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Everything posted by dj_meanmachine

  1. dj_meanmachine

    Ideas for the next flashpoint upgrade

    Hello out there, here some other things I would like to have changed in one of the next upgrades, and I hope BI takes this serious: - AI driving skills are poor, they need to be improved. Especially collision detection (e.g. tank formations) is horrible. Try to change to a formation other than "Wedge" and they will keep running into each others line of fire or bounce into each other, making your platoon an easy target in the worst possible moments. - stop the jabber and take my commands: this is really annoying, especially in tank battles: My character or other players will start announcing targets (especially when there are a lot of them) and during this they completely ignore my commands, e.g. TARGET T-80, FIRE ... instead they continue to announce targets and I get hit many times until my stupid AI gunners finally react to my commands ... please change this! Orders should be taken immediately, no matter what. - Tank gunners: When I say "TARGET T-80, FIRE" I mean "aim at the T-80 and open fire when you got it in your crosshairs ..." but instead the stupid gunner will fire his gun no matter at what it is pointing ... so I first need to wait with my FIRE command until the gunner has finished moving his gun around. Please change this. - no loot command: There should be a loot command by which resistance soldiers automatically take weapons from dead enemies. - Action menu: If you select more than one soldier at once the action menue becomes emtpy. - Ability to select two soldiers and have them move ammo crates into trucks, BMP's, M-113's etc. and unload them again. - ability to carry more than one gun (at least on back): Come on, especially when being a resistance fighter, you should be able to take more than one gun on your back, even if you become slower or maybe could only use one of the weapons (no possibility to switch, to avoid Q3 or UT style weapon inventories where people are carrying 10+ guns and can use each of them ...). This would simulate real behaviour of resistance fighters: Carry as much as you can from your dead enemies and disappear ... - Laser warning in tanks ("M1 Tank Platoon" style) when someone is aiming at you ... same for AI. Would make killing tanks with guided weapons more challenging. - Shilka and Vulcan: no functioning Radar screen: As tank commander of a Shilka you should be able to click on a target that shows up on your Radar and have the gun lock on to this. This at least would simulate the behaviour of a real radar guided AA gun, which e.g. the Shilka actually is! (I served as AA gunner here in Switzerland, we had the Oerlikon Laser/Radar guided twin 35mm AA guns so I know what I am talking about ...) - 30mm guns, especially on A-10, seem to be underpowered, they ought to have far more fire power. I know what a 35mm (which is only slightly bigger) can do from real life experience and a short one second burst (which at 1100 rpm results into 18 - 20 shots ) of 35mm HE or AP should kill any M-113 or BMP instantly. MBT's however can only be damaged (main weapon, turret, gunsights, lasers and tracks) if hit in the front. To kill them you have to hit them in the rear (engine, fuel tanks). - ability as soldier to use gun when sitting in the back of a BMP (e.g. by pressing the "V" button). ... well, that's it from here. Sorry if this was already posted in other threads. Regards, - dj.