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Everything posted by bearddk

  1. bearddk

    Eden rotation / tilt

    Learning Eden and have pretty much an identical question. I want to learn how to rotate after already running a code. My setup right now is just to get a concept to work, but I've attached CRAMS (Praetorian 1C's) to an AR-2 Darter. This works fine. I've correctly spaced them (for what I want) and that too, works fine. Each Praetorian has the line "this attachTo[bump, [0,5,-3]];" with bump being the darters variable name, and the x and y differing per Praetorian slightly. Using just the rotation tool as suggested, they reset to their default orientation when beginning the scenario. I'd now like to be able to have the CRAM's rotate upside down so that the base of them is facing towards the AR-2 Darter above them.