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RickJames Bish

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Everything posted by RickJames Bish

  1. RickJames Bish

    Arma Reforger Addon Requests

    Character speed is already affected by weight; however a fully loaded soldier can vault a wall at the same speed as one that is carrying minimal gear. Have it so there are at least 2 vaulting speeds. One for soldiers in a weight range below X and a slower vault for those X or above.
  2. Pardon me if these features already exist and please point out what i need to do to enable them... Would like it so when I right click a slot, lets call it slot A, that has 6 mags to drop a mag, that slot remains constant in its location rather than moving. Should be able to right click x3 and drop 3 rather than slot changing and dropping something else inadvertently. Add a modified key to "drop all". Hover over a slot, hold modifier key, right click and all in that slot drop or if you hold modifier and hold right click, you can drag all into a different slot.
  3. I cannot find a way to contact this modder. It would be really great if his Persistent Loadout Mod could be made to work with the current Experimental if possible.
  4. Figured it out. Somehow the " " marks around the file path got changed to a weird font. Although still technically quotes, the game did not like it. I copied a working config.json to the new dedicated experimental server install. It starts to load but then fails with this message. Does anyone know if something changed in the experimental that would cause working json to fail?
  5. Wondering if light switches will actually be operational once they add the power grid?
  6. I know this is an old post but ran into this error tonight, but found the issue right away. Always check the IP address you have set in forwarding. Unless it is set to a static address it may have changed during a reboot. If that changes then your port forwarding will obviously not work but the server will still be visible.
  7. RickJames Bish

    Change Scope Zoom to mouse wheel up and down

    By default, at least in the latest version, Left ALT + Mouse wheel will zoom scope in and out. Works quite well.
  8. RickJames Bish

    TrackIR support?

    There is only partial support at this time. Yaw and Pitch, so you can look around. There is no roll, X, Y or Z. Roll is the one I hope they add first since I use it extensively in ARMA 3 for leaning.
  9. When will the Enemy AI be able to retake a captured base in Conflict? Our group has played through Everon Conflict multiple times and it would be so much better if you had to defend bases rather than just leave them there as respawn points.
  10. RickJames Bish

    Handgrenades throwing bug?

    What I am experiencing is different than either of the two scenarios above. In my case, the hand grenade is clearly thrown full distance as you can see it in air going to where you are throwing it. I can take cover behind a vehicle wall, lay prone, etc. but will take significant damage or die from the explosion. This does not happen every time, but it happens enough to where I hesitate to even carry any.
  11. That does not even look like strafing to me. The player is clearly turning left and right. Still there should be some level of inertia applied so change of direction is not instant.
  12. Make sure to unplug any unused gamepads or joysticks. Alternately if there are switches on those devices, you can switch them from their current state and it may fix the issue.
  13. We have been playing Conflict on our dedicated server. We are using experimental but would like to add a vehicle or two to the motor pool selection of the official scenario. There was a M113 that apparently added to the scenario like we want but it does not show up in the experimental mods screen. Does anyone know of a way to do this? We really just want something simple like the the official wheeled armor , I think its the BMP maybe? That category is shown in the motorpool but there is never a vehicle in it.