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About gt500svt

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  1. Much thanks for the help !!!!
  2. I changed the variable name to P just to make it easy and know there was no typo. Using the below settings my radio support is always active as soon as the mission starts. Going into the trigger will bring up the hint text but never does the deactivation text show when leaving the trigger area nor does the radio support disappear from the communication menu. If I link the trigger and module, the module is not active until I get into the boundary but when I leave it never deactivates
  3. Ok… I laid down the Radio Support Module and named it CAS1 in the variable name. I then laid down the trigger and paste the two scripts into the trigger in their correct places….adding CAS1 to each script at the top. Activation was Any Player and activation type was Present. I then sync the trigger to the Radio Support Module. when I enter the trigger boundary my activation “Hint” text shows up as does the radio support module but when I leave the boundary I never get my deactivation “Hint” text and the Radio Support Module continues to stay active. am I missing a step or doing something wrong? Thank again for the help.
  4. Are these 2 separate triggers. One to activate the module and a second to deactivate it? Or is this one trigger with the first code in the activation and the second in the deactivation ?
  5. Thank you… will give it a try !!!!
  6. I really appreciate the response….. I’m really new to mission making so what you have laid out it probably to advanced for my abilities. I’m just sort of learning and just getting my feet wet with small easy scripts that start and stop helo and plane movements, triggers to activate certain things, and waypoint activations…. Etc….
  7. I’m working on a mission and I need the ability to have the radio support module only work in a certain area. I currently have it turned on by a trigger with a “ Any Player” and “Present “ activation but once activated it stays active the rest of the mission which I don’t need or want. Can I use another trigger to deactivate it once its use is completed? If so, does anyone have the script to accomplish this? of course any other ideas are greatly appreciated!!! thanks MM