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Posts posted by isotr

  1. 1 hour ago, pSiKO said:

    Ok super, could you retry with 2.21, and send me the server.rpt,

    did you wipe the save and clear the mission settings ?

    try to start your arma with the -debug startup option

    I did what you said, the problems are still the same, no change. I added some pictures, maybe they will give you an idea, good luck.






  2. 17 hours ago, pSiKO said:

    I read the log, it's quite strange,

    I found the error that prevent the vehicle to be crewed, and cause your issue

    19:14:31   Error Eksik ;
    19:14:31 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Malden\scripts\shared\functions\F_forceCrew.sqf..., line 10


    look like it missing a ; at line 10
    the strange part is the error happen at compilation time, before the mission start, like a pure syntax error.

    but I check the code for the version you use (v2.0.19) and it's perfectly fine.


    I just test, same version (v2.0.19) on Malden A3_BLU_PAC vs A3_OPF, and could not reproduce your issue.

    several dozen players use this version and if the vehicle crew was broken, my ears ring a lot!!


    so, did you edit, in any way, the mission or you use the regular pbo file from github without any changes ?


    to "reset to factory" the mission,  you can wipe save game + clear settings (in Parameters, when you're on lobby)

    I push an update (v2.0.20), reset your game , update pb and retry


    let's me know


    I didn't edit anything, I don't know anyway. I downloaded the PBO file from Github and that's it. new version 2,20 problem

  3. On 3/7/2024 at 4:26 PM, pSiKO said:

    @gapone issue fixed !

    in next release (v2.0.18), I add:

    - speak to our units (to know the revive status)

    - support for TFAR + extended new version

    - add marker for sector defense

    - fix evac from heli

    - fix ied traps

    - reduce penalty for failed civ mission

    - a wheelbarrow of minor fix

    Have fun!

    hello pisiko My problems are the same. Enemy soldiers do not organize air operations. There are no soldiers in the enemy tanks, they are empty. Vehicles are not visible in the UAV station (csat nato). Best regards...

  4. On 3/1/2024 at 11:49 AM, pSiKO said:


    I don't modify this part,
    the enemies should continue to send paratrooper and/or aircraft squad to the players.
    frequency and strength are tied to the aggro level and parameters (Difficulty/Aggressivity)

    I increased the difficulty level to higher, the situation did not change.
