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Everything posted by PrizraK11

  1. PrizraK11


    Hi guys! How many ways you know to make a timer ? Only using sleep; or maybe there is more ? For example: C4 TIMER: 30 seconds
  2. Hi guys! Is it possible to create the marker for current side ? Multiplayer mission My idea: 1) Start mission: creating a markers ( like on the screenshot ) but for side west 2) When players from east in area of this markers, this markers will be change the color, but this color also change only for west side General: All, what connected with this markers, will be change on west side, including creaton Screen: https://ibb.co/6Z1RjJs
  3. PrizraK11

    Markers for current side

    So, maybe code will explain better: Maybe I made a mistake // markers.sqf markerBaseBlufor_01 = createMarker ["AreaRightBlufor", [9729.871, 2655.475, 0]]; markerBaseBlufor_01 setMarkerSize [50, 1100]; markerBaseBlufor_01 setMarkerDir 30.062; markerBaseBlufor_02 = createMarker ["AreaLeftBlufor",[9211.766, 2951.124, 0]]; markerBaseBlufor_02 setMarkerSize [50, 1100]; markerBaseBlufor_02 setMarkerDir 30.062; markerBaseBlufor_03 = createMarker ["AreaTopBlufor",[9996.434, 3709.761, 0]]; markerBaseBlufor_03 setMarkerSize [50, 250]; markerBaseBlufor_03 setMarkerDir 119.965; markerBaseBlufor_04 = createMarker ["AreaLowBlufor",[8946.033, 1892.538, 0]]; markerBaseBlufor_04 setMarkerSize [50, 250]; markerBaseBlufor_04 setMarkerDir 119.965; markersArray = ["markerBaseBlufor_01", "markerBaseBlufor_02", "markerBaseBlufor_03", "markerBaseBlufor_04"]; { _x setMarkerType ""; _x setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE"; _x setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _x setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _x setMarkerAlpha 0; } forEach markersArray; // initPlayerLocal.sqf _markersBlufor = ["markerBaseBlufor_01", "markerBaseBlufor_02", "markerBaseBlufor_03", "markerBaseBlufor_04"]; if(playerSide == west) then { { _x setMarkerAlphaLocal 1; } forEach _markersBlufor; };
  4. PrizraK11

    Markers for current side

    But a new problem has appeared. Markers are not displayed when loading in multiplayer. I think it's a matter of checking in initPlayerLocal.sqf
  5. PrizraK11

    Markers for current side

    Works good! Thank you so much
  6. Hi guys! I'm doing a patrol for the base, but I don't know how best to approach this issue from the point of view of the scenario Scheduler? Because: I want the patrol to ride continuously in circles around the base. That is, it requires constant creation of waypoints Question: Where is the best place to run this code? In Scheduler or non scheduler evnironment? And one more question on this topic: Where is the best place to using loops to check the condition, if I want to check postion player for example throughout his stay in the trigger ? Also important question: What is important to consider when writing this code from this point of view? Perhaps there are some priorities?
  7. Hi! I read about this topic on the wiki, but didn't fully understand how it works. Is it possible to provide a couple of examples on this topic (code) with an explanation? 1) Scheduled environment 2) Non - scheduled environments 3) How are they related/or how do they combine with each other?
  8. When creating a function to play a sound when a person enters the trigger, I was faced with the question: what if a person constantly leaves and enters back into the trigger, continuously? Accordingly, the sound will also be produced anew each time and the result will be complete nonsense Question: how can I first check that the sound has played to the end, and then play the same sound again?
  9. Thank you so much! Very useful! Its work!
  10. Yea, playSound3d My code: // init.sqf execVM "bluforBase.sqf"; // bluforBase.sqf Sirens = [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5]; areaBaseBLUFOR setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", true]; areaBaseBLUFOR setTriggerStatements ["this", "[Sirens] call KS_fnc_playSignal;", "hint 'hello!'"]; // fnc_playSignal params ["_signals"]; _soundPlayable = false; { private _sound = playSound3D [getMissionPath "\sounds\BaseSounds\onBluforBase.wav", _x, true, getPosASL _x, 3, 1, 450]; } forEach _signals;