Is anyone still interested in ThomsonB's Flashpoint-Mission? I'm trying to define some more objects (tasks), called by the intial script "objective.sqf". Idea is to call another skript by using the initial variable "end_mission=true;" I don't get even to the point where my next sctript is called. This is the call:
if (end_mission) then {[] execVM "obj_EndMission.sqf";}; // Check of the variable "end_mission"=true" for calling the next script.
And that is the next skript:
hint "Objective completet!";
sleep 1;
_endTrig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
_endTrig setTriggerTimeout [10,10,10,true];
_endTrig setTriggerStatements ["end_mission","",""];
_endTrig setTriggerType "END1";
Thanx for help