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Koning Julien

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About Koning Julien

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  1. Hi all, I'm trying to activate a layer through script. The layer is called "Layer2" in the editor and has Activation Type "ON_TRIGGER_ACTIVATION". I have a trigger that has an "OnActivate" script. In this script I would like to tell the game to activate "Layer2" (and subsequently all entities below it). I currently have this code: class Trigger1_Class: SCR_FactionControlTriggerEntity { override void OnActivate(IEntity ent) { SCR_HintManagerComponent.GetInstance().ShowCustomHint("Trigger fired", "Success", 15); //The hint pops up when the trigger fired, which proves the trigger is set up correctly IEntity nextLayer = GetGame().GetWorld().FindEntityByName("Layer2"); //The script gets Layer2; but now how do I activate it? } }; Any help is greatly appreciated!