1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
1-505th Parachute Infantry Regiment actively trains and participates in as many as 30 events a month. We are here to have fun and enjoy each others company as we represent 1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Hell Let Loose and Foxhole. Real life always comes first. We try to be as realistic as possible, but not to the point of it being too much. We are a very welcoming community and are looking forward to gaming with you!
--- > Must be 18 or older
--- > Have a working microphone
--- > Ability to work as a team
--- > Adaptability
--- > Strong Communication Skills
--- > Ability to follow orders
What to Expect
--- > Regular scrims with other units.
--- > 30+ Monthly events to attend.
--- > Opportunity to progress within our ranks.
--- > Actively train on different drills, squad tactics, and maneuvers.
--- > Added to our PERSCOM Soldier Management System roster.
--- > Play with experienced Hell Let Loose players.
--- > A large Veteran community.
Point of Contact: johnson505
Discord: discord.gg/505pir
Website: 505thpir.us