So something like this?
//Random composition//
_random_comp = [ "Fire_Area", "Fire_Area_Big"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_fire_random = _random_comp;
//Spawn composition//
_random_fire_reference = [_fire_random, location1] call LARs_fnc_spawnComp;
missionNamespace setVariable ["random_fire", _random_fire_reference];
//***other code***//
//Delete composition//
missionNamespace getVariable "random_fire";
"random_fire" call LARs_fnc_deleteComp;
hint format ["Composition cancelled %1", random_fire];
Problem is that "_random_fire_reference" has a unique value and in the debug hint I get "Fire_Area_1" or "Fire_Area_Big_0" and the composition is not actually deleted. I would actually need the composition to be randomly chosen to be spawned and deleted every time the script is called.