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Everything posted by desantnik

  1. desantnik

    Pistol Animation pack 1.1

    silly question but I thought I better cover all aspects... do you have the resistance addon? If so then do you have a previous version of dreamyknights anims somewhere? I cant really think of anything else...
  2. desantnik

    Pistol Animation pack 1.1

    absolutely sanctuary... I wasn't meaning that I'd want it this week. I just wanted to know if you were working on it. So thanks a lot! I am happy now.
  3. desantnik

    Pistol Animation pack 1.1

    Sorry to keep pestering you Sanctuary...I know you are probably jittery from all the coffee and late nights but is there a chance we might see a one handed stance for the pistol or not? I know it's not as realistic but it is a lot different and fresher than the two handed stance. Also I am not expecting it out tomorrow because I heard about the horror of interpolating all those anims...so just a quick yes, no would suffice. Thanks for all your anims...I am big fan.
  4. desantnik

    Pistol Animation Replacement

    I never said anything about being tactical. It is in the interest of variety and eye candy. I am just tired of two years of two handed anims...
  5. desantnik

    Pistol Animation Replacement

    Sanctuary, I love these new anims...and the fact that they're easier to manipulate is just great. But, I am dying to ask you, as I am sure many other folks, if you can make the standing anim one handed and interpolate to a crouching two handed hold.
  6. desantnik

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    I am sorry I am too lazy to read the previous 9 pages but did he mention if he was going to do pistol anims as well for this pack? edit: Nevermind, guess I'm not too lazy after all. Found what I was looking for previous page. Good work!
  7. desantnik

    Silent hunteriii

    here are some screenshots from another forum I visit. http://redorchestra.clanservers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1937 I think I am going to go ahead and get it...that thread convinced me.
  8. desantnik

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    woot! Cant wait for this island with the old textures back!
  9. desantnik

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Yea, sorry for the nitpick, but the old textures were much better. Great job with the rest of the island. Please change old textures back. I wouldnt mind downloading a much bigger file for the textures.
  10. desantnik

    Iraqi teaser pack released!

    ooh...must have missed that one.
  11. desantnik

    Iraqi teaser pack released!

    found another bug: when you choose khaki republican guard machinegunner - you get the dot camo machinegunner instead. also I've experienced ctd with almost all the troops. Any news on this? I cant play for more than 30 seconds.
  12. desantnik

    Which guns do you own

    a few pics from my thread over at RedOrchestraMod.forums, http://redorchestra.clanservers.com/forums....&pp=20: and you though madmedic had a nice collection, check these out: http://www.gunpics.net/images/guns3.JPG http://www.gunpics.net/images/guns2.JPG forgot to add. I am not the crazy lucky SOB who owns these beauties. Its a New Zealander by the name of BAS. Lucky....
  13. desantnik

    ORCS machine gun pack

    Army Day - methinks
  14. desantnik

    Thunder and Lightning!

    I say great step in the right direction but the clouds look too...marshmellowy? for me. Would it be possible to fade them a little bit in color and provide some transperancy? Good initiative!
  15. desantnik

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    What about the safe walking animations...I see in your pack they are pretty much default. Would it be possible to replace these with Dreamy Knights animation pack? all you need to tell me is the rtm for safe walk safe jog thanks! By the way, I love your latest pack. It is really a huge improvement !
  16. desantnik

    Bn880's Tracers V1.0

    what if I want all the units on the map to fire tracers...surely theres an easier way than opening up each individual unit and adding that line! That would take forever! And since in missions which deal with Russian and Chechen troops the weapons will be pretty much the same so the tracer number doesnt matter too much. Thanks
  17. desantnik

    Bn880's Tracers V1.0

    So how would I be able to implement this in a single player mission - like ambush? I already de-pboed it. Can I put in a script like this east = aunitse west = aunitsw [_aunitse , 3]call loadFile{\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf} [_aunitsw , 3]call loadFile{\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf} what should I change to do it right.
  18. desantnik

    Red Hammer Studios

    anyword on release date? besides "when its done" Guys, I really appreciate all your hard work and I am really impressed by it but the majority of us are really...really...tired of waiting so long without news. Its been months since anything has been released but seriously how long does it take? Can we at least get an estimated time for release? Maybe a few more screens? Anything to wet an appetite long overdue for a meal.
  19. desantnik

    US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

    aaw...now I feel guilty about not finishing it... I'll get up off my lazy ass and do it...
  20. desantnik

    US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

    Mike I am guessing you had those soldiers as individuals, spaced just far apart that they'll fire?
  21. desantnik

    US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

    there was a sword pistol combination in the beta.
  22. desantnik

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    Yes, Sanctuary thanks for helping make the OFP universe a bit more diverse. I have some suggestions... would you or another anim maker redo some of the death animations... I've looked at the same ones for almost 4 years and they are getting a little bit old. also when you give us the new animations could you give a brief 1 two words description of what that particular rtm would change...ex klEkDALEKstat.rtm = reload standing or something like that. Thanks for your great work!
  23. desantnik


    download the British WW2ec pack...they have working flamethrowers.
  24. desantnik

    US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

    or you can download the anim which is usually less then a KB and unpbo the O addon and then stick the anim in and repack the whole thing. Much easier than downloading the O.pbo
  25. desantnik

    Which guns do you own

    Is the soumi still activated? Also where did you get your hands on these awesome things?