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Everything posted by Wildman132331

  1. Wildman132331

    Help With Addaction Activating A Trigger

    Thanks 🙂. It's working just how I want.
  2. Hello everyone! This is my first post on here so apologies if something's amiss with my delivery. I am using the following line in a unit's init who I want to activate a trigger upon the player walking up to them, scrolling through the action menu, and selecting "Start Briefing": this addaction ["Start Briefing",{Trigger_Con = true; publicVariable "Trigger_Con";}]; I am then activating the trigger with this line in the condition: Trigger_Con; It would seem things were going well at first, the player walked up to the unit and the briefing started after selecting the action in the menu, activating some code I put in the trigger's activation field, however, I ran into some limitations: 1. The distance at which I can activate the briefing by looking at the unit is ridiculous. (I assume it is 50m.) 2. The menu item "Start Briefing" by looking at the unit still remains after I use it, which I do not want. I have looked at the syntax for the addaction, but I find it confusing and can not get the result I want experimenting with that information. Much thanks if anyone can assist me with either problem.