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Everything posted by RebelElephant

  1. RebelElephant

    SOG AI

    thanks. I believe I'm getting more consistent behavior and breaking them out of the "sticky" stance problem.
  2. RebelElephant

    SOG AI

    Hey, is there any consistent way to get my SOG AI units to break out of a previous stance order, like yesterday I asked them to go prone, possibly with the VAN command instead of SOGAI. but then for remainder of session no matter what i did they stayed prone the whole time crawling around. Tried everything from Halting, stealth, VAN commands to SOG, SOG commands back to VAN. Nothing worked. only new recruits broke the "stuck" condition, but the original ones just crawled all over the map! haha kinda funny actually. Thanks so much! As a newbie to ARMA this mod is a game changer, literally!