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Posts posted by dismas

  1. I did a fairly simple search before posting (no flame), turned up nothing.

    Recently set up the nvidia dualview feature on my Ti4200 card, using a 17" and a 15" monitor. Most of the things I do still work fine. Half-life works like it should, on the 17" monitor, but OFP refuses to use the 17" monitor and will only work if I set it to the dualview device - the 15".

    Any help or suggestions BESIDES switching the plugs around would be an awesome help.

    thanks in advance,


  2. If you are at the briefing and you do the trick to look at the backlog of what's been said and the host launches you will crash everytime.

    it would be nice if this bug was fixed.

    To replicate this bug:

    hit the key to talk (/ by default), then use CTRL+PAGEUP or CTRL+PAGEDOWN to look at the history of what's been said.

    get the host to launch at this point.


    I'm sorry if this bug has already been reported and I'm just a repeating 'tard. wink.gif

  3. you can "add" new objectives to a mission by setting them up beforehand.

    have them set to "objective" objStatus "hidden" before mission start (in init.sqs is a good place)

    then when you want to activate them do "objective" objStatus "active"

    for markers, put an empty type marker down on the map like a regular marker.

    when you want the marker to appear change the marker type.

    "marker" setMarkerType "flag"

    there are several different marker types listed in the comref.

  4. try using the format command.

    skiptime 5; titleText [format["%1", dayTime], "plain", 10]

    as a sidenote, if you do a fade and then try to put words over it, whichever is called last will negate the first. as in, black out, then put "Hello, World" over it will negate the black out.

    the way to get around this is to use cutText and titleText, use one for the fade, the other for words.

  5. I'm being especially generous today, probably because I'm bored way out of my mind.  So here's a script that is completely untested that you can try.

    don't forget to make a game logic called "server" and name both players player1 and player2

    ; dismas, oh yeah!

    ; Assuming that the score command increments:

    ; 1 for ai kill

    ; 2 for soft vehicle kill

    ; 3 for hard/armoured vehicle kill

    ; 5 for airplane kill

    ; and assuming that there are only 2 players.  PERIOD.

    ? !(local server) : exit

    ; amount of money per point

    _moneyModifier = 100

    player1money = 0

    player2money = 0

    player1score = 0

    player2score = 0

    _diff = 0

    _ns = 0


    _ns = score player1

    ? (player1score == _ns) : goto "next1"

    _diff = player1score - (_ns)

    ? _diff > 0 : player1money = player1money + (_moneyModifier * _diff)

    player1score = _ns

    publicVariable "player1money"


    _ns = score player2

    ? (player2score == _ns) : goto "next2"

    _diff = player2score - (_ns)

    ? _diff > 0 : player2money = player2money + (_moneyModifier * _diff)

    player2score = _ns

    publicVariable "player2money"



    goto "loop1"



    as usual, I made a small mistake (which was somewhat critical).  script should work fairly nicely now.

    edit #2:

    I hate me for this.  Small change to make it more reliable in MP.

    edit #3:

    and another critical mistake fixed. smile.gif

    I'm on fire today.

  6. I'm fairly certain that respawn does not work in single player at all.

    And try respawn_civ as your marker. (if the players are civilians)

    As for the money, you'd have to probably watch player scores using the score command.

    as in, have a script on the server only (gamelogic time, babay!wink.gif that loops with a small delay and watch for changes in the score of players. score goes up = more money.

    I've never done this, and I'm talking out of my ass. So be forewarned. Bn880 is the man.

  7. I'm sure it is a very small thing, but custom resources which worked for 1.46 and prior are giving me the old brain ache with 1.75.

    Please someone enlighten me.

    class RscPicture










    class RscTitles


    class logo256








    class pic1:RscPicture











    problem is that it doesn't show up using a trigger or cutRsc

    maybe I have the wrong value for "type"?

  8. I am working on something and I need to get a list of everything within a certain radius of a point on any spot of the map.

    using a trigger with anything present (or not present) and listing it only returns editor created objects... not dead bodies, or camcreate'ed stuff

    any help on this would be appreciated.


  9. first question: I'd like to know the answer, myself: (not possible, afaik)

    second question: unitname selectWeapon "lawlauncher"

    it also helps to set the unit to combat mode: unitname setBehaviour "combat"

    third question: cutRsc ["binocular", "PLAIN"], you will want to remove the cinematic bars beforehand: showCinemaBorder false

    don't forget to turn the cinematic bars back on when you cut from binocular: cutRsc ["", "PLAIN"] showCinemaBorder true



  10. BigRed is not such an idiot that he would confuse lag/desync. I think anyone that has played for any amount of time in this great game called OFP would realize that lag happens... a lot (in OFP).

    In his defense, let me paint a little scenario. I am in a T80 in a CTF (from a gamespy launch), a guy sneaks around behind me and starts to hit me with the carl gustav. he's nowhere near an ammo box, but he's still reloading very fast and pounding my T80 with carl gustav's. I checked the desync between he and I, and there was none. How do I know it was a gustav? Again, it's something that comes from the experience of playing... You can just tell. Plus, when the rocket skims along the ground and homes your tank, it's kind of a dead give-away.

    Explain that to me, please. 4 carl gustav hits, incredibly fast reload, and no ammo box anywhere near the pos.

    I didn't start crying about it, but it does exist. I have seen it.

  11. the trouble with fire and doFire (doTarget) only lies with infantry. You can't force an infantry man to aim any kind of weapon at a coordinate set which is what the fire command relies on. After much trial and error and nearly smashing my computer and killing myself, I've determined that the ONLY way to get an ai infantry to fire automatically at another ai infantry is to just go get a gun yourself.

    If you don't mind how it looks, you can use this following script which I home brewed. It's almost reliable. ALMOST.

    ; _weapon is the string name of the weapon (weapon identifier)

    _weapon = "g36a"

    ; guy that gets WASTED. it is the object name. you can get creative and use nearestObject, too

    _target = whatever_you_want_put_here

    ; guy that does the _targetshooting. object name, again

    _leeharveyoswald = whatever_you_want_put_here

    ; how many times you want to try to force the guy to fire "automatically"

    _shots = 10

    _c1 = 0


    _leeharveyoswald doTarget _target

    _leeharveyoswald doFire _target

    _ca = _leeharveyoswald ammo _weapon

    @((_leeharveyoswald ammo _weapon) <= (_ca - 1))

    _target setDammage 0

    setAccTime 0.1


    setAccTime 2

    _c1 = _c1 + 1

    ? _c1 < _shots : goto "loop1"

    just play around with the numbers till you get the effect you want. as is, this looks very nice in cutscenes because there is a pause in which you can see the weapon flare and the shell ejecting.

    You will never have this problem with vehicles, though, because the fire command works properly with them.

    This is something I seriously hope BIS changes/fixes.

  12. Could it be possible to allow ai infantry to target coordinate sets instead of just object targets? It would be so very very useful in a lot of things.

    I don't know if anyone has suggested this already, but forums are particularly slow today, and I'm lazy.

    thanks wink.gif

  13. I've been trying to force an AI to fire automatically at a target, or just automatically indiscriminately. Trouble is, I can't force this with doFire, and when I use fire ["g36a", "fullauto"] the AI aims directly into the air and unloads into the sky. Does anyone know how to force the AI to aim at least on the level (horizontal)?

    disableAI "TARGET" and disableAI "AUTOTARGET" doesn't seem to help, before anyone dares to suggest it wink.gif

    I have searched the forums as best I could before asking this, and couldn't find any helpful posts.

    And no, I don't want to do setAccTime 10 and loop doFire, for reasons of appearance.

    thanks in advance
