the net, so it is Open Source. http://sill-www.army.mil/FAMAG....ons.pdf
  7. debug2112

    Ofp as a "professional game"

    Playing for money is a trend in its infancy that is becoming slowly more popular. What better way for a company to market their new mouse, vr-headgear, or a ton of other items than by having a league actually use it in a sponsored event against another team. TechTv did a piece not too long ago on a paid and sponsored group, playing Halflife, who did fairly well and were nicely rewarded for their efforts. Of course you could see the marketting tags of the sponsors flying proudly, (as they should be). In the end it helps boost a sponsors income by providing not only a tested item, (but) a psychology edge by having a winning team using it. Everyone likes a winner. Welcome to the new Circus Maximus.
  8. debug2112

    Artillery and realistic radios

    I have never tried the Swissmod M109 out to 18km, and honestly do not know what its max range limitation is. At this time I have only ranged it using 5km shots at a point target in a 128x128 grid with a circular error of 50m(+/-). The UA system I am still playing with, and the only gripe I have (minor to be sure) is the ammo loadout on their M109. The rounds they provide are short of the actual loadout on every RL 109 I have been on. If UA wants to play the AZ game, do we get an aiming circle to go with it?
  9. debug2112

    Artillery and realistic radios

    Hellfish, you mean COC is better than a dedicated FDC! "I can hear the Redlegs screaming blasphemy already". No donut for you. I concur though, COC did make a wonderful point and click artillery system. If you want something a little more in-depth, try the swiss-mod M109, and plot your own ranges to target. It takes awhile to figure out the range using 128x128m squares, but it is vastly more satisfying when you hear that 5km distant secondary.
  10. debug2112

    Mission ideas

    Bruupo, there-in lays the problem. Regardless of which direction BIS chooses it will involve a marketting concern, and they will never be able to capture the large share of serious realism gamers without loosing a share of the run-n-gun kids. A happy medium of both works only for the short term, and word of mouth throughout history has placed more signs on empty buildings than not. It is a very well placed tounge-n-cheek issue as to whether or not have dynamic campaigning to please one crowd, versus straight scripted, and finite blast-n-bang missions to please another. This brief chat could get into deeper issues as well, such as the incorrectly termed "product branding", PR, packaging, product placement, and who smoozed who on the 9th hole last week. Makes you want to be a fly on the wall at their table'd meetings.
  11. debug2112

    Special forces

    I understand what you are saying, but I seriously doubt BIS would create such in-depth missions, in that it would not appeal to the typical run-n-gun players. The liaison portions alone would require many mb's of cut-scenes, to coincide with all the multi-choice moments.
  12. debug2112

    My point of view

    Initial views after 1 week of OFP ownership and play both single and multi. a. A dynamic campagining is possible, for both single and multi-player. You do not need cutscenes; you can have worded Sitreps; but can however have generic cutscenes if so desired. You can have a fixed pool of equipment and personnel, depending on land-mass, and work from that. b. Multi-player front in needs serious work. "This cannot stress this enough". c. Graphics need to be brought up to current standards at the least. d. AI as a whole needs to be tweaked. in cadet mode they are too idiotic, and in veteran mode, they are too accurate. 7.62x39mm does not perform constant head-shots at 500m. The primary difference will be in the way they move, and initial reactions. The majority will be somewhat accurate to 300m. e. more weapontry, vehicles, and options need to be incorporated. f. vehicles need to be correctly modelled vs terrain. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Glitz. Incorporate different uniforms, and vehicle camoflauge patterns, representing different countries so users can represent their home of origin. This is more of a feel good, but people like that. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Marketting. You should push this towards the military. It could provide Company down to Squad level, a sit-down run through of how to perform certain tactics without spending $ by going to the field. (you could label it as a virtual sand table). My .02 cents.