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Everything posted by drcharm

  1. drcharm

    1.45 patch

    Yeah, well, it's buggy. At least you didn't have to ask for permission to download it. <parody> BIS has made the right decision in putting out a patch that doesn't allow the helicopters to land. If everyone was able to land helicopters, the game would rapidly become full of bad helicopter landings. For now, I say let the people who BIS thinks should be able to land helicopters do so, the rest of us just have to be patient and wait until BIS thinks we're ready to land helicopters too. </parody> Cheers, Dr. Charm
  2. drcharm

    Oxygen not being freely distributed online!

    A modding alliance? You mean like a group of dedicated fans who are interested in making quality models and releasing them to the greater OFP community? A group of people working together, serving as a resource for each other and giving support and assistance to each other?... <sarcasm> Yeah, where could BIS possibly find a group of people like that </sarcasm>? Cheers, Dr. Charm
  3. drcharm

    Oxygen not being freely distributed online!

    I'm very disappointed. I was getting the information together to make a 2B9 82-mm Vasilyek Automatic Mortar, and now, what am I supposed to do? Get together a team of people, make some models with the wrong software, start a website and then ask if I can get the tools to actually start work on it? Please. Yeah, 95% of add-ons would be crap, and 99% of those crappy add-ons would never be released because the maker would get bored. IF they had wanted to do it this way and had told us a few weeks ago, a lot fewer people would be ticked off. I don't understand why if the problem is that they "want to focus on supporting selected projects that will be really beneficial for whole OpFlash community". Then just release a general manual for the rest of us, and give support to the 'selected projects'. I mean, how much work was done with the editor without official support? Did that somehow damage the game? Again, please. It's weak customer relations and damages any relationship they have with their customers. Cheers, Dr. Charm
  4. drcharm

    3d modeling program

    Well, we ain't getting it Cheers, Dr. Charm
  5. What a load of poop!! This is a lesson in how to build up bad blood. Say that you're going to release something that people have been clamoring for for months, say its going to be free and available to everyone and say its going to be released before the end of February. Then on the *last* day of February change the story. Now, unless you meet their completely subjective criteria (and they don't even give a general idea of what the criteria is) you don't get it. Bah. Why did they even say they were going to release it in the first place? It just makes them look like buttheads. Cheers, Dr. Charm
  6. drcharm

    My screen is constantly feezing up on me

    I have the same problem, I'm virtually certain that it's the Radeon... I'm trying the latest drivers for it (I mean, really, the latest, the beta ones). Hopefully that will help. Cheers, Dr. Charm
  7. drcharm

    3d modeling program

    Today is the last day of the month... where's my O2? Cheers, Dr. Charm