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About desantnik

  • Rank
    Gunnery Sergeant


  • Interests
    Military, Russian history, politcal science
  1. desantnik

    Military Humor

    . http://img447.imageshack.us/img447/9876/n2146007373035793490754qq.jpg edit: image file size over 100kb
  2. desantnik

    Military Humor

    Pvt. Carillo and his brownies
  3. desantnik

    Military Humor

    Holy shit!!! Private Carrillo! He was in my platoon in boot this summer. Platoon 3118, Kilo Company That was during mcmap testing, the whole platoon was laughing at it, cant believe its so famous right now. I'll try and post a scan of my platoon and I'll show you what he looked like without nearly passing out. Meanwhile here is a pic of my mortar section: I am the smug looking little sunobitch in the middle, front row, see if you can find jabba (hint: he is wearing a poncho)
  4. desantnik

    Military Humor

    I tackled the smiling bastard after I took this picture. Self explanitory, however dont feel bad for the bloke on the bottom, he deserved t.
  5. desantnik

    Irish Interim troops

    you gents dont blouse your boots?
  6. desantnik

    US Civil War Mod ver.1.0 Beta Released

    hey fellas, I was thinking, wouldnt be really easy to implement the 54th or 52nd (cant remember which) Massachussetts regiments led by Col Shaw? Just retain all the uniforms but set the faces to all black and voila...fort wagner here we come!
  7. desantnik

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    This is so the Russians will be able to have russian speech, I think. Because a long time ago their was a pack that came out which included Russian voices...for the east...Thats why they chose to do it that way is my guess.
  8. desantnik

    I'm going to Basic tomorrow

    I leave July 8th...for Camp Peddleton. MOS: Mortarman
  9. desantnik

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    Sanctuary...thank you for appeasing us whining masses and making the new pistol animation (or was it mostly me!) Your efforts are really appreciated!
  10. desantnik

    Amazon Forest De-Forestation

    what is this thread doing in OFP forums though?
  11. desantnik

    Need help with a certain mission

    that would be great! I appreciate your help!
  12. Hello... I need some help...I've got a line of napoleonic infantry that marches using the JSDF animations. This works really well to keep them in tight formation. However I need a trigger that makes everybody in it switchmove "". So a trigger that makes all units switchmove "" should be simple but its 1 in the morning and I cant think...or search correctly apparently
  13. desantnik

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    end of the march for these french volunteers this concludes my first part of the series... Battle of Borodino  edit: CRap! Sorry Placebo! I didnt mean to double post! Too busy checking filesizes! wont happen again.
  14. desantnik

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Na Front! Lib45, JSDF for manhunter