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Everything posted by dmay
See my previous post 'stupid multiplayer thing' and 'OFP FADE'ing away?' was in Troubleshooting (seems to have been deleted for some strange reason) I gave up using a script to trigger messages etc when launching a scud because because I just can't get the client PC to do what the server PC is doing. I've read all about publicvariables but don't know what to do with it. Now though I have this, it's very simple but it doesn't work, and from what I've read: triggers, waypoints etc are multiplayer friendly and do work without error. One scud called scud1, one trigger with the following in the condition field: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? scudState scud1>4<span id='postcolor'> and this in the On Activation field: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint "scud launched!"<span id='postcolor'> Very simple you might say, player gets in scud launches the missle and the hint message appears to both players. Wrong, the message shows on the server and anything else I care to add to the On Activation field but not the client, that is until I exit the vehicle at which point the message appears on the client PC. The only way round this is to exit the scud the second it is launched. But why, since I'm not using a script surely I don't need to bother with PublicVariables? I also have a flag script that works on the server not on the client what can I put in this to make it work on the client too? script is "flags.sqs" </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#start ~1 timer = timer + 1 OwnerOfEastFlags = flagowner ghflag OwnerOfWestFlags = flagowner dmflag ?(_OwnerOfWestFlags == OwnerOfWestFlags):goto "start" ?(_OwnerOfEastFlags == OwnerOfEastFlags):goto "start" _OwnerOfEastFlags = OwnerOfEastFlags _OwnerOfWestFlags = OwnerOfWestFlags SideOfEastFlags = side OwnerOfEastFlags SideOfWestFlags = side OwnerOfWestFlags ?(SideOfeastFlags == West): goto "west" ?(SideOfwestFlags == East): goto "east" goto "start" #east hint "GRAHAM HAS TAKEN DANIEL'S FLAG!" scud1 lock false goto "start" #west hint "DANIEL HAS TAKEN GRAHAM'S FLAG!" scud2 lock false goto "start"<span id='postcolor'> I de-PBO'ed some of the original MP missions by BIS but these are way over my head. I added a Game Logic to the map called server. A trigger set to true with </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">server exec "flags.sqs"<span id='postcolor'> as the activation. And no this isn't a FADE problem anymore, to different versions of the game I'm using (two different CD's and CD Key's.)
screw this. I'm going to do another post in 'Troubleshooting' I think I know why my mission isn't working........FADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A multiplayer problem during deathmatch with 2 players In a mission I am making. When I get into a scud launcher and launch the missile I have made a message appear warning my opponent, this appears at the bottom of the screen as a standard message under 'Titles' in the triggers 'Effects' dialogue. However this message does not appear on my opponents PC until I exit the vehicle. Likewise when I take his flag, the 'Hint' message in my script only appears on my PC and not my opponents. After exporting the mission to multiplayer I copied the directory for the mission in Users\MyName\Missions to my opponents PC. I'm playing over 100Mb LAN and other mulitplayer maps I've made work fine except this new one I've done.
NOT! Alright the scoring script in Tactician's tutorial works on the sever and client but my scripts still don't. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">? (local server) : goto "server" goto "client"<span id='postcolor'> That doesn't work, or am I doing it wrong? Where do I put this code snippet? On it's own or in my script? I made a game logic run a script with just the above in it, is that wrong? My whole scud launching routine just get's more bizzare, occasionally I do an action and instantly it 'unhappens' and the game behaves like it never happended!
I 'm having problems Alt-tabbing out to the desktop while playing V1.90 of OFP Resistance. I have updated GeForce drivers and DirectX9 but I still get the double cursor problem. when I hit alt-Tab the first time and then again to get back to the game, everything is fine but when I'm working with scripts I need to flick back to notepad, I can't do this because whenever I Alt-Tab again all I get is the Windows cursor in the editor and no matter how many times I Alt-Tab the desktop and the game do not return and I'm forced to hit the reset button on my PC. My GFX card is GeForce4 MX420.
excellent this tutorial looks very interesting and what HappyG said may help.
How do you run OFP in 1280x1024 without serious slow down?!? on a GeForce2?!? I've got a GeForce4 MX420 512Mb RAM and 2Ghz CPU and in 1024x768 I have to lower some terrain detail and view distance otherwise it runs like crap. Anyway, I'm using a desktop res of 800x600 whenever I play OFP from now on.
Hmm. I appear to have over complicated my mission I ought to read up on MP mission making a bit more before I continue.
So how do I get the script to run on the other PC? Since it has all the scripts and everything alse as me (the server) surely the script would run there too. Does distance from one player to the other effect the delay? I average a ping of 1-4 over my LAN, messages in triggers do appear on the other PC if no one is in the scud launchers. I have a script set up to blow up my opponents base when the scud is launched If I stay in the vehicle when this happens the base is destroyed twice, once in real time on my PC the second when I exit the vehicle and the explosion happens again on the other PC only.
Hmm, I guess I could lower the desktop res to 800 X 600 just when playing OFP. It does work , though it takes a few seconds to change from one to the other.??? </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Try ALT TAB then after that do ALT L then after that log back into your username<span id='postcolor'> ? Alt L does nothing, and why would I have to log in, log into what?! I've also found clicking the mouse on the bottom of the editor window sometimes brings the desktop back whe it's stuck.
That works a treat! Thanks Red.
I searched for this and was surprised to not find anything relevant to my seemingly simple little problem: In a nutshell: How do I get a trigger to activate when the player takes his opponents flag? The context is simple: 2 players, each with a 'locked' Scud launcher. and each with a flag for their side. When one player steals his opponents flag his Scud launcher becomes unlocked. I know how to do everything here, (even have the scud destroy something) except trigger something when the flag is actually taken.
There is a probably a simple answer to this and I've searched for it but can't find anything. I have a very, very simple MP mission with just two players, one WEST the other EAST and both in helicopters. The goal is to destory each other. But I want a "Destroy" waypoint from the WEST player to the EAST and from the EAST player to the WEST so both players know where and how far away they are from the other. But, the waypoints do not follow the players and instead stay put at their start possitions, which looks odd when the target is 'destroy empty bit of ground or tree' So, how do you 'stick' a waypoint to a unit/vehicle so the other player can find them wherever they are on the map? And not get removed when the players meet each other?
eh? setpos loop, what's that? Are you saying by using a trigger, the opponents whereabouts on the map will be visible to the other player? setpos loop sounds like a script, if you can post an example here that would be great.
Is it possible to have a car's headlamps ON when there's nobody in the drivers seat? And on the same subject, how do you get a helicopter to turn ON it's searchlight while in flight? I've got a helicopter looking for the player but the lights are OFF and does not attack in the dark with the dotarget and dofire commands.
Oops, posted the same answer twice so this is an edit. Look on page 6 or 7 No downloaded this add on myself so I can't say if it works. or better here: CLICK
Or go here: and look for 'West (and East) Soldier with Flashlight'
Staying crouched while firing
dmay replied to MAsta_KFC's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
How do you stop a unit 'going prone' when firing? I've got an 'outro-loose' set up in my mission where you see the player getting shot by a firing squad. But when the instruction to fire comes they all get down on the ground like idiots. I tried using the unitname setunitpos "up" command but then the units don't shoot. I've not scripted this, although I could. I'm just using triggers set to true and each one has a wait time before triggering. The firing squad is made up of East soldiers and the player is a West soldier (setcaptive true), when I want the East soldiers to fire I have a trigger set to switch the captive state of the player to false. -
Okay, I've got a unit called man2 and a vehicle called car2, a trigger set to true and the activation is man2 moveindriver car2 In the units INIT field I have: [car2, man2, [0,-1,-0.6], true exec "carcam.sqs" I have a script called carcam.sqs that contains: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _unit = _this select 0 _target = _this select 1 _camoffsetX = (_this select 2) select 0 _camoffsetY = (_this select 2) select 1 _camoffsetZ = (_this select 2) select 2 _camrelative = _this select 3 vehiclecamstop = false _cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] #loop _newpos = getpos _unit ? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) + _camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit" _cam camsettarget _unit _cam camsetrelpos [_camoffsetX,_camoffsetY,_camoffsetZ] #commit _cam camcommit 0 _cam camsettarget _target _cam camcommit 0 ~0.01 ? NOT(vehiclecamstop) : goto "loop" _cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"] camdestroy _cam exit <span id='postcolor'> When the mission begins the camera is on the back seat watching the driver (GOOD) but then the camera flips round to face the opposit way (BAD) what do I need to change in my script so the camera always watches the driver from the rear and not turn away everytime? (turns away as car starts to move, following a waypoint)?
Well, no one interested in my problem then? Too late anyway I've sorted it out.
Hmm, camsetrelpos doesn't work, this is my script: _camera = "camera" camCreate getpos pilot _camera camSetTarget getPos pilot _camera camSetRelPos [10,5] setacctime 1.0 enableRadio false ~10 player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"] camDestroy _camera Over=true All I get is 'generic error in expression' when it is run.
three things I'm trying to do I need help with before I go insane: (searched but couldn't find anything usefull) 1, How do I return a map coord (x,y,z) to the player when stepping through a trigger? (so I can do a camcreate at the same possition) 2, What do I need to put in my script to create a camera inside the cockpit of a plane (following a waypoint) so I can see the pilot flying it with a duration of several minutes? 3, Is there a way to have a waypoint appear to the player only when a condition is met such as a trigger activated? (I tried setting the waypoints condition to false but it still appears as soon as the game starts) Thanks in advance
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">explosion = "shell125" camcreate getpos playername <span id='postcolor'> yes I know that but I would like to know how to see the x y z of the players possition in the map so I can do a camera script like: _camera = "camera" camCreate [8000,4000,74] _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"] setacctime 1.0 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">there should be a command called 'camsetrelpos' in official command reference.<span id='postcolor'> Ahh, yes so there is, _camera camSetRelPos [10,5] that should help, thanks RalphWiggum While messing around with a few things I've discovered you can moveincargo or moveindriver a game logic unit so the player can't drive a vehicle or when made to 'get in back of truck' he will do instead of the passanger side. Just thought I'd share that with you.