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Everything posted by FoxClubNiner

  1. This appears to turn off the helicopter engine for me. How would you keep it running?
  2. Any ideas how to remoteExec this? Currently it just plays on the local machine that activates it. I am trying to get this working in a dedicated server environment.
  3. I stayed up way too late last night trying to get this to work. Quite simply I am trying to remoteExec a end mission function through an addAction. The idea being that any client can end the mission for everybody when they choose. I have the addAction already written and tested fine: player addAction ["End Mission", {["end1", true , 3, true, true, true] call VN_fnc_endMission;}, nil, 7, false, true, "", ""]; But since an addAction has a local effect only this only activates on the client that executes it. So that means I need to remoteExec it. The problem is I don't quite know how to order the text. I've tried a few things but I get errors when I do. Here is an example of one I tried that didn't do anything:
  4. FoxClubNiner

    RemoteExec a Function

    Thanks for the fantastic information everyone! Indeed I will gate this action until the mission is almost over. Basically it becomes available to players if they don't want to wait out the 3 minute helicopter ride back to base and receive their mission debrief, which is just some sidechat I wrote. But for all intents and purposes the mission is already over at that point.
  5. FoxClubNiner

    RemoteExec a Function

    I'd like to try implementing this. Can you clarify what it means by "In Client" and "In Server"? At first I thought maybe it means initPlayerLocal and initServer but now I'm unsure.
  6. Are there known compatibility issues with a dedicated server and waypoints? I'm having an issue getting a helicopter to land (works fine in the editor). Here's the setup: 1. Helicopter has a hold waypoint. 2. Players enter trigger zone that removes the hold waypoint with: deleteWaypoint [group heli, 1]; 3. Helicopter flies to invisible helipad but wont land. However, oddly enough if I remove the hold waypoint from the mission alltogether, the helicopter has no problem landing on the server. Something about the hold waypoint breaks it. Is there a way I could script this hold waypoint maybe? Or maybe I could use somesort of script that freezes the unit in place until I need it?
  7. This one is a little tricky to explain. Right now I have it all working minus this JIP issue. Let me explain. What I want: 1. Players can equip scuba gear via addAction. (working as intended) 2. If scuba gear is equipped they can restore their loadout via addAction. (working as intended) 3. If a player leaves (game crashes) and returns I want them to be able to pick up where they left off. Meaning if they had scuba gear on when they left then when they return the addAction should be to let them equip their loadout (not working as intended) The problem: 3. If a player leaves (game crashes) and returns while they had scuba gear on, when they return they are still wearing scuba which seems normal. However, the addAction available is "Equip SCUBA", which doesn't make sense because they already have scuba. I need the returning player to have "Equip Loadout". initPlayerLocal: scubaEquipped = false; // This makes sure the first addAction is "Equip SCUBA Gear" The addActions within a sqf: ptboat addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Equip SCUBA Gear</t>", "scripts\scubagear.sqf", nil, 7, false, true, "", "_this in (crew _target) && !scubaEquipped"]; //Shows up if you are in the boat and have your regular loadout ptboat addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Equip Loadout Gear</t>", "scripts\loadoutgear.sqf", nil, 7, false, true, "", "_this in (crew _target) && scubaEquipped"]; //Shows up if you are in the boat and have your SCUBA scubagear.sqf playerLoadout = getUnitLoadout player; //saves the loadout before equipping scuba gear so it can we recalled with equip loadout action //a bunch of items removed then scuba gear added to inventory. scubaEquipped = true; //removes the "Equip SCUBA gear" addaction and replaces it with "Equip Loadout Gear" loadoutgear.sqf player setUnitLoadout playerLoadout; //recalls the loadout that was saved in scubagear.sqf scubaEquipped = false; //removes "Equip SCUBA gear" addaction and replaces it with with "Equip SCUBA Gear" It's really hard to explain. I might make a video. But basically if I player leaves and rejoins his "progess" isn't saved. progress meaning which addaction state should be shown for him. Now that I think about it more. Maybe I need a way to save the client state if they crash and then call it when they return. I'm not sure if that's possible .
  8. FoxClubNiner

    JIP Woes Regarding Unit Loadouts

    Incredible if true! I havent retried your script yet. I just got done taking 5 hours to get a freaking helicopter to land. I need a break lol. But I should be able to retry it tomorrow!
  9. FoxClubNiner

    Waypoints and Dedicated Server

    Okay after messing around for a few hours I figured it out. It isn't the hold way points that are the problem on dedicated servers. It's how I was deleting them to progress the way points. That works fine in SP but on dedicated it wont work. What you have to do is setup a SkipWaypoint trigger. I used a variable in the condition: PickUsUpVariable; And in my addAction I set the variable to true. Can I take a moment to vent? Why does everything have to break on a dedicated server?? It's so frustrating having something work in the editor only to find out you need to do hours of diagnosis to get it working on a dedicated server. Ugh.
  10. FoxClubNiner

    JIP Woes Regarding Unit Loadouts

    Yes I placed it where you said and it was a copy/paste job so it is as you have written it. Regarding the SCUBA after a certain time period on land it gets thrown in the backpack and you have shorts on if I remember correctly.
  11. FoxClubNiner

    JIP Woes Regarding Unit Loadouts

    Thank you for the help Mr. Curry! I tested your code. After I load in and go to "Equip SCUBA Gear" I get an error message directing me to line 2 in equipscuba.sqf. The error states that there is a missing ;. I double checked line 2 and there is a semicolon there. Can you look it over and see if there is a mistake please? Also I am posting a Youtube Video that showcases the problem I was trying to describe in my original post. I am using Pierre's code for this test but it has the same problem as mine so it's a good example. Thank you for the help Pierre! Here is a video where I test your code, it has the same problem as the code in my original post.
  12. FoxClubNiner

    JIP Woes Regarding Unit Loadouts

    Wow! First off, thank you both very much for the help! These look like possible solutions. However most if not all of what you wrote in the scripts has gone over my head. Its just simply beyond my skill level. I do appreaciate the notes though. As I re-read them I'm trying to parse out what they do. Still, I always try to implement any given help. I will trying copy and pasting your code in a few different ways to see if I get some success and report back either way!
  13. FoxClubNiner

    JIP not showing addAction

    I tried to publicVariable it and couldn't get it working. Perhaps I wrote it wrong which is probably the case since I don't understand it. But I did find a solution to this late last night! I ended up putting the addAction withing a sqf and using a Server Only trigger I remoteExec'd a ExecVM with the true for JIP. I tested it a bunch and no issues anymore! ["scripts\scubanow.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 0, true];
  14. What I want is players to have access to an addAction (provided they have activated the trigger). However right now if someone crashes and returns the addAction is longer there for them (even if they activated the trigger that spawns it) In the On Activation trigger field I have this: ptboat addAction ["Equip SCUBA Gear", "scubagear.sqf", nil, 7, false, true, "", "_this in (crew _target) && !scubaEquipped"]; //Shows up if you are in the boat and have your regular loadout ptboat addAction ["Equip Loadout Gear", "loadoutgear.sqf", nil, 7, false, true, "", "_this in (crew _target) && scubaEquipped"]; //Shows up if you are in the boat and have your SCUBA These lets the player easily swap between their loadout and SCUBA and it all works great minus the JIP issue.
  15. FoxClubNiner

    JIP not showing addAction

    Okay, I've done a bunch of testing on this and I've narrowed the problem down. Quick summary: 1. Any client that was connected when the trigger was activated has access to the addAction. No problem there. 2. However, the only way a JIP player can have access to the addAction is if they or any other client goes into the trigger area again. (By the way the trigger is non-repeatable and NOT Server Only.) So my solution would be to find a way for the the JIP client to know that this trigger was activated already. Perhaps there is a way to globally broadcast if a trigger was activated already?
  16. FoxClubNiner

    JIP not showing addAction

    The condition for "triggerActivated myTrigger" is BLUFOR present. By the way the trigger is non-repeatable and NOT Server Only.
  17. FoxClubNiner

    How to remoteExec a Spawn

    Interestingly this works within a SQF but if I put it in the Activation field of a trigger I get the error message "Invalid number in expression". Any idea why that is?
  18. So I'm pretty close to getting this working. Originally I had: 0 setFog [1, .20, 5]; I like this because you can control the height of the fog with the numbers ".20 and 5" but this wont execute on my dedicated server so I changed it to this: [0, 1] remoteExec ["setFog",0]; This works as intended except I don't have those extra numbers to fine tune the fog height. So I tried this: [0, 1, .20, 5] remoteExec ["setFog",0]; But this way disables the fog so something isn't correct. Any ideas how to integrate the additional parameters?
  19. FoxClubNiner

    Converting setFog to remoteExec

    Thank you. These work great!
  20. FoxClubNiner

    JIP not showing addAction

    So I moved the addAction to initPlayerLocal.sqf but it still wont let JIP players access the addAction.
  21. I'm not entirely sure this is fixed. I'm building my mission using the restrict voice module. It lets you input the object names turn turn off the ambient voices. I have been unsuccessful in getting it to work. I think I will try johnnyboy's solution and see if that works.
  22. Here is my issue. Players that JIP (join in progress) can mess up the mission because they spawn with access to an addAction that was removed for players that were in the server since the start of the mission. The following code works perfect and does what I need it to. It even works when JIP players execute it. I just don't want them to have access to the addAction because they can disrupt the flow of the mission with it. With the help of some people on discord and here, I have written an addAction that executes a .sqf that changes weather, time of day, and a few other things. Here is the addAction: MPScriptGlobal = player addAction ["MP Script Global", {["MPglobal.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 0];}, [], 8, false, true]; The above addAction executes this .sqf: player removeAction MPScriptGlobal; //removes the addAction for players call{playsound "wait1"}; //plays radio message below player sideChat "Razorback, HQ. We're in position and waiting for the patrol. Over."; //subtitles for radio message sleep 7; call{playsound "wait2"}; sleep 1; HQRadio sideChat "HQ, Razorback. Good copy. Don't let the bugs get you. Over and out."; sleep 6; titleText ["", "BLACK OUT", 3]; //fades screen to black 3 fadesound 0; //fades audio to mute sleep 5; NavalPatrolvariableActivated = true; //activates trigger to unhide patrol skipTime -24; //rewinds time to addjust overcast 86400 setOvercast .5; //sets the overcast skipTime 24; //advances time to allow engine to create overcast 0 setRain .40; //sets rain 0 setFog [1, .20, 5]; //sets fog setDate [1967, 3, 31, 5, 57]; //sets time of day 3 fadesound 1; sleep 2; titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 3]; sleep 3; [] Spawn { [ [ ["Recon Position", "<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '1.5' font='tt2020style_e_vn_bold'>%1</t><br/>"], ["0557h", "<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '1.0'>%1</t><br/>"] ] ] spawn vn_ms_fnc_sfx_typeText;}; //type text appears on screen 600 setOvercast .25; //sets overcast to be completed after 5 minutes I have received some advice on discord that "It would be way easier if you would just use a global variable for a action condition and publicvariable it to disable the action." But I don't know exactly how to implement this. Another person was saying to create a initServer file and put some variable in there. Problem is I'm so new I really need this spelled out for me. I've messed around for hours trying different stuff but I think I'm just digging myself a hole. But I'm not giving up!
  23. FoxClubNiner

    remoteExec and JIP

    Bang on man. Works perfect now. Thank you for the help! Do you know how to mark the thread as SOLVED?
  24. FoxClubNiner

    remoteExec and JIP

    Even with my limited knowledge, what you said in step 1-4 makes sense to me. However, I don't quite understand what you mean "reverse the order and call publicVariable after the assignment is done". Do you mean that I just have to swap the order of the lines in the trigger field to look like this? ShowGlobalAction = false; publicVariable "ShowGlobalAction";
  25. FoxClubNiner

    remoteExec and JIP

    So I just tried this in the trigger field: publicVariable "ShowGlobalAction"; ShowGlobalAction = false; It was interesting because the action went away but 1 second later it returned. Almost like it was being overidden by the "isNil 'showGlobalAction". I'm going back through lots of threads but no luck yet. I'm surprised that removing an addAction is so hard for JIP players. I can't count the times that someone had to leave the mission to answer the door, timed out, computer crashed, etc which turned them into a JIP player. I definitely want to take advantage of JIP functionality because of this.