What does this code actually do? cannot figure out how to implement this in my structure, I've got a uniform that loads on my alternate faction character now, sure, but its just using the default uniform model and textures since nowhere is the original uniform you're trying to copy actually called in properly? Its also absolutely impossible to find any proper documentation on how these fucking CFG's work and its pissing me off. I've been struggling to get an RHS uniform to load on a unit for just under 4 hours now and so far this is the only thing to actually get me any semblance of progress, yet I absolutely do not understand what is happening here nor how it works.
Yes I'm familiar with the syntax, just not the classes and what is being inherited here.
class UniformItem;
class Uniform_Base;
class rhs_uniform_afghanka : Uniform_Base{class ItemInfo;}; // this overrides model data I believe, so whats the point?
class DR_rhs_uniform_afghankaILA : rhs_uniform_afghanka
displayName = "m88 (ILA)";
class ItemInfo : ItemInfo
uniformClass = "DR_ILARiflemanNew";
Here's the code snippet I've got if it helps any