So I am looking to build into unit cohesion on a larger scale than squad level, but definitely not ALIVE military commander. I have a theory, if one of you veteran can shed light on this. All I am trying to achieve is essentially, to one up the system. This is the Idea; Squad Leader = Command squad, Rifleman = Rifle squad... 4 squads led by a command section. I don't need it to dynamically, assign tasks, I don't need it to add 6 new ai states lol. I need the squads to operate separately, yet work together through KBtell maybe. Officer1 gives move order to Squad leader 1, instead of squad member 1, squad leader 1 communicates the order to his squad. Simple, yet It's not been done yet (to my noob knowlege... which means there is a reason.
Now one more thought, just so ya'll know I've done my homework, THIS IS NOT WISHFUL THINKING. This exact behavior exists in the game. When you group 4 tanks together, you get this exact result. I believe it works like this; Tank is the brain, tank commander is the eyes, ears, and mouth. The crew are essentially weapons? or ammo? I can't remember exactly. Please don't write me a script, I am trying to be a big boy and learn through self punishment, but whatever guidance ya'll can give me will be forever appreciated. How can I make a large squad of 20, adopt tank group cohesion without breaking the game? If I have to script it, I'm not very good at that yet, but I am not scared to try anything. Thanks in advance. PS I can understand the sqf terminology, so you can use big boy words on me lol.